i like you and cuddle

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I was quite surprised when Kim act rough to me.she pull my hand hard, make me to face her.I was about to yell at her before she seal me with a kiss.I was taken aback by her action. I really wanna pull away but it feels...so good to kiss her.and I found myself kissing her back passionately. Kim start to deepen the kiss and I kiss her back with the same intensity.Oh God...its.... so good..kissing her.her scent is so intoxicating and I just cant stop myself.

I was seriously shocked when I felt pie responding to my kiss.Oh, seriously her lips is so good and it is so addictive .I start to deepen the kiss and pie did the same.it seems like the whole world had stopped and only I and pie is here.I felt pie's hand around my neck while I move my hands to her waist pulling her closer to me.we was passionately kissing when the stupid phone starts ringing...

We was so into our kiss when my stupid phone start ringing. We pull away gasping for air and we both turned red.I froze for a moment.it was Kim who start speaking.
"uhm I think you need to answer it" I nod and answer the phone. It was my mom
"uhm hey mom.whats wrong?"I asked
"nothing pie.just want to remind you that we have dinner with p'van tomorrow. "
"yes.I remember mom.I will be there"I answered and cut my phone
Now I was staring at Kim like a dumb
"sshhh"and she cut me off

Pie was about to say something but I cut her off.
"sshh.pie listen to me.I like you more than a friend..no.. Cut it off..I love you pie..so much..sorry for hurting you. I did not expect aya to react that way.pls believe me that my heart only belongs to you pie..I only love you and only you and I will forever love you..... "before I finish she kiss me again deeply before pulling back.we put our foreheads together and smile to each other.we walk back to our rooms while holding our hands.after we arrived at pie's room.I send her to the room
I was about to leave her hand when she grab my hand even tighter.
"stay with me please tonight. I wanna cuddle with you.please."she said or should I said literally begging me.I seriously find that cute.
"but wont your roommate will be here?I ask her.
"no she went back already to her house.she will only be back next two days.please........."oh gosh.she is so cute.
I finally gave in
"ok.lets go.im sleepy already "
We went to pie's room

Kim finally agreed.I really wanna cuddle with her.I want to spend our first night together. I quickly took a shower and threw my towel at Kim,gesturing her to go take a bath.she willingly went to take shower
In the meantime,I tuck myself under the bed,pretending to sleep.I heard the door sound opening.

I walk out of the bathroom just to find pie already sleeping!!!! I sigh and tuck myself under the bed with her.I stare at her for a long time before my hand move itself to touch pie's hair.I stroke her hair while looking at her.
"you know pie..I think I was insane to like you cause I know that you're straight. When the first time we fought,I cried that night without stopping. I think of your word and I took the decision to forget you. Trust me that was my worst decision. Everyday,I tried very hard to forget you although I know that its impossible. And I finally gave up and try my best to show my love to you.you are the best gift that God has given me in my whole life.thank you pie for loving me.I love you pie".
I said everything that was in my heart for this whole time.
Suddenly pie open her eyes and looked at me.I was totally starstruck.

I heard every single word of Kim.oh God I never knew she love me this much.I was totally taken aback.I opened eyes and Kim look very shell-shocked. I pull her near to me and I hug her really tightly. "im sorry Kim for not understanding your love and im sorry for hurting you.I really love you Kim.I love you so much Kim." I release my hug.I scooted close to her and I use her hand as my pillow.I hug her tight. She kiss my forehead and whispered 'i love you too'.I smile to myself before drifting to my slumber

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