the makeover and again.......

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I ran towards pie and grab her hand pulling her and hugging her tight.I really miss her a lot.i have no idea why I did that.but to see her crying make my heart sad
"its alright,I forgive you.I know you did not meant it.Pls stop crying.I beg you."

I was suprised when Kim hug me.that hug was very tight till I cannot breathe.I was feeling ok after she forgive me.she still did not release me from her hug and it make me breathless.I pull away from her and our face was very close till our nose almost touching.I felt my heart pounded as though like its gonna came out.Kim pull away first.I straighten my thoughts but my face lied.I totally face were like red tomato.I gather myself to speak up to Kim."im sorry...."

Ok.I cant lie about heart pounded like crazy when our nose were almost touching.I can feel her hot breath near me which seriously drove me insane. Before I could do something stupid, I pull away and look at pie.her face was so red.I hold my laughter while looking at her."im sorry..." before she speak,I cut her off.
"its ok.I told you. I forgive you."to lighten up the mood
"my stomach is making so much noise.shall we go grab something to eat."I ask her.pie gladly nodded.
We walk together to the cafe.
To change her mood.I bought her a chocolate cake.what she told me really made me chuckled."you know Kim.whenever im angry I tend to eat chocolate cake to lighten my mood.its like one of my habit"she told me
After a while,we walk together to our dorm.

While we were walking, I dont know what got into me I suddenly ask her a question.
"you and meen seems close now."
Kim raised an eyebrow at me.
"are you guys very close now??"I finally blurted out.
"no.of course.we are just friends.just now at the class she made a joke so I laugh at it....pie are you some sort of jealous?? "
"NOPE of course.I was just curious "I defend myself
I saw Kim hold her laughter
"OF COURSE IM JEALOUS "I told myself

After a week

Jane just call me.she told me that aya is world seems like dead now
"why she wants to see me now?after I forgot everything already. Urgh..this is making me insane "
I was battling with myself when someone tap my shoulder.
"oh god pie.its you. You seriously startled me whats up?"
"I need to ask you zone out Kim.why is anything wrong?"
No its nothing pie.lets go.we will be late for our class."I drag her
As we were walking towards our class,one of the student hit me while running to somewhere. I lose my balance and I held pie's hand and to my horror my lips were about heading to pie's....

A girl suddenly hit Kim while running.she lose balance and hold my hand which send thousand of electric jolts to my my suprise she was heading to me or should I say her lips....
I stood like statue.thank god Kim manage to hold a pole there while balancing herself. If not, I think I will lose my first kiss to her.her face blushed like crazy.I saw her being embarrassed. "oh're so cute when you blushed" I told myself
"im sorry really "
"its ok does not matter lets go we are getting late to our class."I found some reason to avoid eye contact with her.
To our suprise none of us let go of our hands.neither Kim or me.

After two hours
We just finished our class.I and pie head to the canteen.
"Kim there you are.I was looking for you everywhere "shouted a voice.I was looking where does the sound belong to then I saw that figure running to me.suddenly my knees got weaker and turn into jelly she ran to me and hug me tight while I stood there like a statue.dont know what to do.
"Kim I really miss you."said that figure to me
I look at pie who look shocked and angry at the sight of the figure hugging me


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