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Shockingly, Percy and Jason weren't at all opposed to the idea. And if Nico was being completely sure with himself, he was convinced that Percy seemed actually a little excited. Jason was definitely happy to do it, but he seemed a little more reserved about the whole thing. Or maybe that was just Jason being Jason—he always tried to be respectful about everything, and part of that wasn't giving away what he was really thinking.

In fact, the conversation went a little something like this:

"Hey, Nico. Annabeth talked to us, and I wanted to let you know that I'd be more than happy to help you out. No team member left hanging, am I right?"

Percy had said, and looking back on it, it was so like him to try and lighten the mood with a joke or a change of tone.

"Yeah, same here."

Jason had added. He wasn't being cold by any means, but he had seemed just a bit more cautious with how he approached the topic with Nico than Percy had been. Maybe it was because Percy had known him far longer than the other alpha had, but either way their responses had helped to ease his worry.

That was, until, things actually started heating up.

The three of them agreed to alternate between bunking with each other in either Percy or Jason's cabins so that Nico wouldn't ever be left unattended in case he needed anything. They also decided to make it so that they operated in taking shifts with at least one alpha being there at all times until it was time to alternate. All of these conversations were had while Nico was still in a relatively stable state of mind, before the unconsciousness of the "heat haze" had taken over.

And when his heat did actually start, the three boys were staying in Jason's cabin, and that's when the cramps started kicking in.
It was during the middle of the night when Nico had begun feeling a sharp pain in his side when he awoke from sleeping in between the two alphas on Jason's massive bed.
The omega whimpered softly when the pain started becoming sharper, but luckily Percy heard him and was up in a heartbeat. Which was totally unusual for him since Percy, aside from Nico, was already a heavy sleeper, but perhaps the sound of an omega in distress was what got him moving.

Jason had woken up shortly after, and both alphas allowed Nico to scent their wrists and other places that contained scent glands, which was enough to placate him for now.
Sometimes, when heats had just started, scenting was all an omega needed to calm down again before things started getting a lot more complicated later on. Scenting also helped with heat cramps since the calming effects alphas had on omegas in heat were strong enough to fix whatever pain was manifesting during the very start of their cycle.
Nico ended up falling back asleep already feeling much better, although he couldn't help but blush and smile to himself when he felt Percy's arm naturally loop around his waist once he too fell asleep as well.


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