Identity Accident

382 9 15

"So if Y is 16⁹, can anyone tell me what's X?"

Pythor raised and tapped his chalk gently on the blackboard, he stared daggers at the students who were suddenly silent upon hearing what he said.

"Hm, no one?" Pythor tapped the board again, his eyes stopped moving and stared at Kai.

"Kai, how about you?" Pythor raised his voice slightly and everyone turned their necks to face the figure sitting at the back of the class.

"Well, teach, that's easy," Kai gave no expression and it wasn't exactly a suprise to everyone else. He wasn't the smartest, but he was smart alright. Getting 80+ scores on his exams sounded smart enough for rest of the class. Of course, except for the one that always placed first. Kai usually came in second. He wouldn't make a big deal out of it though, studies weren't all that important to him. He was only putting in effort to please his parents.

"Then why don't you tell me the answer?"

Jay stared at Kai nervously, no way was he going to get himself into trouble the day he finally came back to school, right? For Kai, there was never any promises.

"Hm...can I get a 'please'?" A few students managed to hold their laughter, while some others couldn't.

Jay facepalmed himself. Well that's just confirmed it, he's getting into trouble. Not a suprise, really.

"Kai Smith, either you answer the question or-" Pythor looked like he was gonna blow any moment.

"Or what, send me to detention? Tell me how many times have you sent me there, it's starting to get really boring," Kai lifted his backpack, ready to go.

"No, I was gonna say the principal's office," Jay looked at Kai, and then at Pythor. The chalk in his hand faintly snapped in half.

"Kai, just answer his question!" Jay tried to keep his voice as low as possible, yet he needed Kai to hear him.

"Y'know what, it's alright. To the principal's office, now!" Pythor pointed towards the door, his face fuming up.

Jay groaned. Sometimes, he wondered why did he even bother trying. Or how did he even became friends with Kai, for that matter.


"Hey, Cole! Softball practice is in 30 minutes!" Karloff yelled at Cole, his head poking into the classroom from outside.

"Got it!" Cole didn't look up, he was busy burying his head in his phone.

"You better not miss it this time, or coach is gonna get real mad! You wanna keep your Captain title or not?"

"I won't, Karloff," Cole raised his head in annoyance.

Karloff laughed rashly and walked away. Cole's eyelids lowered even more and he took a glance around the classroom.

Zane was sitting by the window, his head buried in a pile of books as usual. But then a few boys walked up to him and mocked him in front of his desk.

At first, Cole didn't think much of it. Afterall, Zane had always coped with the bullying quite well. But he must've said something offensive because one of the boys suddenly got mad and pushed Zane off his chair.

"What do you mean 'no'?" The same boy, obviously the so called 'boss', had his teeth gritted.

"I meant exactly what I said. If you want to complete your project, you should do it yourself," Zane sat up and acted casual. It wasn't exactly a thing that happened often, but Zane always acted calm and tough. Not letting anyone get the better of him, or tell him what to do. He was the king of his own world, one thing Cole was quite impressed with. 

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