What A Suprise

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"Whoo!! You should've seen me, I was on FIYAAAAHH!" Red cheered, Blue and Cyan just rolled their eyes on him.

"Red, you set a whole truck on fire," Green said blankly and Blue managed to let out a snicker.

"It slipped out of my hands! Besides, the thieves were in the truck," Red crossed his arms, not amused.

"Funny you said that, because that just made it even worse. Fire slipped out of your hands and you set a truck on fire, PLUS almost burning the thieves inside alive," Green snapped back and Red was taken aback.

"Whatevs, Green. They're fine, right?" Red waved his hands, he was always the most confident out of them all, but he would never come to admit his mistakes. Only at certain times.

"They're fine, because White froze the truck! You're a ninja, Red. Start thinking with your head instead of your urge to literally destroy everything you come across!" Green yelled angrily.

"Hey, hey, don't raise your voice at me! Just because you're supposedly the Green Ninja doesn't make you any better than us! You were practically ordering us around, we did as you told and now you're getting mad?" Red just about had enough of Green. As much as he knew, Green was the youngest in the group. Yet he acted like he was so much older than everyone just because Master Wu said that he was meant to lead them.

"I'm mad because you're not taking this job seriously! Being a ninja isn't fun, Red! Whatever you do decides whether you're going to live to see the daylight ever again! Do you think it's fun, Red? Huh? You have the most destructive element, yet you're playing around like it's some sort of a game?" Green was mad, indeed. He wasn't mad because Red accused him of bossing everyone around, although he did, but because he wasn't cooperating with his teammates. Master Wu gave him a big responsibility to look after the ninja team, even if he was younger than everyone else. He felt as if he let Master Wu down, which deep down he knew was his uncle. Because Master Wu was his father's brother.

"Me? Playing around? Why don't you look at Blue?!"

"Hey, don't bring me into this!" Blue raised his hands and backed away a few paces.

"Red, I'm asking you to please, take this seriously. Being a ninja is a sacrifice, Red. Although we've been dealing with common thugs lately, but...but I know that soon we're gonna have to face an even bigger threat. Think about the people you swore to protect, think about us! We're not just your teammates, we're your friends," Green sighed and White patted him on the shoulder.

"Friends...? Funny...because I never once recalled any of you being there for me when I needed comfort the most," Red scoffed and revealed a sense of sadness.

"You know we can't, Red," Black muttered. He watched as Red scoffed again and turned around to leave. Cyan and Blue looked at each other and shrugged as they too, left.

"It's okay, Green. Give him some time, he'll work it out," White assured the boy in green as he watched everyone leave. "I'll be going now, Green. Call us if you need any help," White dashed off and took one last look at the boy standing frozen on spot, he sighed and left. Black gave out a small groan and nodded at Green before jumping out of the window, leaving the boy in green gi, his head down and strands of blonde hair fell over his face.

It felt as if he's completely alone again. With Master Wu gone, how was he supposed to manage all of this alone? Why can't it be someone else? Why did it have to be him? He's not fit for a leader, at all! Not to mention he's literally younger than the rest of his teammates. He's already failed in keeping Red on track, soon he'll fail all of his other teammates and he'll go down in history as the worst Green Ninja ever. With such a big responsibility, he'll crumble before he even get to unlock his true potential.

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