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The next morning I woke up beside my girlfriend,the ever beautiful pie who never failed to mesmerize me even she is asleep.she was snuggling near me,her hands hugging me tight as though im gonna leave her or something. I try to release her hand but It gotten more tighter than ever."Pie come on. Its getting late.we have to get ready. We have class today" I said and try to remove her hand again but...."Pie please let me go".my pleading felt to deaf ears as she held me more tighter. I suddenly found a way.I went near to her and place my lips to hers.waiting for a reply,it doesn't take too long.pie kiss me back,deepening the kiss.our tongue clashing looking for domination which pie gave up.I ran my tongue to every corner of her mouth earning a moan from her.I smirk and lick her bottom lip seductively.I move my tongue from her lips down to her side licking her jaw line down to her neck slowly waiting for her to stop me...

I cant help but moan in every touch of kim's tongue. She slowly move her tongue down to my jaw line licking and moving down to my neck.I really want to pull away but I felt to her smooth and intoxicating touch which sent shivers to my body.she kiss my neck slowly biting and sucking my neck.I pretty sure she left a mark in my neck.I was so into it till the alarm starts blaring deafening our ears.Kim pulled away and her face turned super damn red which make me want to laugh."urm...I will go take a shower"she went silently. "hahahahahah.I just cant stop laughing but thank god the alarm waked us if not I think something had happened...... "

Oh god.I totally lost control of myself.thank God the alarm helped me to regain my senses.just now,before I enter the bathroom, I take another glance at pie before moving my eyes down to her neck.I cant stop smiling looking at her neck.after ten minutes, I walked out of the bathroom and pie walk past me.I just cant stop looking at her neck and I smiled.unfortunately pie realize my smile.

I was wondering why did Kim smile at me.I lock the bathroom door and see myself at the mirror. Oh my gonna kill myself.thats a big hickey just below my neck.its not that I hate it,but that hickey shows our momento of what just happened. I quickly took shower and went out of the room.I look around for Kim but I only found a note.
"baby im so sorry for that hickey. But you still look hot with that hickey. Hahaha sorry pie.I love you pie.see you at class later".I smiled to myself. Idiot.... I quickly got dressed and ready for my class.I was really worried about this hickey.I was still not ready to tell people about my relationship to anyone. I am actually afraid what's people going to tell about this relationship.... This girl..girl..relationship.

During class..
I just could not resist looking at Kim who was talking with meen.I actually came late to class.I thought Kim would reserved a place but....meen was sitting beside Kim.either way Kim was actually ignoring me and paying attention to the class..and meen.sometimes I gave a deadly glare to Kim.I took out my phone to text Kim
"excuse do know that you have a girlfriend right?? So you better stop flirting with another girl.and you did not have the guts to save me a place beside you???!!!".I send her the text.I saw her reading the text and smirking.after a few minutes,I received a text from Kim.
"yes I do know that I have a girlfriend and that's you.and im not flirting with her, im trying to escape from her.urgh..she is suffocating me man.I have no choice. I did save you a place but the prof ask me to let meen sit beside sorry my dear pie". I smile to myself and just nod to her.

After the class,Kim came to me smiling.I smile at her back and went with her and on the way along...Oh god...I saw p'van.this is my worst day.I felt that Kim try to hold my hand and I try avoid that.

I saw this guy smiling fondly at blood boils.I try to hold pie's hand but...pie try avoid my actions. I glare at her but she makes straight face."what is she doing?.this guy came up to pie and hug her and gave her a peck in her blood boils and I was very can he just kiss my girlfriend and pie!!!!! She did not even react to it.I was very angry and just walk past her.

Oh pretty sure Kim is very angry at me
To make it more worse,p'van actually gave a peck in my cheeks.I could not react to it.and then suddenly Kim just walk past me.I was going to go after her but p'van grab my wrist.
"Pie,your mom is waiting for you at home.she actually ask me to pick you up.she was worry about you coming shall we go?"
"urm... OK lets go"

At house
"mom im not a small kid ok.I can come myself.why do you have to ask him to pick me up.I just dont get it mom."I blurted out to my mom.because of p'van,Kim is angry at me.
"Pie why are you so angry?I was worry about you coming alone so I asked him a help.he was willing to do it so why are you making such a big fuss about it my dear.?"she told me
Whatever...I gave up.we had our dinner and mom told me to stay with her.I gave her a nod and went to my room.I need to call Kim immediately. I took out my phone and dial her number. She pick it up in one ring

After that incident, I went back to my room and lie on my
Bed.I was hurt by pie's action. Is she ashamed with this relationship? Is she ashamed to say that she loves me.a lot of things was in my mind before I fell asleep. I woke up at night. Is she still not back yet?I thought to myself. And then my phone rang,I saw it was pie and pick it up
"hei are you.have you had your dinner. Im sorry im not coming back today..." I cut her off
"stop it just fine. Now tell me who is that guy and the most worst part is you avoided my hand."
"im sorry Kim.that is my family friend.he is associated with my mother. Im sorry im not ready to tell about you to anyone. Im sorry"
"why pie are you embarrassed to say that you love me. Or are you ashamed of me pie? "I was really frustrated
"Kim its nothing like just not ready.and you know that I love sorry Kim.pls forgive me.its very complicated."
"Pie lets just call it a day"
I hang my phone cause I just can't take it.....

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