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„No I don't want to sleep with him Chan!" Seungmin yelled at his roommate, both of them getting ready for their night shift

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„No I don't want to sleep with him Chan!" Seungmin yelled at his roommate, both of them getting ready for their night shift.

„Then I don't get it," the older said, glancing at the other, who was drying his hair with a towel.
„I would just like to hug the hell out of him. Have a night walks together, bake and cook, go shopping together. No sleeping. Or like, lying next to each other and watch the stars shine sounds like a really good idea.."

„Shut up and just ask him out. What's so hard about it?" he said, annoyed by how shy Seungmin was.

„You said you like or liked him too. Why are you helping me?"

„That's called being friends. Or shall we call it hunger games? Who gets him first, won, who is late, lost," Chan said, brushing his teeth next to Seungmin.

„Don't talk about him like he's a thing you old idiot," the wet haired male said, punching the latter in his shoulder. „It's hyung for you."

„Nu uh I won't show my respect for someone who doesn't respect people that I show affection to. And you know why I won't ask him out! It's weird. What if I'll leave and never come back here? That would look so selfish," he groaned, washing his face. „I would like to have the luck as Hyunjin does. They are both from heaven and don't need to care about what will happen with them after separating to totally different worlds. You have bigger chance. Go for him," he said as he left the bathroom, getting dressed up and leaving.

„Hey are you leaving without me?" Chan asked, but not receiving anything else than a loud noise from the closing door of their apartment.

Talking about these stuff disappoints Seungmin the most.
It reminds him of long distance relationships. Pointless. Or from his view.

It's not pointless if you can hop on the plane and travel to your lover to the other side or the world, but how does it work when you feel some kind of connection to someone from another world?

Yes, Hyunjin came on the Earth back, but it doesn't mean that Seungmin will be able to do it as well. And he doesn't want to admit, but he'll miss this a lot.

He would love to throw it behind and not care about it, but it feels impossible for him. The only people that he can really talk to are Hyunjin and Chan.

Why not Felix, Jisung or even Minho or Jeongin?
He does not trust them that much, or want to put them in the same situation as he is now, and the other two doesn't even know about where all of them came from.

What would Jeongin think about Seungmin after finding out he wasn't born on the Earth? Will their relationship be still the same? Or will he leave them for this? That's the question that ran in Seungmin's mind lately.


„No way you like chocolate ice cream more than vanilla,"  Hyunjin gasped, disgusted by Felix's choice. „Of course I do! You can't ruin anything with a bit of chocolate!"

„You automatically ruin your life when you like chocolate ice cream. You're disgusting," Hyunjin said, making Felix defend himself. „Nu uh, you're just basic. That's it."

And here they were, bickering about ice cream flavour in the middle of the street at 2am.

„I've never been so long outside," the younger said, adoring the night sky full of stars.

„I should take you out more often then," the latter said, smiling at the view of the boy next to him with sparkles in his eyes.

They've walked up to the asian food restaurant, where their friends should have their night shift, going to buy the wanted sushi.

„Hello how may I help you? What's your order sir?" a smaller guy said, having a small but tired smile on his face, looking at Felix.

„Ah.. well, I guess I'd take the six on six pieces of sushi, six.. salmon and six cucumber. Yeah like that please. And, hold on," Felix turned to the older who came with him, signalising to come over and tell his order. „What do you want?"

„I'll go with the same as he did, thanks hyung."

„No problem, oh Hyunjin-ah, hey. Do you want it here, or take it home?"

„Her-" Felix tried to say, before the older cut him in the sentence „We'll take it home, thanks."

„Alright, Seungmin will be preparing your order by now, so if there would be any loud noises, it's okay. He's just having a hard time now. And I didn't even introduced yet. Hi, you have to be Felix right? Hyunjin and Seungmin told me about you a lot. Nice to meet you, I'm Bang Chan," the cashier said, handing his hand to Felix, being accepted by a small hand shake and a warm smile.

„Call me hyung, okay? We're friends from now on. I like you just while breathing. You're cute, I'm not surprised about why Hyunjin-" he paused, looking at his tall friend, who was glaring at him to watch his words. „Why does Hyunjin call you sunshine. You look like one."

„Thank you, I appreciate that," Felix said, lowering his head of embarrassment, smiling like a kid. „Anyways, why are you two going around an Asian restaurant at 2am? I know, it was 100% Hyunjin's idea, right. You know that people with some harm should rest!"

„Ah no no, that was actually mine idea. Hyunjin took me to his apartment and we got nothing to do after finishing our stuff. So I thought about going for a walk," Felix laughed, glancing at Hyunjin who just stood silent, listening to their conversation.

„After finishing our stuff okay that was a bit faster than I thought," Chan raised his eyebrows, receiving a confused look from Felix and a glare from Hyunjin.

„Yeah and I promised to took him to see starry night sky. He never saw it like this. You know, to make some cute memories and stuff, while we are here." Hyunjin added to their conversation, to hide the thing Chan had just said.

The freckled male turned at Hyunjin, widening his eyes „He knows?" shocked by how Chan wasn't even surprised by it. „Yes dummy, he's the only one that I told that to."


craving for sushi atm
i literally had a weird day so i went to the town and bought myself a matching sweater with seungmoo. end of my day recap. thank you for listening.

tae xoxo

love love love

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love love love

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