The Sons Of Garmadon

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"Hey, what are you having for lunch today?"

"Uh...I'm thinking maybe some udon?"

"I'm having...."

A figure in purple and black stealth suit stood behind the wall, leaning against it and listening to the two guards' voices trailed off as they left the lobby.

With a hand gesture, three more figures dressed in black and wore unique masks crept across and stole a keycard from the registration counter.

The figure in purple and black, obviously the one in charge, followed them as they accessed through another door.

There was a room, labelled 'do not enter without special authorisation' at the very end of the hallway. The three figures in complete black stood in front of the door and stared at it, confused. Because there was no door knob, and the door wouldn't open by just pushing.

The figure in charge, pushed through them and placed a tablet on the door. There was a scanner hidden in the door and it scanned the tablet. On its screen was a handprint.

With a click, the door opened. They stepped into the darkness, the room was pitch black. Only the light from outside the room lit up a part of the inside, which revealed nothing but a white marble floor.

"Uh, is there a light switch in here?" One of them in black asked, and the other nudged him.

The figure in charge raised a hand and they stared in fear. Their mouths completely zipped shut.

"If I hear any of you talking one more time, I'm gonna lock all of you here, in this room. After I get what I want," The figure threatened in a girl's voice.

All three nodded, slowly following her into what seemed like a void. The girl, abruptly stopped and examined the rest of the room. Not that there was anything to examine, really. But her mask had a hidden feature, she scanned the room and narrowed her eyes.

Then she did a front flip, leaped onto the wall and landed with one leg. All the while she hadn't made a sound, her three underlings stared in both amazement and fear. But she wasn't done yet, she jumped, landed and slid as if there was something there that could slice her in half.

At last, she made it to the far side of the room. Then a series of lasers flicked into view and was disabled as soon as they appeared. Looks like she was dodging the lasers, somehow they were completely invisible. Not until the girl made it to the end.

A mask that resembled some sort of a creature, stood proudly on a pallet.

She reached for it and as soon as she grabbed it, an ear screeching siren beeped loudly. They looked around, the room suddenly lit up and there were machine guns attached on the walls. They counted at least thirty four of them.

The girl, now holding the mysterious mask, jerked around and yelled a single "Escape!" and her underlings rushed out of the room.

She looked at the cameras installed at the corners of the room. Hm, of course there would be cameras.

She grinned and slowly took off the mask she was wearing and dropped it to the ground. She saw the cameras jerked a little, watching her every movement. Her eyes flashing a faint colour of violet, before they were covered by the mysterious mask. She had worn it.

"Let the real show begin,"

The machine guns fired, aiming at the girl. She grinned behind the mask and her hands went ablaze in purple.

The siren beeped louder, covering the sounds of the firing guns. But eventually, they subsided and the girl walked out of the room. Unharmed.


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