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   Jason said in surprise once he opened the door to find the omega who was feeling like his feet were cemented to the floor. Nico said nothing aside from staring at the much taller alpha in front of him with wide eyes with an expression as speechless as his vocal chords.

     Jason, who was also silent, looked at him with concern-filled eyes as he momentarily glanced behind him where Nico caught a glimpse of Percy sitting on the bed. The boy turned his attention back on Nico and motioned for him to join them inside the cabin, and Nico followed with his feet simultaneously feeling heavy and weightless at the same time.

    Not one of them spoke a word for a good few minutes as Nico tried to think of what to say, but his mind was consistently coming up blank. Thankfully, Percy decided to cut the tension first after another couple of moments filled with nothing but silence.

    "We were hoping you'd come around," he said. Nico caught Jason giving him a wary look. "Me and Jason were, uh, having a pretty hard time leaving you alone know."

    "Yeah, Nico. It was weird being so attached and then going back to basically ignoring each other all of a sudden, but...we're glad you showed up." Jason added on, but Nico was suddenly filled with heightened annoyance.

     "If you wanted to see me so bad, why didn't either of you come and find me?" the omega asked; his tone sharp and piercing, but he soon felt bad after the two alphas shared the same expression with one another.

    "You're not exactly the most approachable--"

   "What Percy is trying to say--" Jason interrupted after throwing a warning glance his way. "--is that we weren't sure if you wanted space or if you wanted to talk, get the gist."

   Nico stared at the floor as he hugged his knees to his chest while still sitting on the edge of Jason's bed. He couldn't find it in him to be angry anymore; no amount of energy in the world could make him want to be irritated when everything he wanted was right here--sitting on either side of him.

    "You're right. You're both right," Nico said at last. "You guys have taken such good care of me over the past week, and I can't even express how grateful I am. I guess I don't blame you for being unsure of what to do with me after everything was over."

    "Well, I think we know exactly what we wanted to do with you," Percy said before turning beet red after realizing how that must've sounded. "Wait, that's not-I didn't mean it like--"

    "Percy," Nico turned to face him. He couldn't help but laugh a little, and that seemed to smooth over everything. "I know what you meant."

    "...You do?" Percy said skeptically.

    "I think so," Nico answered. "Or, at least I have an idea."

    "And what's that?" Jason asked him as Nico took a deep breath.

    "These last few days have been...Well, hectic, if I'm being totally honest. But they taught me something," the omega paused as he looked back and forth between the alphas. "I'm having a really hard time trying to imagine a world without you two in it, and I don't think I can do, at all. I mean, hell, I couldn't even spend one night without breaking down and coming back here to find you both because it didn't feel right to be somewhere without you."

    Just saying that made Nico feel so much better. However, he was still nervous as he studied their reactions closely.

    "Nico...Percy and I have been talking about that pretty much all day. I think it's safe to say that we all want the same thing, but we just weren't sure if you were going to be on board. If we had known we would be having this conversation so much sooner."

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