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Everything about their situation was completely new territory for him. Jason never had to help an omega through a heat before, so everything was all the more awkward when it came to taking care of Nico. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but Jason was growing more and more paranoid over the possibility he might do or say something wrong that could mess up the whole thing entirely.
To make matters worse, Percy never even had to help an omega through a heat either, but somehow the way he handled Nico with such confidence and ease made Jason a little jealous. Well, more like a lot jealous. It just wasn't fair that both of them had a lack of experience yet Percy was already acting like he knew everything when it came to Nico and what was best for him.

It wasn't the first time Jason would have to remind himself to not get into his own head too much and to just stay focused on helping Nico.

It was currently Friday, and the goal of the day was to mainly keep sailing through the mostly cloudless sky, so the two alphas decided to simply stay with Nico instead of switching right away.
Speaking of the omega, he was just waking up from an hour long nap in a nest full of soft blankets, pegasus down pillows, and Jason and Percy's sacrificial hoodies and sweatshirts. Jason quietly took pride in the fact that Nico had chosen one of his hoodies to sleep in for the time being, and he had to admit that the little omega looked so comfortable in it.

"Do you need anything?" Jason asked him when Nico had awoken fully, his large coffee brown eyes still looking a little tired but just as dazzling as ever.

"Um..." Nico said as he blushed and looked away. For an omega in heat, he was being awfully modest about his condition.

That was until Jason noticed the omega rubbing his soft and smooth thighs together—a clear sign of a needy (and shy) omega. It probably wouldn't be long before the sweet scent of omega slick would be filling the air and making the entire cabin smell like a bakery.
Percy took the initiative and gently separated Nico's thighs so he could get between them better while Jason sat there in surprise at Percy's nerve. He knew Nico hated being touched, and maybe his heat could've been making an exception, but to see Percy caressing his body so nonchalantly was a shocker.
Nonetheless, Nico was definitely enjoying it. The little omega clicking sounds he made at the back of his throat were a definitive indication of delicate pleasure.
Out of all three dynamics, omegas and betas were the ones that had the most extensive vocal abilities compared to alphas. From all the clicks, chirps, whimpers, and even whistles they made, their communication was undoubtedly unmatched.

Jason watched Percy lean down to press a kiss to Nico's cheek before moving down to his full plush lips. It was something he definitely wasn't expecting since it looked so...Intimate? Or perhaps he supposed that this was only going to be a one time thing with no sweet kisses or anything like that, but Percy seemed to disagree.
Nico's smaller hands reached up to hold onto Percy's shoulders while they kissed some more, and Jason was painfully aware of how he was still sitting on the sidelines. Luckily, Percy momentarily glanced up towards his direction when they broke away, gave him a slight nod and moved out of the way to give Jason an opportunity.
The alpha took Percy's place between Nico's spread legs and awkwardly helped the omega take his sweatshirt off as well as his own shirt he was wearing. Jason's blue eyes followed the soft lines of Nico's body from his slim face, to his prominent collarbones, and all the way down to his hips and the space between his thighs that was still covered by the tiny black lacy underwear he was wearing.
The alpha moved so that he could take off his pants, and he found that stripping wasn't all that bad at the moment. Percy had already seen him naked plenty of times in the showers after sparring, and he hoped that Nico liked what he was seeing.

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