our first date......WHAT???

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That night went smoothly.we was talking about us.I get to know that pie is from a rich family.her mom run a business.I felt that I and pie were getting closer to each other.that night, I went back to my dorm with a smile in my face.I cant denied that pie is so beautiful.oh gosh....the feeling That I have been hiding is surfacing again.

Tina is a nice person.we were chit chatting the whole night.I got to know her better and closer.Everytime she speaks, she will give a beautiful smile...or...should I say eye smile that will melt any heart.I went back to my dorm and closed the door.as I was about to tuck myself under the blanket I heard meen is still awake
"meen are you still awake?I thought you have already slept?"
"no I can't sleep pie.I was thinking about tina .she is such a nice girl.my heart flutter Everytime I talk about her. "she said
"meen.....you already have zee though. "I told her
"yes I know but uhm...... I wanna sleep now.good nite "
When I was In my bed,my mind kept drifting back to what meen had said."flutter ah....."
I drifted into my slumber

Next morning

I was surprised to see tina to be the first one in history class.I wave and smile at her.as meen was about to sit beside tine,I took my spot beside tina faster than meen.
"so early?? "
"I like history class. History is so fun to learn."
"owh..." that was I managed to tell her before our proff enter the class.
I look at tina.she was so focussed until she did not realise that meen keep giving her a seductive look.
I rolled my eyes to meen.

Lunch time came.I walked alone to the canteen looking for some space to sit.to my.suprise meen hold my hand and lead me to where pie was sitting. I felt that pie glare at me.I try to release my hand from meen but she hold it tightly.I have no choice so I sat beside meen and start eating.
I was enjoying my lunch when meen forcefully feed me a part of her food.I know that I cant reject it because she will feel hurt.well im a good kid you know.....
After lunch,I tried to reach pie but she totally ignore me
I dont know what happen to her.... I went to my another class cluessly

Argh.....I was boiling inside me when I saw meen holding tina's hand tightly leading her to our table
I felt something inside me...like boiling or something.. I just cant define it.
When I saw meen feeding tina and tina did not reject it...thats it I reached my limit.
After lunch,I heard tina calling my name but I totally ignore her.that hurts me more...

At the uni..
"Hei pie"I greet her
"Hai tina.whats up??"I asked her
"do you wanna go hang out with me tonight??my roommate is leaving due to some emergency so I will be all alone today."I asked her
"uhmmmmmm where do you wanna go actually?"I asked her back
"maybe to the cafe behind our uni.its fun there.meen told me that the food there is very nice."I answered and I saw her jaw clenched upin hearing the word 'MEEN'
"I think its ok tina.I will come with you.maybe we can discuss about the project that we are suppose to do for our history class.
"ok pie.I will see you at eight then" I walked past her to my dorm
I seriously dont know why but when I ask her out,I feel there is butterfly inside my stomach. And I never expect her to say yes this fast.I was grinning from ear to ear..

After my talk with tina,I went back to my dorm and sat on my bed.I really have to admit that my heart skipped a beat when she ask me out.it seriously feel like a date though....ARGH....I don't know whats happening to me.

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