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    It was officially midday on the Argo, and it was also officially Percy's turn with Nico once again. Similar to two days ago, Percy had spent the day fucking the omega with intermittent naps in between and life truly couldn't have been more perfect.

    Well, that wasn't entirely true.

     As much as Percy loved having sex with Nico (and oddly missing Jason when he wasn't there to share the time with him), he was already picturing a more domestic situation with the boy that wasn't totally hormone driven.
    For example, every time he and Nico would get each other off to completion, Percy was left wondering more and more what it would be like to actually have Nico as his mate. He imagined their life together with sweet moments like taking him out on dates, holding his hand, and doing just about everything together. But the more he thought about it, the more Percy realized that something was missing, or that someone was missing.

    Every time he thought about Nico as his omega, he quickly realized that those memories weren't entirely complete. Percy was left with the question rolling around in his mind that kept saying: what about Jason?
     It was odd to him to keep hearing the question on repeat in his brain since alphas were supposed to fight over an omega, not share one together, but Percy didn't want to fight Jason in order to keep Nico. If anything, he wanted Jason, too, but what if Jason didn't want either of them to begin with? Especially since this all started off as a "helping hand" situation and nothing more. And with Percy's luck, was it even possible to want it all? He wasn't sure anymore.

    The alpha sighed, doing his best to ignore the loud thoughts still clouding his mind. He instead looked down at Nico who was cuddled close to his side; both of them still naked with the little omega passed out from cumming multiple times.
    Percy thought about taking a nap, too, but eventually came to the conclusion that he would just spend more time stressing about his complicated feelings for Jason and his crystal clear love for Nico.
    The alpha was sort of glad that at least his deep affection for the omega curled up beside him was obvious; like a shining lighthouse out at sea guiding ships to shore, but instead of ships and a lighthouse it was Nico guiding his heart where it needed to be. Percy found it comforting to know that even if everything in his life was currently uncertain and at the cruel hands of fate, he could at least find peace with how he felt about Nico.

   But Jason? Jason was a little more complicated.

    Percy felt the unbearable need to have Jason in his life and his and Nico's (hopefully) future relationship one way or another, but he wasn't entirely sure why. Percy wasn't at all opposed to the idea of being romantically and sexually involved with the other alpha, but he wondered why he never figured it out sooner.
    Maybe it was because he felt that Jason just wanted to be friends and of course Percy would respect that, but he wasn't sure if he could only want Nico and not want Jason at the same time. Was he even making sense? Percy wasn't even clear with himself on that.

     The alpha's head was seriously starting to hurt just from trying to sort everything out all at once, but that was just how Percy handled his emotions. It really was either all or nothing when it came to him, and sometimes that led to some seriously painful headaches.
    The alpha tried focusing on Nico sleeping beside him once again, and found that the majority of his stress simply vanished just by looking at him. The omega was so pretty all the time, but especially when he was completely at peace like he was right now, and Percy was proud of himself for having contributed to that momentary peace during his heat.
   Percy could really only imagine how difficult an omega's heat must be—it certainly wasn't anything like an alpha's rut that was far less painful than whatever Nico's body was going through right now. Ovulation wasn't always easy for omegas and that's why Percy felt so compelled to do everything in his power to make Nico's heat at least a little less uncomfortable for the time being.
He stroked Nico's hair while making plans to meet up with Jason later that day to finally talk about the things he was feeling since Percy knew all too well that he needed to get this out there or else it would only keep eating him.

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