all hell broke loose

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I woke up after a few hours only to find pie missing from my side."maybe she left..... ".I thought to myself. I stand up,stretching my hands and closing my eyes.I was already night and it was raining.
And then my room door shot open,I saw pie walking inside while.smiling at heart totally melted after I saw pie's smile.then I remember that im still kind of mad with her.I walk past her to the balcony savouring the was raining heavily.I gasped when I felt a pair of hands snaked my waist,hugging me tight. "Kim,how are you?do you know that I miss you so much yesterday. I could not even sleep without you beside me babe.".I dont know how to react.I just kept quiet. "babe why are you so quiet?".I release her hand from me and just walk to my bed and sat there silently....

Iam lost of ideas on how to console Kim.I know that she is angry at me.I know that im guilty for talking to her like that.I walk weakly towards her and sat in front of her,facing her.befor I was about to speak.....
"are you ashamed of me pie?urm...are you afraid to tell the world that you love me.your words hurt me pie. Really I just cant handle it anymore " her voice cracked and she bit her lip trying not to shed tears in front of me.I was taken aback by her I ashamed of her?I dont know the answer but I know that I love her so much.
" not ashamed of you.what are you talking about? I love you so much.dont you know that?im sorry Kim.I was so stupid of me. ".and she finally shed tears.  This is the first time I saw her crying and most importantly she cry because of heart hurts a lot.I move my face closer to her,I press my lips to her,waiting for her reply. After a few moments she kiss me back.I felt my body heat up and I deepen the kiss....

I was taken aback by her kiss.I hesitate a moment before I kiss her back.her lips are totally addicting and I cant resist my urge to kiss her back.she start to deepen the kiss and I try to match her body heat up.I broke the kiss gasping for air while pie remove my shirt,left me just on my beater before she crash back her lips to hands were moving on own.I pull her shirt off her while kissing.I push her to lay down the bed and I was on top of her.I move my lips from her down to her neck and down to her jaw line.I drag my tongue from her jaw line to her neck.she left a sexy moan,the sexiest.I nibble on her skin while kissing and sucking her neck.I found her collarbone and I suck it only for me to listen her to moan more. I move back to her lips and kiss her passionately. She holds my nape.I took the courage to move down to her bra.I want to snap up her bra but I was afraid of how she gonna react.I dont want to force her into anything,I still respect her and her body.I look up at her and found her eyes,emitting so much love for me.its like she understand my worries and she just nod while smiling.I move my hands down to her bra.I snap it open and move down my lips.......

I dont know what to do.I was too daze to tell her to stop and touch is totally addicting. I felt she move her lips down from my lips, kissing me lightly,way to my neck down my collarbone to my breasts. And I can't help the moans escaping from my lips. She kiss my breasts. I look at her eyes,full with lust and passion towards me.she captured my mound with her sinful lips while her another hand massage my breasts.she kiss my nipples and suck it deeper..and deeper making me moan " feels so good."
I pull her up to me and kiss her again."I love you pie,so much"."I know Kim..I love you too".while we were kissing I felt her hand moving down to my panties.she were rubbing me on top of my panties."Ooooh...Kim".as she was about to pull my panties down....the room door shot open and It was my mom!!..

This was the most happiest Moment in my life.our both skin touching heat up our body.her moans were turning me on and I cant stop attacking her I was about pull her panties,the door shot open and someone shouted
And pie push me stumbling me down to the floor
"mom!!" Pie said.
Her mother came up to me and pang!!!!.she slap me vision blur for a while..

Pang!!!!mom...she slap Kim hard in the face
I quickly got up and put on my dress.I pull my mom from Kim.
"mom...stop it mom...what are you doing...?".I yelled at her
She turn to me with her eyes fill with fire and anger.
"mom..", before I could continue, pang!!!. She slap me hard in the face."what have you done pie!!how could you do this to me!!!". Before I could answer her,she drag me out of the room.Kim take a hold of my hand,I turn to look at her..her face is red,due to the slap from my mom.her face with tears."please dont take my pie from me.I love her so much."
She plead to my mom."hei you stay away from her.she is straight and I don't agree to this kind of relationship ".my mom said harshly to her.I take a last look at her before my mom hurl me out of the room....

At the house
"mom..please listen to sorry but I love Dont hate me.I love Kim.."
"stop it pie.just stop it.stop telling that you love are my daughter and you are straight. I dont accept thia kind of relationship pie!!do you understand!!! Just forget are not leaving this house. Now shut up and go up to your room. NOW!!"
"but mom.."."I said NOW!!!" she yell at me
I quickly went up to my room and lock the door.I slam myself to my bed and start crying. I knew its going to happen but I dont expect this mind drift back to Kim.she look vulnerable and her eyes were red,her cheek is red due to the slap.and I cant stop crying...

A/n:I would like to thank all my reader although some of guys did not vote
I dont mind.since this is my first ever wattpad story,pls comment how you feel about this story so far.your comments can make me do some changes

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