Chapter 6

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Season 3 Episode 6

Sophie was with Maxine and Janeece talking to a news reporter who asked them questions about her sister Chlo.

Sophie is upset that Chlo's left and not knowing where she is but she didn't want to be all around the cameras. Unfortunately Maxine forced her over by her wrist.

The reporter turned to Mr Rimmer and said "Mr Rimmer, how has Chlo's disappearance affected the school?".

"Well, we're all extremely worried about Chlo, everybody's thinking about her. We want her back" he tells the news reporter.

"Okay" she replied writing it down then turned to the girls saying "and, Sophie, Maxine and Janeece what message would you like to send to Chlo?" The reporter asked us.

"She's our best mate and Sophie's sister we really miss her a lot and so does her husband Donte" Janeece replied.

Sophie nods then quickly leaves the three of them seeing her boyfriend show up. She kisses him then holds his hand walking inside the school not wanting anything else to do with the whole thing about Chlo's disappearance is too upsetting.

Sophie's POV

If I'm honest I haven't liked my headteacher Mr Rimmer because of my father not liking him. We don't like the fact he tried to play the hero when my step mum died otherwise she might still be with me, dad, Mika and Chlo.

The thing is though I don't want him to resign because then we'd all have to get on with another head teacher as he had been there since I started Waterloo Road. As well as he's always been there to support you when you need it.

"Hey you coming outside?"

"ALEX I'll be outside in a minute I'm just going to the toilet calm down" Sophie shouted at him which she had never done before.

"Sorry Soph I'm just asking babe are you okay?" Alex asks me.

"Yes I'm fine I'm just going to the toilet that's all I'll be outside in a minute" I tell him.

As I quickly go into the bathroom Alex stands wondering what's going on with Sophie something doesn't feel right she's never shouted at him never.

Whilst I was in the bathroom I went into the toilet and couldn't deal I can't believe I shouted at Alex I feel so bad. I don't even know why I shouted at him.

Washing my hands suddenly I feel a sharp pain pass across my head making me to put my hand, over my head and also caused me to let out a gasp.

Sophie comes outside and stands with the rest of school when Mr Rimmer came out telling them he appreciated what they were doing but they had to let the governers leave.

After everyone had said how much they were going to miss him, Mr Rimmer calls Sophie over and said to her

"Sophie your dad doesn't stop talking about you and how proud is is you are so smart probably the smartest student I've had in the house. Not only your dad is proud of you but your mom and step mom's would be proud of you, i'm proud of you too.

"Just know everyone's on your side Soph not against you but if there's something wrong and you think tell somebody. Oh by the way if you end up marrying Alex Wright don't be afraid to invite me yeah" Jack Rimmer says.

I nod my head silent and laugh "thank you mr Rimmer" he smiles at her words then they both hug each other.

After saying goodbye to mr Rimmer Sophie went to find her boyfriend Alex who has been worried about the attitude Sophie's been showing.

"Mr Clarkson, can I talk to you?" Alex asks Tom.

"Yeah Alex what's going on". Tom asked his daughter's boyfriend.

"I think somethings wrong with Sophie...

Tom disturbs Alex "Like what Alex?"

"I think she's not well either mentally or an illness" Alex says looking down.

"Okay thanks Alex I'll look into it anything else.

"I went to tell her to come outside before we said goodbye to my rimmer she lost it screaming at me saying ALEX I'll be outside in a minute I'm just going to the toilet calm down" Sophie shouted at me which she had never done, one more thing I've seen that she's randomly losing weight"

"Thank you Alex I'll definitely look in to it, you are a good man" Tom tells Alex.

Sophie watched jack walk away until shouted out his name to come back and she asked "you know when she was dying did she say anything?"

Mr Rimmer looked at Sophie then says "yeah she did, she asked me to look after all three of you girls". Sophie looks up at him and said "thank you". Mr Rimmer nodded at her and hugs her one last time and then they went their separate ways.


Later on Sophie comes home and goes outside to see Donte and ask him if he had any luck in finding Chlo to which he shakes his head meaning no. Sophie tells Donte to come inside to which Donte sighed and said "your dad don't want me in there". Dad walks out just then and says

"you two coming in or what?" "I want my family back that includes you soft lad all the heats flying out the door". Dad says to us more so Donte though.

While the four of them were sat on the sofa watching tv atom Clarkson watched his daughter to see any symptoms of what her boyfriend had said. As he looked he started to see tiny red spots on her skin and a bruise on her leg. He wondered where from she didn't have chickenpocks because she had when she was 3 years old. Oh he's lost his girlfriend Chlo has gone missing where could she be and now Sophie seems to be unwell she's gonna need the doctors for now I'll keep an eye.

Sophie tells them all she's going up to bed.

As she left Tom just kept thinking about the life she's living in now.

Question 5: what illness does Sophie have?

A/N: Thanks for reading my book.

Message me what you think and what I should do next.

Love from Lily xxx

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