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   "Percy, we need to talk."

Jason had been meaning to say those words the second he got a chance, and this was it. Percy momentarily glanced over in his direction before turning his gaze back on where the horizon would be if the sky hadn't been completely dark by now. The space where the ocean stopped and the sky met was nearly indistinguishable unless one were to squint very hard to see it.

     "I just wanted to apologize for the other day and leaving Nico alone...and for getting a little too into it with him and snapping at you." Jason did his best to read Percy's expression, but it was difficult because he could only see one side of his face.

"Why are you saying sorry to me? If anything it's Nico you should be apologizing to." Percy answered coldly.

"I already did. He forgave me...I think? I don't know, I was just so nervous going into this whole thing—"

"Look, Grace, I'm not mad, okay? Not anymore, at least. If you and Nico are cool, then I don't want to start anything. It's a weird time for him and I don't think us feuding is going to make it any easier." Percy said and Jason breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I have been thinking," he added, and the alpha looked up again.

"—What's this going to be like when this has all blown over? I mean, his heat isn't going to last forever."

Jason hadn't even considered what their relationship with Nico would be like once this was all said and done. He had been too busy trying to be a better "temporary alpha" that he completely forgot that they would have to detach themselves from the omega one way or another. He didn't think he could do that.
Jason studied Percy's face closely; his gorgeous green eyes still visible even in the dim lighting of the ship and the silver stars above. He found himself lost in staring at the other alpha beside him; thoroughly entranced by the way Percy looked when he was in deep thought. It took Jason a second to shake himself out of it before remembering what they were concerned about.

"I really don't know. Is it bad to say that I wish it wouldn't end?" He responded at last.

"No. I feel that way, too, and it's scaring me," Percy said as he turned to face Jason at last.

"I think I like him, Jason. I think I've liked him for awhile now, and this opportunity just seemed too good to be true, but—"

"—but there's always a catch. I get it." Jason finished for him, and he saw gratefulness fill Percy's eyes once he saw that Jason understood.

The alpha was surprised that feelings of jealousy were nowhere to be found. He couldn't find it in himself to throw any hate or irritation at Percy's way, even though another alpha just admitted to him to having a crush on the omega he also had feelings for. Jason wondered why.

Then it hit him.

Maybe Nico wasn't the only one he had feelings for. Perhaps some of his affection really was directed towards Percy this whole time, and finding love and lust in the little omega still in his cabin was what was able to bring all three of them together.
It would certainly explain his need to prove himself to Percy, not necessarily in a competition of dominance, but just because he wanted the other alpha to be impressed with him, too. It would also explain the dissipation of his own jealousy towards Percy; it was nonexistent now because he was finally recognizing what could've been the buddings of a blooming crush that he could only hope would be reciprocated.

"I'm glad we got the chance to talk," Percy said, but Jason's mind and heart were still racing.

"M-Me too." Jason couldn't even meet the alpha's eyes anymore now that he was done disguising his "admiration" for attraction.

"Well, I think I'm going to get some shuteye. How about you?" Percy said as he stretched and began to turn to head back to the cabins.

"Percy, wait," Jason said a little more firmly than he meant to, but at least it got his attention.


"I..." Jason desperately wanted to get the words out, but nothing in his vocal tract seemed to be working.

"...Nevermind. Let's go get some sleep." His chest felt tight as he passed up a perfectly good opportunity to say how he really felt, and he knew he'd just have to live with the consequences later. Percy gave him a shrug and a charming smile as they made their way belowdecks and back to Jason's cabin.


When they arrived, Nico seemed to have passed out at least a little over an hour ago, and he was curled up in a newly made nest that was big enough to fit the three of them.
Jason and Percy crawled in on either side of him, and they were both careful to not disturb the little omega still snoozing in the middle of the nest. Jason got comfortable under the covers as he stared up at the cabin ceiling with his arms behind his head, and when he looked over he saw Percy doing the same.
The son of Poseidon didn't seem to notice him staring, which Jason was thankful for because he was almost certain that Percy could hear his own heartbeat thrumming loudly in his chest. Now it wasn't just Nico who was giving him butterflies, and it made him feel simultaneously excited and downright nervous at the same time.

"Hey, are you still awake?" Percy asked from the other side of the bed.

"Yeah. You?"

"I'm the one who asked, silly."

"Oh. Right. I don't know why I...Whatever." Jason murmured back sheepishly.

"I know I already said this, but I'm really happy that we could sort this out today." Percy whispered.

"Me too. It's weird being mad at each other. Not that I was mad at you! I just mean that it feels gross to be...at odds." Jason mentally kicked himself. Why couldn't he just speak normally? He was able to do it before when he convinced himself he wasn't into Percy like that, so why did it have to be different now that he was finally being honest with himself?

"Don't worry, I know what you mean. But Jason?"


"Can I just say I'm lucky to have you in my life? Both of you, really." Percy said as he nodded towards Nico's sleeping direction.

What the hell does that mean? Does it mean he likes me, too?

Jason couldn't afford to twist Percy's words like that. Not unless he wanted to seriously get hurt. He knew Percy could really open up when he wanted to, or maybe late night conversations made everyone at least a little delirious. Or maybe he really was reading too much into it. Percy was just being sweet, right?

"I'm...Lucky to have you in my life, too. You guys mean a lot to me." Vulnerability was seriously making him uncomfortable. Was Percy putting him on the spot because he somehow knew? Jason swallowed hard and tried not to think about that possibility. There was no way, right? Either way, this was his now or never opportunity that he thought missed earlier. He couldn't give it up—now was the time, so he decided to just go for it.

"Percy, I have some to tell y—" Jason began to say until he looked over to see Percy dozing off soundly.

He sighed. Tomorrow was another day.


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