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Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months

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Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Felix's mood remained low, and he continued to avoid his parents as much as possible. His only solace came from talking to his best friend Jisung, who had been his confidant since they were young.

Felix poured his heart out to Jisung, telling him how he felt trapped in heaven and how much he missed the Earth. Jisung listened patiently and offered words of encouragement, telling Felix that he understood how he felt and that he would always be there for him.

As time went by, Felix's parents began to notice the toll that their decision had taken on him. They wanted to find a way to help him but didn't know how.

One day, Felix's father pulled him aside for a conversation. "Felix, I know that you're unhappy here, and I want to help you. But I need you to understand that we can't just let you go back to Earth without a plan."

Felix's heart lifted at the thought that his father was willing to find a solution. "What kind of plan?" he asked eagerly.

His father explained that they needed to make sure that he would be safe and that they would have to find a way for him to pursue his passions on Earth without risking his life. They would work with him to create a plan, but it would take time. And mainly, his father wanted him to have the greatest reputation among the gods. To show everyone that Felix is his son. Better than anyone else. His and only.

Felix felt a ray of hope. For the first time in months, he felt like he had a lifeline to the Earth. He hugged his father tightly, grateful that he was at least willing to consider a way for him to return.

Over the next few weeks, Felix worked with his parents to come up with a plan. They discussed ways for him to pursue his work without putting himself in danger and ways for him to stay in contact with his family in heaven. They researched the best schools and programs that would help him achieve his dreams.

Slowly but surely, a plan began to take shape. While it wasn't perfect, Felix felt like it was a start. He knew that it would take time and effort, but he felt like he finally had a way to pursue his passions on Earth without having to sacrifice his safety.

For the first time in what felt like forever, Felix felt like he had hope. And he knew that he had his family and his best friend Jisung to thank for it.


Hyunjin sat by the lake, his canvas in front of him, and his paints spread around him. He had come out early in the morning to paint the beautiful scenery around him, hoping to capture its essence on the canvas. He began to mix his paints and splash them on the canvas, creating a blend of colors that matched the scene perfectly.

As he painted, Hyunjin couldn't shake off the weird day he had had. Everything that day had felt off, and try as he might, he couldn't seem to escape from the heavy feeling hanging over him.

But as he continued to paint, his mood began to shift. The colors and the beauty of the scenery around him made him forget his worries, and he felt himself becoming more and more at peace.

His eyes then caught a glimpse of a beautiful flower by the lake, its vibrant petals standing out against the verdant grass. The sight of it was so entrancing that he felt the sudden urge to paint it.

Hyunjin picked up his brush and began to paint the flower, every stroke of the brush capturing its delicate beauty. He painted with such precision that he could almost feel the flower coming to life before his eyes.

As he painted, he couldn't help but think of Felix - the boy he had come to love. The flower before him reminded him so much of Felix, with its cute simplicity and its freckles that he adored.

Hyunjin felt his heart flutter at the memory of Felix. The way he laughed, his beautiful smile, and those adorable freckles that dotted his cheeks. The thought of him brought a smile to Hyunjin's face, and he knew that he would always keep Felix close to his heart.

As he finished his painting, Hyunjin felt his mood lifting. The beauty of the world around him and the memory of Felix had wiped away the negativity of the day. He sat by the lake, admiring the scenery, and the perfect representation of the flower in his painting - his tribute to Felix.

Hyunjin sat by the lake for few hours now, his canvas in front of him, his paints spread around him, and his earphones in his ears playing his favourite song. He had decided to take advantage of the perfect weather and spend his free time painting the beautiful scenery around him.

As he painted the flower, his now faded red strands of hair cascaded down from the ponytail he had tied them into earlier. The strands almost looked pink under the sunlight that shone on them, illuminating the beauty of the surroundings even more.

Hyunjin quietly sang along to the music in his earphones as he painted, his voice barely audible over the sound of the wind. He was so absorbed in his painting that he barely noticed when a cat came running by his side.

The cat meowed at him, drawn to his presence, and Hyunjin couldn't help but smile at it. He petted the cat, and it purred contentedly at his touch before running off to explore some more.

As he continued to paint, Hyunjin couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness that came with the beautiful summer day. The warmth of the sun on his skin, the gentle breeze that blew around him, and the smell of the flowers in the air - all of it made him feel alive.

Hyunjin's painting began to take on a life of its own, with each stroke of the brush capturing the beauty of the surroundings. The flower that he was painting looked almost lifelike now, and the colours on the canvas seemed to blend seamlessly, almost like poetry in motion.

As he worked, Hyunjin felt a wave of contentment wash over him. The world seemed to be at peace, and everything around him was in perfect harmony. He knew that this was a moment that he would cherish forever - the peace, the beauty, and the sense of joy that came with painting on a perfect summer day.

He felt like something good is about to happen soon.

yesterday, i had ordered a seungmin pc.
today i've ordered a seungmin pc.
what will be tomorrow? (i don't have money)

tmi; started painting seungmin collage and i'm excited how it will turn out! (=˃ᆺ˂=)


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