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Jisung had always been close to Felix's family

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Jisung had always been close to Felix's family. They had welcomed him with open arms when he first arrived back home, and he had grown to love them like his own.

So, when Felix's parents invited him over to their home, he was excited to see them.

As soon as he arrived, Felix's parents greeted him warmly and asked him how he was doing. They were curious about his stay on Earth and how he was adjusting to life here. Jisung was happy to share all of his experiences with them, and they listened intently.

But then, the conversation turned to Felix.
Jisung knew that they were worried about their son, who had been struggling to adapt to life on Earth.

He was surprised when they asked him if Felix would like to stay here permanently.

Jisung hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. He knew that Felix would love to stay on Earth, but his parents had always been hesitant about the idea. Finally, he decided to be honest with them.

"Felix would love to stay here. And so would I," he said. "But I don't think my parents would let me.."

Felix's parents sighed, looking sad. They had always known that the boys were struggling, but they had hoped that they wouldn't eventually come to love his new home more, than the one they were born in.

Jisung didn't want to leave things on a sad note, so he decided to tell them about his own experiences on Earth.

He told them about the people he had met, the places he had been, and the love he had found.

He told them about Minho, the person he had fallen in love with. He had been worried that they wouldn't accept him, but they had surprised him with their open-mindedness and support.

"They're like family to me," he said. "And I feel like I belong here."

Felix's parents smiled at him, looking relieved. They were happy to see that Jisung had found a place where he belonged, and they were grateful for his honesty.

"Thank you for sharing that with us," Felix's mother said. "We're glad that you're happy here."

Jisung smiled back at her. He was grateful for their support, and he knew that he had made the right decision in telling them the truth.

Jisung had always felt at home around Felix's parents. From the moment he had met them, they had welcomed him with open arms and treated him like family. He had never felt so comfortable around anyone else before.

Whenever he visited their home, he felt a sense of peace and belonging.
They always made sure he was well-fed and comfortable, and they would spend hours talking about everything from their favorite foods to their hopes and dreams.

Jisung loved how open and honest they were with him. They never judged him or made him feel like an outsider, even though he felt like be was an alien from another planet.

Instead, they treated him with kindness and respect, and he knew that he could always count on them to be there for him.

He also loved how much they cared about Felix. They were always asking him how he was doing and trying to help him adjust to life on Earth.

Jisung knew that they were worried about their son, but he also knew that they would do anything to make him happy.

In many ways, Felix's parents had become like a second family to him. They had helped him through some of the toughest times of his life, and he knew that he could always count on them to be there for him.

As he sat in their living room, surrounded by their warmth and love, Jisung felt a sense of gratitude wash over him. He was grateful for their kindness, their generosity, and their unwavering support.

And he knew that, no matter what happened in the future, they would always be a part of his life.

Jisung had been thinking about this question for a while. He knew that Felix'sparents had strong opinions about certain families and groups, and he was worried about what would happen if they would found that their son fell in love with someone from one of those families. He decided to reach out to Helios, the father of his friend Felix, for advice.

"Hey uncle, can I talk to you about something?" Jisung asked.

"Of course, Jisung. What's on your mind?" Helios replied.

Jisung took a deep breath. "What if somebody fell in love with someone from a family that his parents hate?" he asked.

Helios looked thoughtful. "Well, Jisung, that's a tough question. Love can be complicated, especially when it involves different families or groups. But ultimately, I believe that love should be based on mutual respect, understanding, and trust, regardless of someone's background or family. As long as you and this person share those values and are committed to making your relationship work, then I would support the decision."

"But what if their parents don't approve?" Jisung asked.

"That's a difficult situation," Helios acknowledged. "It's important to respect your parents and their opinions, but it's also important to follow your heart and do what's right for you. If you truly love this person and believe that they are the right match for you, then you should talk to your parents and try to find a way to make it work. It might take time and effort, but if everyone is willing to compromise and communicate, then it's possible to overcome those differences."

Jisung nodded slowly, taking in Helios' words. "Thanks, uncle. That's really helpful advice."

He nodded, continuing to talk, not even knowing that Jisung was asking for his son.

"Of course, Jisung. I care about you and want you to be happy and fulfilled in your life. If you ever need someone to talk to or support you, I'm here for you," Helios said with a warm smile.

Jisung felt grateful for Helios' wisdom and support. He knew that he had a lot to think about, but he also felt more confident and hopeful about his future. He was determined to follow his heart and find love, no matter what obstacles he might face. And that's why he cared about Felix at this moment.

that's actually incredible! 3k! tysm!!!

that's actually incredible! 3k! tysm!!!

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me because i'm so grateful for y'all.

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