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I look at pie who look shocked.I sensed jealousy on ger face.She try to walk past me but I held her hand signalling her to wait but to my horror she just walk away
"what you want now aya."
"Kim why are you being so mean to me?dont you miss me"
"why would I.. I mean yes but what are you doing here so shocked to see you here."
"I just wanna see you.BTW are you free tonight. I wanna meet you today.
"im sorry aya.I have a group discussion.maybe tomorrow then?"
"ok sure Kim.Bye"

I quickly walk to meet pie.I need to explain to pie so that she wont misunderstood the scene just now.I was smiling to myself when I saw jealousy just now in her eyes
I found pie sitting at bench near the fountain

Urgh...its the second time this heart feel hot when I saw that girl hugging Kim.and Kim just stood there like an idiot. I quickly walk away from them.
Now here am I sitting at the bench,lost in my own thoughts.I really felt jealous. I can wrap my brain around. But I knew one thing... I like Kim more than a friend
No matter how many times I denie it that is the truth.
I saw Kim walking towards me.I made a straight face.
"hie pie.why you left me there alone? "she ask me

I saw pie sitting at the bench. I smile while looking at her.
"omo.she is so cute when she make the straight face.seriously make my heart skip a beat"
I went to talk to her.
" Hi pie.why you left me there alone."
"nothing. I just do want to disturb your time alone with your friend. "I chuckled when she emphasize the word friend.
"owh she is my friend. I know her since high school.she is my bestfriend."
"just best friend?? " she ask me.I grin at her
"to be truth to you. I use to like her but she actually reject me cause you know..girl girl relationship "I told her the truth.
"ok" was the only one she gave me.
An idea suddenly popped to my head.
"Hei wanna go out with me after our class today.I want to go beach.its summer you know."I suggest. I saw pie's eyes lit up.she nod to me vigorously. I just smile at her

At six pm I and pie walk together to the beach. It was quite near so we decide to save money.
We arrived at the beach..
We stroll around when pie drag to me the beach and play with water. Oh god.I need to admit.she is totally gorgeous.

We was totally wet.Thank god there was are resort near the beach.we took our key to our room.after we entered our room and I lay down on the bed.I saw Kim staring at me like wanna eat me up.
"so are you going to keep staring at me like that"
My sudden speech bought her from dream and she blushed. Like really blushed.
That evening when by like a wind.I think I enjoy the most in my life today.we do a lot of games.I feel the happiest in my life. And sadly it was time for us to go back.
"lets go Kim. Its getting late.we have class tomorrow. "I told Kim.she just nod in agreement.

On the way to home,I was walking in silent. I was sad cause we are leaving so early. I really enjoy my day.I felt like heaven. I hold pie's hand to make me my suprise,I thought she will denie or she will shout at me but she also held my hand tightly like dont want to let me go.

When Kim touch me I felt a thousand jolt and butterfly in my stomach. I can't resist to hold kim's hand
Kim grip her hand tightly with mine.
After I reach my room,I stood there for a while were looking at Kim.I dont know what got into me but I lower kim's head to me and gave her a peck in her cheek.she look shocked with my action while I totally turn red.I let her and went to my room.I close the door while shouting to myself "I HAVE FALL FOR KIM!!!!"

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