Identities Revealed

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"...Samurai X," Green called out quietly and Samurai X turned her attention towards him, "any progress?"

Samurai X briefly nodded and clicked the keyboard rapidly, a list of names appeared on the screen. All of which, are the names of the other ninja.

"Black and Red seemed to have discovered each other's identity and White has discovered Black's." Samurai X muttered and Green held his fingers over his chin.

"Hmm....I see. This is progressing slower than I thought. How's the dark energy forecast?"

The dark energy forecast, Samurai X created this device to detect dark energy that's been growing in Ninjago City since the last two weeks. They couldn't exactly make out where the source is and who it belongs to, but all they know is that something big is coming. Master Wu had predicted it, and now he's gone. Green really had his head burying in scrolls to get more information, but as each day gets closer, Green's anxiety gets worse.

"It has increased by 28%, as soon as it reaches 100%, no doubt we'll have to face a villian unlike any other. Possibly...Garmadon." Samurai X assumed, Green gave a sour expression. Far too sour, she wondered why.

"...There's no time. This is progressing too slow, if we don't take action now, we'll be multiple steps behind." Green gritted his teeth. Without Master Wu, he was unsure whether if what he's planning is actually a good idea. It's really starting to make him lose his mind.

"What are you suggesting, Green?" Samurai X asked.

Green looked at her, his emerald eyes glowed brightly. Even with all that aura, she could still sense that he's getting too worried about this situation. He's going insane, possibly because what they're about to face is unlike any other criminals they've fought. But why is it that she could sense something else? Green's hiding something and Samurai X couldn't help but wonder what it is.

"Gather the ninja here, including Heat. Tonight, we reveal their identities."


"Hey, are you free tonight?" Nya approached Jay. Which was weird, because she usually wouldn't. But nevertheless, he was already happy enough.

"Uhm...y-yeah, why?" Jay replied nervously. He swore he intended to hide his nervous personality but he just couldn't.

"Well, I was thinking maybe we could go out for a dinner tonight? As friends, of course. My brother was invited out to another party and Pixal will be busy. So I really don't have anyone to hang out with.....I figured I'd ask you." Nya acted casual and leaned her shoulder against the wall.

Jay could never say no to such an opportunity. So he agreed.

"Great! I'll send you the location and we can meet there at 6:30pm tonight." Nya smiled and simply walked away. Jay could swore his heart exploded into confetti because he was feeling extremely excited. For starters, other than Kai and Cole, he never really had any other friends. Sure there are some people he talked to before like Zane and Pixal, but not much. Knowing he's going to hang out with Nya, a girl he always wanted to talk to, and the fact she just confirmed their friendship the day before made him chuckle to himself. He's probably the luckiest guy alive.

But then the electric shock came in and Jay deliberately went into the bathroom to see what's so important that the shock had to be activated.

Jay locked himself in a bathroom stall and he gently tapped his glove. A set of words displayed via hologram appeared out of the glove that read:
"Emergency meeting tonight, all ninja is required to participate. -Green".

Oh that's just great, he had JUST accepted an invitation from a girl he wanted to hang out with the most, but now there's an emergency meeting? Okay maybe he's just got to be the unluckiest guy alive, fate really said "sike!".

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