The Start Of A Disaster

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Cyan sat on an abandoned car the ninja would use to sneak into the ninja base. She examined the bracelet Samurai X had given her when she finished her training. Every ninja seemed to have a different accessory to blend in as emergency devices.

Red got a black diamond ring which Samurai X had said was fake, Black got a neck accessory with a silver cross, Blue got a cotton glove with a built-in communication device, White got steel glasses with a small '忍' carved into the side of it and Green got a basil waterproof watch. Cyan's bracelet was made out of glass beads covered in a layer of protection to prevent it from shattering easily, and also to prevent anyone from seeing the hidden mechanicals inside the bracelet.

That girl is a genius, alright. She made all that in just a few days, some skills she has. No wonder Green recruited her, can't wait to see how this baby works!

Cyan held the bracelet in her hand, she must've triggered something because an electric shock went through her hand and she flinched.

"Jeez, what was that for?" It wasn't exactly the type of shock that would send you unconscious, it only tickled a little. Cyan wondered why Samurai X had built that perk in.

"What was what for?" A blank yet soft voice came from behind, Cyan jerked to the side and White landed on the car.

"Dude, you scared me," Cyan gave him an annoyed look, but she softened up and smiled at him.

"Really? I figured you wouldn't be, I'm sorry," White looked apologetic. His eyes seemed brighter with the glasses Samurai X provided him.

"I was playing around. Anyway, what are you doing here?" Cyan quickly changed the topic. She stared into the arctic eyes of White, she had never seen anyone in school with such eyes, or anyone in her life, for that matter. She always thought his eyes were really unique, it's almost as if they were made out of actual crystal.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something," White's calm expression immediately changed into a nervous one. That's weird, Cyan has ever barely seen him with even the slightest sign of nervous. He was usually the one who's always calm, no matter the situation.

"Okay...what is it?"

"It's....about Samurai X," White hesitated, his eyes glistened.

"Wh...what about her?" A minute ago she was just thinking about how talented that girl is, how odd is that?

"Do you remember before our training, a few hours ago, Samurai X warned us about a bigger threat?" White said softly.

"Well, duh. It was a few hours ago," Cyan shrugged.

"Samurai X whispered something to me, she told me to promise her that I wouldn't get killed out fighting," White glanced to his side, as if checking if anyone was eavesdropping on them.

"That's....strange," Cyan had to admit, it was. It's no ordinary occasion that someone you literally met a few days ago suddenly cares so much about you. But then again, she probably said that to the others too because she had already seen them as her friends, although Cyan never received such words from her.

But what White said next, made Cyan widened her eyes.

"And....she said my name," White's voice trailed off, his eyes alarmed.

"Wait...your name? Like, your actual name?" Cyan's eyes were still widened, staring at White as if he's some sort of alien.

"Yes," White responded blankly, but his mind was the total opposite, she could tell.

" does she know your name?" It was a stupid question, how was White supposed to know? None of them know Samurai X's actual name either, nor do they know anyone in real life with ginger hair and turquoise eyes.

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