our first fight

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It was past eight.I dont know where tina went.
I grew tired of waiting for her So I decide to look after her.I went around our uni when I saw that scene. My heart felt like going to explode when I watch that scene.tears formed on my eyes. I quickly turned and walk away from there while my tears fell.I dont know why but I felt hurt when I saw tina hugging meen tightly.they look like a couple. Meen's hand snaked behind tina's back while tina's hand were on meen's hair.
ARGH... Whats wrong with me? Why am I crying for no reason.



I was studying in my room when my phone start ringing.I got up lazily and went to pick up the phone.I saw the caller was meen."urgh....what she want now" I was already upset when she held my hand tightly just now during lunch
Either way,I answered the call

"Hei tina.what are you up to?"she asked me.
"nothing just studying a bit.why what you want meen?"I answered her lazily
"no I just wanna ask if you're free tonight.I wanna bring you out."she told me
What going out....with her.....that is crazy
"sorry meen.I promised to bring pie out today.we wanna do our project work together.sorry I cant make it today"
" Okey then but can you meet me at the bench near our uni for five minutes.I wanna talk to you about something. Please....."
"urmmmm ok I guess.I will see you in five? "
"ok bye " she hang up

Meet meen.... Now... I took a glance at my watch.its still 7.30pm I still can make it.should I tell pie about this.nope I dont think thats necessary.I will be there on time though.
I quickly changed my clothes to something comfortable and went down to meet meen.

At the bench

Where is meen?its getting late..
Then she arrived.
She sat beside me and to my surprise she start sheading tears.you know seeing women crying is my biggest weakness. So to soot things,I gave her a long and frens hug.she was so into it that she totally forgot that she is holding me so tight.I calm her down amd let her go.
"why are you crying meen?what happen?"
" I had a fight with my girlfriend.I accidentally mentioned the word break up.it was totally a mistake.and then she just hang up the phone.I try calling her back but she ignored me.im so broke... I dont know what to do now" she told me
"owh lovers problem.its nothing meen.she is just hurt by your words.you should not have use the word break up.its alright dont worry.give her time to calm down.try calling her again.if she dont answer your call just go to ther house tomorrow and shock her.say sorry and apologize to her a million times.it will be OK.dont worry" I console her.
She just nodded
I sat there and were talking to her till I did not realise that it was past eight
"oh Damn it pie will be waiting for me.im late"
I bid meen good bye and left to look for Pie


I look for Pie everywhere.then I walked to the fountain and found pie There. I greet her
"Hai pie.im so......." before I could continue my sentence,she cut me off while yelling
"where the hell have you been.do you know what time is it now.its already nine.do you have any sense that you need to keep your promise..????" she yelled at me
I was taken aback by her behaviour but I know that its my fault so I controlled my emotion.
"im sorry pie.a work came by.I was doing the work till I forgot that its already past eight. Im very sorry pie
Please forgive me." I plead at her.I decided no to tell her about meen.this is because I dont know how she will react to it.

My blood boils when I heard tina's lie.I decided to confront her."work ah tina.why are you lying to me.I saw you hugging meen just now tightly or should I say like a couple"I blurted out the truth. Tina was shell shocked when she hear that.
"no pie.I mean I did hug her but not as couple ok.she was sad and crying so I hug her to calm her down.please dont mistake it by putting any meaning"I raised a bit my voice.

I heard tina raising her voice to me
"Hei you dont raise your voice to me Ok.I dont like you at all.all the tom's out there,you're the worst.you lie to me
I hate tom's especially you."I dont know why I said that word.it just came out by itself. I saw tina's face turn red.

"Pie let me tell you something. Im not a tom ok.I just dress like a guy that does not mean that im a guy.Ok.im very hurt pie.Ok fine I did hug meen tightly or whatever you call that.why do you even care about it?what is it with you if I like meen.what the sad part for you.you're nothing for me.you and I don't have any relationship ok.goodbye" I left yelling at her and tears fell from my eyes.

"oh god what have I done" I ask myself while the night seems.longer to me

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