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Felix's heart pounded with a mix of excitement and apprehension as he made his way home in heaven

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Felix's heart pounded with a mix of excitement and apprehension as he made his way home in heaven. His vibrant blue hair shone like a beacon, matching the blue skies of this ethereal realm. He couldn't help but feel a sense of longing in his heart, hoping that his parents would understand his desire to go back to Earth.

As he walked through the pearly gates, the citizens of heaven greeted him warmly, their eyes wide with curiosity at his radiant appearance. Felix returned their smiles and exchanged pleasantries, though his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his earthly friends.

Suddenly, Felix spotted Jisung, his best friend from heaven. Overwhelmed with joy, they rushed towards each other and embraced tightly. The heavens resounded with their laughter, the bond between them unbroken even across realms.

"It's so good to see you, Jisung," Felix exclaimed, a wide smile spreading across his face.

Jisung grinned in response. "I've been waiting for you, Felix! Let me show you around. There are so many incredible things to explore in this place! So much stuff changed while we were gone!"

Arm in arm, they wandered through the wondrous streets of heaven, reminiscing about their earthly adventures and sharing their excitement for new adventures yet to come.

But as their laughter subsided and they approached Felix's family home, a hint of uneasiness crept into his heart. He knew that the atmosphere would shift when he revealed the details of his time on Earth.

Entering the house, Felix's parents greeted him with open arms, their eyes brimming with both love and concern. His mother examined his visible freckles, her touch gentle against his cheek.

"Welcome home, my dear," she said softly, her voice filled with a mix of relief and sadness.

Felix's father, however, watched him with a guarded expression. Felix's heart ached knowing that his father's expectations clashed with his reality. The weight of unspoken tension hung heavy in the air.

He carefully chose his words, deciding to focus on the positive aspects of his time on Earth. He shared tales of his math tutoring job, his academic growth, and funny moments like breaking his arm. His parents listened attentively, smiling at his accomplishments, but beneath their smiles, Felix sensed his father's reserve.

Feeling an urge for honesty, Felix knew he couldn't keep his newfound connection a secret any longer. He took a deep breath and decided to mention the person he had met on Earth, but he glossed over the detail that they were from a family his father disliked.

"I also met someone from heaven, Dad," Felix said, his voice laced with apprehension. "They offered me support during my time on Earth and helped me regain my faith."

His parents' expressions shifted subtly, a flicker of concern crossing their faces. Felix watched their reactions closely, hoping his words would be met with acceptance.

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