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The next morning was a nightmare. A living, breathing nightmare.

For one thing, the omega woke up alone albeit still in Jason's room, but the alphas were nowhere to be found. The agonizing clarity of being out of heat after several days of nothing but blissful pleasure was finally settling down on him and it was horrendous.
    Usually, Nico was grateful that his heat was over and he could actually think clearly once more, but this time around was totally different.

He felt embarrassed, humiliated, even. Nico could barely stomach the reality that both Percy and Jason had seen him naked, cock hungry, and horny out of his mind for several days. He wanted to die.
And the worst part of it was that the omega couldn't even remember half of what happened. Even now, as daylight flooded the room and he was more or less beginning to wake up, Nico still couldn't seem to recall just about anything from his heat. Usually, that didn't bother him too much as he'd rather just try and forget the whole thing, but now all kinds of questions were filling his head.

Did we use protection?

Was I good in bed?

Was it hot for them, too?

Nico realized he could really only answer the first one, which was a definite 'no'. Not that it mattered much; the contraceptives that the omegas at Camp Half-Blood were put on were strong enough to prevent pregnancy and STDs, which definitely came in handy for times like this.

Nico winced at the ache between his legs as he got up slowly from the bed, and he proceeded to break down the temporary nest that he built along with making Jason's bed for when he came back. The omega stretched before going to brush his teeth in the bathroom and to get ready for the day while planning to pack up his things.
As he was combing through his unruly locks, Nico looked around a little wistfully at Jason's bathroom counter. As silly as it was, he could feel the domesticity from just seeing both his and Jason's belongings in the same place; almost like they really were living together as a mated pair despite the short time frame.

You can't afford to think like that, Nico thought the minute he shook himself out of imagining sharing a space with an alpha like this some day. You don't want to have your heart broken again. Not after Percy.

Speaking of which, Nico was seriously not looking forward to seeing either alpha the moment he left the cabin. He knew he would have to talk himself out of staying in here all day eventually since Jason still needed a place to sleep as well, but he dreaded having to do that.
Nico cleaned up Jason's room the best he could so that it was like he was never there and hopefully that would help him move on faster if he just made the space as "omega-free" as possible, which was a bit difficult to do since his sweet, enticing heat scent still hung heavy in the air.
Nevertheless, Nico managed to get everything neat, tidy, and packed up in time for breakfast. But instead of going to eat with everyone else, Nico decided it would just be better to shadow-travel to an area on the ship with no one around so that he could avoid everyone else for just a little longer.

Subconsciously, the omega knew shadow-traveling was really not the best decision for his health at the moment and that he should probably only be saving it for when he really needed to, but this was an emergency in his opinion, alright? So, Nico ended up materializing near the ship's hull right where the engine room was.
Nico thought it was odd that Leo wasn't around since he was usually down here most of the time anyway, but he was glad that he was alone. He decided he would chill out here for a little while before going above deck to see how he could make himself useful. Nico just needed a breather, after all.


Nico honestly wished he could've said that the first night sleeping alone wasn't as bad as it was. But in reality, it was agonizing.
Sure, the omega always had sleeping problems, and he was used to sleeping alone but the separation anxiety was somehow more excruciating than he could've ever imagined. First of all, the bed felt freezing without two gorgeous alphas keeping him warm and safe on either side, and second, Nico couldn't stop tossing and turning.
He still couldn't believe that it only took less than a week for two alphas to completely uproot his life, yet here he was. Part of him wished he was better than this--that he could've just accepted their help and then move on like nothing happened (that was his original plan, wasn't it?), but that was proving to be much harder than Nico originally anticipated.

The omega sighed as he rolled onto his back for the ninth time; his eyes wide open and staring at the cabin ceiling as he contemplated...well, everything. Nico laid awake as he tried picturing a future--a "normal" future--maybe him and some random alpha raising a family together some where far away from demigod life, perhaps not even in New York. It wouldn't be the first time Nico thought about leaving the city and moving back to Italy the second he got the chance, not that he had anything against New York or anything like that, but it would be nice to be somewhere that felt like home.
And yet this "random alpha" that Nico was picturing still wasn't so random at all. He was having trouble imagining a completely new face--one that wasn't Percy or Jason's. The visions of a mix of blond hair, green eyes, and a tall, lean and muscular build kept falling into place in his brain, and it was like he couldn't think of anything else aside from a mixture of Percy and Jason's features popping up in this "random alpha's" face.

It really did get Nico thinking after he accepted the fact that there was no way he could picture anyone else in his future aside from those two boys in his life that were just sleeping only a couple footsteps away down the hall.
Even though Nico was certain he didn't want pups (even if it just seemed right to picture having them as part of his "normal" future), he contemplated what they would look like if he did end up having them with either alpha.

Would they have his freckles?

Would they have Percy's tan skin?

Would they have Jason's blond hair?

(Though he wouldn't admit it, Nico secretly hoped that any future pups would have Percy's eyes at the very least.)

The omega was seriously about to give himself baby fever if he kept his thoughts up like this. Plus, it only made him want to be with the alphas even more than he already did, and the hole in his heart where they were supposed to be only felt like it was getting bigger and bigger the more he entertained his fantasies like this.
Nico's temporary good mood faded just as quickly as it manifested as he went back to wallowing in self pity. His chest felt tight as his eyes focused on the wood ceiling above him; Nico traced the rich brown timber lines of the wood with his gaze while he stared at the various cracks and depressions.

He did this for at least another hour before coming to the conclusion that he couldn't spend his entire night like this. He needed to be with his alphas.
     So, Nico got up from his bed and made the (not so long) journey towards Jason's cabin in hopes to find that the alpha was still awake, and it was just his luck that he was. The omega knocked on his door until Jason opened it.



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