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Percy didn't expect to get growled at by one of his best friends. He'd have to confront Jason about it later, but for right now his top priority was Nico, who was still lying exactly in the position Jason left him in after he was knotted.
The boy was laying on his tummy with his hands clutching a pillow to his chest, but the main thing Percy noticed was that he wasn't acting like an omega who just got fucked.
Normally, sex and knotting got the omega to calm down for a couple hours until another wave of their heat came back and the process restarted. Until then, the omega was calm and content, but Nico seemed like anything other than those two things.

"Hey, sweetheart, did you want to go again?" Percy asked him gently.

The pet name sort of just slipped out; calling Nico that felt like the most natural thing in the world, and thankfully he didn't seem to mind too much. But when he hesitated, Percy added, "We don't have to if you don't want to. It's okay if you need a break," he said, but Nico quickly shook his head. Percy stepped away for a minute to grab the water bottle he packed and offered it to Nico who took it easily, and the omega murmured a small "thank you" before Percy went to put the bottle back.

"Can I touch you?" He asked after a moment, and the boy nodded.

The alpha was slow and deliberate with his touches; he started with just petting Nico's hair; feeling the short, soft, loose, and well conditioned curls through his fingers before moving on to lightly rubbing his upper back. He heard the omega sigh quietly as he rested his head on Percy's lap; clearly too tired to move.
But the alpha didn't mind; sleepy omegas were sometimes the best kinds of omegas because of how at peace they looked, and he was glad he was able to take Nico from being anxious to being a lot calmer with a few simple touches.
Percy let his hand drift further down Nico's spine, and he had to position himself more to the side in order to reach. He stopped immediately when the boy flinched once he rested his palm on his still red and abused ass that maintained the faint outlines of Jason's handprints on them. Percy whispered an apology to him and moved on from the area; opting to feel in between his soft thighs that still had sweet slick and cum coating them.
Percy helped Nico onto his back again and grabbed another pillow that Nico wasn't using for his head to place beneath his hips, which would hopefully take the pain off his lower back and ass as well as make it easier for both of them.

"You've got such pretty holes, baby." Percy said softly as he spread the omega's pussylips apart to expose his hole that was still leaking Jason's cum.

Nico blushed brightly at Percy's words, and the alpha continued observing his face closely as he used his fingers to slowly rub his clit, which was something Jason most definitely had neglected. Not that Percy was trying to one-up him or anything, of course, it was just that he was competitive and so was Jason, but Percy was still more concerned with what he saw happening between Jason and Nico previously.
The omega moaned, like, really moaned (probably for the first time that night, if Percy had to guess) when he started rubbing his little clit with slightly more pressure. Percy also took the time to touch and feel around his pink folds while he murmured soft praise and sweet words into his skin which had Nico dripping in no time.
Percy breathed in his omega scent that emanated from all over his soft skin, which smelled like a mix of French lavender and sugar, with hints of sweet milk and light mint.

The alpha moved onto kissing the boy's delicate inner thighs while he used his hands to slide under Nico's legs to hold his hips so that they were even closer. The omega jumped a little when he felt Percy's tongue between his lips, but he quickly got used to the new sensation as he focused on the alpha's rough hands rubbing his hips and sides.
Percy ate his pussy like he was absolutely starving; savoring the omega's taste of sugar and honey on his tongue. He saw Nico reacting beautifully above him; he felt the boy's hand clutching his hair as his back arched off the bed and loud moans fell from his lips. Percy felt an inner sense of pride when he knew that he was the one making Nico feel like this—making him feel good and pleasured well.
It was hard to focus on anything else other than sucking on the omega's clit and feeling new slick rush from his hole. The alpha wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon even after Nico's cum squirted from his needy little cunt, and he kept eating him out until he was overstimulated and the omega physically had to push him off to catch his breath.

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