The accident

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Note (from ao3): I'm sorry in advance for that chapter

I'm also sorry for not updating for a while. But I'm back!

So I hope you like drama and angst and fluff


Everyone had noticed how Ray and Anna were way closer to each other. No one said anything, but they all noticed. Ray and Anna knew of course that they knew and were thankful of them.

Every time Emma would help her father with the bakery, Ray would sometimes crash in to help them as well. He had earned the nickname "cyclop" from Yuugo. He didn't mind it.

Norman and Emma had made it an habit to go to the bridge of the train track just the two of them. They would always bring Snowball, their dog, with them.

That's where they were right now.

They were both laying on the ground side by side, the puppy too, right beside the train track in the grass.

« Hey Emma! »

She turned her head to look at him.

« I made some research and I found out that Snowball is a Samoyede! »

« Really? »

« Uhun! »

He nodded, a smile on his lips as he scratched the puppy's belly.

« And that's what the vet told me when I went with him. »

« So you didn't do some research to find what kind of dog he is? »

He only let out a laugh as an answer. She ended up laughing with him and Snowball joined them with his little howling.

She liked those moments. Just the two of them being kids again. Like nothing could happen to them.

Like she always wanted.


Ray and Anna had took the habit to go to the cafe together.

They had just left it and were walking around the parc near their apartment building.

Anna noticed how Ray always seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

« Hey Ray? Is everything alright? »

« Hm? »

He looked at her. She had a concerned expression on her face.

« Yeah, everything's alright. Why do you ask? »

« Why do you always seem lost in your thoughts then? Like you're sad or, even nostalgic. »

The raven boy stopped walking, his eyes widening a little. Anna stopped too, turning to look at him.

« Ray? »

Ray looked at her.

« You'll think I'm a weirdo after that. »

« I won't. »

She took his hand and squeezed it a little. A small gesture that would always make him feel better, just like before.

« Anna. Do you... believe in reincarnation? »


Norman and Emma were walking at the parc that day, after school. They had brought Snowball to the dog parc and were going back to their apartment. They both turned around when they heard a shout coming their way.

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