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Nico woke up in time to see Percy and Jason coming to join in back in the cabin, but when he saw them come in he noticed something was different. Even through his altered state of mind he could tell that there was definitely something going on between the two alphas, but he just wasn't sure what it was exactly.

"How are you feeling, Nico?" Jason asked him as he and Percy joined him on the bed.

"I'm okay, but I need--"

"We know. We got you, baby," Percy said, making Nico blush as he pulled the alpha into a grateful kiss.

Both alphas spent time focusing on Nico through lots of kisses and sweet touches that made him melt, but Nico also noticed that Percy and Jason were touching each other, too. It made him even more curious to know what he might have missed when he was either too tired or too horny to think straight. Nevertheless, he watched as the two alphas made out with each other; their hands roaming one another's bodies. There was no competition, no fighting over anything--just pure attraction that only fueled Nico's growing curiosity to want to understand what happened between them.
However, the alphas were keen on making sure he didn't feel left out, and Nico sighed softly when he felt Percy's lips kissing the side of his neck while he let the boy grind against his knee that was placed between his legs. He eventually felt Jason playing with his hair from where he sat behind him as Percy stripped down to nothing in the meantime.

Nico spread his legs wider when Percy leaned down to eat him out; his tongue working its magic to get him closer to an orgasm faster than ever before. He adored the way the alpha gripped his thighs tightly to keep him from going anywhere (not that Nico wanted to be anywhere else than he was right now, of course) and he completely lost it when Percy began sucking on his clit.
Along with stroking his hair, Jason found one of Nico's hands and held it as he was worked through another earth-shattering orgasm from both Percy's tongue and fingers playing with his slick soaked pussy. Nico quickly realized that this was the least painful heat he's ever had in his entire life time due to the fact that he had not one, but two alphas helping him through it; resulting in just about zero discomfort whatsoever.

"Still okay?" Percy asked, checking in on him. Nico quickly nodded his head yes--the desperation already coming back into the forefront of his mind.

"Good, because this is going to be a long night," Jason said from behind him and Percy chuckled.

The three boys proceeded taking turns making out with each other until Jason took Percy's place between his thighs as he pressed little kisses all the way down Nico's chest.

"Such a pretty omega," he said; making Nico preen under the praise.

Jason rubbed his inner thighs which made his heart speed up with anticipation as his hands got closer and closer to his dripping cunt. Nico whimpered when Jason finally touched him where he needed it; the alpha's fingers rubbing his clear slick around his clit down to his pink hole hidden in delicate folds.
Nico felt Jason kiss his way down to his cunt before slowly cleaning up his sweet slick with his tongue; the omega squirming under him the entire time. Then he felt Jason's hands on either side of his hips, and before he knew it the alpha was switching their positions.

"Want you on top, baby," Jason said as he encouraged Nico to sit on his face.

The omega obeyed as he delicately lowered himself down so that his pussy was just centimeters away from Jason's tongue. It was a little tricky to find the right rhythm at first, but Nico eventually got comfortable riding the alpha's tongue as it swiped over his clit and between his lips with ease. He had to hold onto Jason's headboard for much needed support as he had the time of his life fucking himself using the alpha's mouth until he was cumming for the second time that night. Jason eased him off of his face and carefully laid him back down on the bed as the omega struggled to catch his breath. Nico purred deep in his throat as the alpha touched the side of his face and kissed his lips briefly.

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