The Mouse Trap

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She kissed him.
Help save the city?
Go to heck.


Lloyd was never jealous of relationships.

And relationships, as in, you-kiss-me-I-kiss-you-back kind of stuff. Lloyd never really felt anxious towards the day that he'd find a partner too. Probably because he never felt anything towards anyone in particular.

Until her.

He was aware, oh he was. He was aware that she was some sort of a skilled thief, maybe much more than that but Skylor didn't really give away much information when they fed her the Truth Tea.

Skylor had said something like: Oh I'm actually working for an evil lord but I don't know his name. I always just call him 'My Lord', though he was kind of a jerk. He wants to take over Ninjago City. Surprise? Ha-ha, not surprising. He's spreading dark matter throughout the city and he's already regained his physical form. Blah-blah-blah, just your average villian who wants to conquer a shit city, nothing more.

That's about it. He didn't know if Harumi had anything to do with the so called 'Lord'. Because back when Lloyd had encountered the girl and her gang, she had called themselves 'The Sons of Garmadon'.

They should totally hire an actual son of Garmadon, it's really insulting that they didn't even invite Lloyd into the cult. 'The Sons of Garmadon'? He should file a report for copyright, tch. (Do you get it? Because Lloyd is the son of Garmadon and...oh poo, I'm not funny at all.)

Okay anyways, to put it short, Lloyd fell for the girl.

The girl, Harumi? Yep, yep. Let's rewind and we can all see what happened, shall we?

(Lloyd's POV)

"Lloyd!" Someone called out to me and I'm totally not lying when I said I didn't jump and crash into a locker, humiliating myself in front of the people that stood in the hallway.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" The voice of a girl, whom sat beside me in Science class. What was her name? Hm...ha-ha, I'm kidding, there's no way I could've forgotten her name.

"No." I replied smartly.

Harumi giggled. My face held the expression that anyone could read: What are you giggling at?

But Harumi, that sweet girl, (I'm being sarcastic, I'M BEING SARCASTIC-) she didn't take the hint and simply looked at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry I scared you, Lloyd. You remember me, right?" Harumi looked at me, a faint smile tugged at her lips.

"Yeah, I do." I responded, though I had to try very hard not to be reminded of the awkward scene in the classroom. Oh, Lloyd, why did you always have to be the center of attention?

I straightened myself and said something super clever like, "D-Do you..need anything?"

At first, Harumi looked as if she was trying to process the words that came out of my stupid, stuttering mouth. Then, she gave a big grin that immediately told me whatever she was about to say cannot be anything as casual as: No! I just came to say hi. But I have to go now, bye!

Nope, she did not leave. Instead, she said, "Yeah, actually. I heard that you're quite the champion in Science. I need your help with my homework."

Oh, wow. Someone actually came to me for help with her homework? Also, I wasn't all that good in Science. I don't know how where she heard it from, I was definitely not a champion in Science.

"Uh..sure." I cursed my awkward brain for not being able to reject her, "What do you need help with?"

Harumi gave another grin, and I really started to curse the heck out of myself for agreeing to help her. You see, that grin, it did not look like a grin that said: Oh you're willing to help me! I'm so grateful!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2024 ⏰

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