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     Feelings of uneasiness were certainly not a stranger to demigods, but the type of uneasiness Jason was feeling was like no other he had experienced before. This wasn't like the times where the hair would stand up on the back of his neck when monsters were near, or when he had woken up from a bad dream and cold sweat was dripping down his face—no, this anxiety was something entirely different.
     The alpha had stuck around long enough to observe the difference between his and Percy's approach when caring for a heat-ridden omega, and seeing how Percy handled the situation made him feel...Well, it made him feel insecure, to say the least.

    Not being able to get an omega to orgasm was one thing (and enough to do some damage to his ego), but what hurt the most was seeing Nico's obvious preference for Percy out of the two of them. Jason certainly didn't miss the way Nico's attention was focused on Percy when Jason was supposed to be the one between his legs.
     To make matters worse, it wasn't like he could just go back to his own cabin since it was somehow pre-decided that was where everyone would be spending the night. Plus, Jason didn't want to risk the shame of walking in on the two of them in case Percy and Nico were up for round three.

    Sighing loudly, Jason held his head in his hands as he leaned against the starboard rail. Since there was no point in going back, he was pretty much stuck until morning. Who needed sleep anyway? Sure, he could've swapped rooms entirely and crashed in Percy's cabin, but did he really want to set off a borderline feud between two alphas already trying to share a single omega? He didn't think so.
     Jason rested his chin on his folded elbows as he watched the horizon slowly becoming lighter and lighter. He would apologize for getting so irritated with his best friend and try to make it up to Nico somehow when morning came, but for right now, Jason had to accept that there wasn't a whole lot he could do.

    In the meantime, the alpha tried to focus on the positive side of things. For one, Nico did make some pretty sounds when he came, and as much as he hated to admit it, Percy was also good at fucking.

    He's Percy Jackson. Of course he would be good at sex.

    Suddenly, focusing on "the positive side of things" seemed a lot harder. Jason's brain was back into its own negativity loop and now all he could focus on was trying to think of something Percy wasn't good at.
    After a couple of minutes, Jason realized his mind was coming up blank. His friend already carried himself with a charming humbleness along with a fun side of humor that was bound to be charismatic towards almost anyone he came across, and that included Nico. As far as Jason knew, he was the only person that was aware of Nico's crush on Percy, but that knowledge only fueled his jealousy.

    For whatever reason, Jason just had to be Nico's number one, and part of him felt like his chance to make an impression on the pretty omega was through what went on tonight and he blew it. The alpha couldn't even make him cum for crying out loud, and of course, Percy had to fill in where he lacked.
     Jason felt the weight of the realization that that was probably the worst sex of Nico's life, and on top of that, the first bad sexual experience of Nico's life. He wouldn't forget that when he was halfway through on the road to pleasure town that he almost forgot he was the one taking the omega's virginity. Jason was by no means old fashioned, but even if it didn't matter to Nico, it mattered to him.
    Just knowing he could've been giving the boy the time of his life and instead watching him not even look at him for the entire time made Jason feel like shit. There was just no way he could beat Percy on this one; he and Nico already had a relationship long before Jason even met either of them, and it was clear which alpha Nico wanted after tonight.

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