time for truth

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"mom,can you please just leave me alone for once"I yell at her.she is so annoying for this past days.after I broke up with Kim,I shut myself up.
"come on pie,come out of the room.you have been like this for the past two days.van wants to take you out.PIE!!! "
Oh lord.... She is so annoying. I get up from my bed lazily.
Urgh.....im so tired.I went down,sulkingly.
"what you want mom??"
"Pie,lets go out.you have been like this for the past two days.your mom is worry about you." p'van but in.
"p'van im so tired. I want to rest. Im....".before im even able to continue, my mom but in
"Pie,let just stop it please.you must go out with him no matter what!".I just nod and went back to my room.im too lazy to argue with her.
I look at myself at the mirror, I really miss Kim. I dont know how she is doing.
I get ready simply and head out of the door room.
P'van and I drove in silence."urm...pie are you hungry,lets go and grab something to eat."
"whatever!! "
He stopped somewhere at a restaurant. We sat at a table. To be true I've no appetite but he just order some kind of food.after the food arrive,I start eating but when I saw the food it was kim's favourite. I feel wanna break down now.I really miss her so much.right then p'van drew close to me and kiss me in the cheek. I was so stunned by his action.
"what the hell are you doing p'van?are you gone nuts."
"sorry pie. I can't control myself,im sorry. I like you pie, you know that.
"p'van, I already told you.my heart only belongs to Kim.no one can take over her place in my heart,not even you".I took my handbag and left the place.
I was walking out of the restaurant when meen stop me.
"what do you....",before I was able to finish "pang!!!".
I was so shocked. "what the hell did you just do meen"
"shut up pie.you first broke kim's heart and now you're flirting with that useless guy now!!.you did not even visit her in the hospital pie.she was hopping that you,her so called lover will come and visit but nope.why are u so selfish pie?Kim loves you so much but you....argh...I dont know what to say at all.and you break her heart more when that useless guy kissed you in the cheek just now"
Wait that means Kim was here!! And she saw me and him kissing. Oh lord im gonna die soon.
"please meen,where is she?I have to see her"
"for what pie,so that you can hurt her more..."
"meen please just tell me..."
"well I have no idea either,after she saw you both,she ran away from here.I think she went back to her dorm.and please pie,if you want to talk with her go ahead but please don't hurt her anymore. "
I just nod and ran to the dorm.when I arrived, there was an ambulance and a lot of people has gathered around. As I walk past them,I heard people whispering among themselves "what happen to her","why did she do that".as I fasten my pace, my heart beats faster. When I arrived at the place, there is a pool of blood there.and I saw it!!! I saw it!!! It was Kim!!my Kim!!.I ran up to the doctor and ask her what happen
"sorry miss,she jump from the building and she have lost of blood, we have to take her to the hospital and do surgery on her ".my heart stopped. Oh my god,what have I done
I followed them and I take a hold of kim's hand in the ambulance and keep apologizing. My tears are not helping me at all
Aftet we arrived at the hospital,the doctor started their surgery. I was sitting out there crying. I called meen and sha said she will be right here at any minute. I was praying to the god that she will be fine.then the doctor came out of surgery room
"miss she have lost a lot of blood. We have done our best to make sure she is fine.other than that its god's will.we can only say anything after she regain consciousness. "
"can I see her doctor? ".the doctor just nodded.I ran to the room and I slumped to the ground.there was my love of my life laying with bandages all over her and I broke down.I get up and went near her.I took a hold of her hand
"Kim im sorry for what I have done,please forgive me.I love you so much Kim.I cant live my life without you. I promise to you that I will make this right.trust me.....Kim....".then someone tap my shoulder,it was meen and she motion me to come out of the room.as I get out of the room, I saw p'van looking at me.
"im sorry pie, he came look for you ".I just nod
"so pie are you done,lets go home. Your mom is waiting for you ".I just stare at him.and a nurse appear
"who is the relative of Ms.Kim here?".she asked
"its me.my name is pie and...im her girlfriend ".I answered her.I could feel that meen smile at me..
"owh ok please buy this medicine for her later".I just nod.
"Pie what are you saying. You know your mom won't allow it" p'van said.
"can you please shut up.its between me and my mom. I love Kim..and I will fighting for her."I said and I turn to meen
"meen please take care of her for me, I will be back soon".she just nod.I went back to my house to meet my mom.
"mom can we talk this is very important "
"sure darling. What is it about?"
"mom,I love Kim so much and I decided to get back with her together whether you agree or not!!"

Hei guys im back..I was so busy now days.
So to all of you all who read my story but did not vote,I will think you guys as my secret reader...hehehe..
And to those who support me thank you and so much.
I love you guys soooo much coz you guys are awesome

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