days without her

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I dont know what to do,and I cant just stop the tears flowing from my eyes.I remembered how pie's mother slapped me and dragging pie away from me while warning me to stay away from pie.'ring...ring...ring... ' this is the tenth time I keep calling pie but in keeps entering voicemail.and I breakdown knowing that this might be the last time my pie will be with me.

"mom please listen to me.I love her,I love Kim.and I cant continue my life without please listen to me." this is the I dont know how many times I have confront her,pleading to her to accept me and Kim but its totally in vain.
"Pie, shut up.dont talk nonsense pie. You are straight... straight pie.I cant accept you and Kim in my entire life.and now you listen to me..." is she gonnna threaten me??
"listen to me pie,this will be the last time you wil see Kim.I want you to go back to school tomorrow and heck breakup with her if you dont and if you ever think about betraying me....I wont hesitate to disown you."
I totally dont know how to react so I ran up to my room, slam the door shut and start crying.
Maybe its the best for me and Kim.I know this is going to happen but this is too soon for me.but I love Kim....

At school
I waited for my pie in the class but she was nowhere to be seen.I felt my tears breaking down. I look down till my tears starts to fell when I heard the voice...the voice that I miss the most in my life."sorry sir,stuck in traffic jam".that was what I heard.I saw her and she dont even look at me.after the class ends,she walk out of the room hurriedly without glancing at me.I felt my heart broke that second.I can't handle it anymore.I ran towards the bathroom and sob hard.after a few minutes,I felt a hand touched my shoulder.I quickly turned around and like angels planted this whole time,pie crashed her soft lips on mine.I quickly respond to her.the kiss was very short and delicate.
"Pie.... I miss you.I really miss you.I love you pie so much.please don't leave me".tears start felling down from my eyes.
"Kim.....,im sorry.we have to.....break...up"

" sorry. We have to.....break...up".I felt a instant pain shot in my heart
"we have to break up.this is what I fear the most in my life Kim.but I cant do anything Kim.I really love you but I cant depised my sorry Kim."I broke down
"dont do this to me pie.please...I love you.I cant live without you pie.please..lets go somewhere pie. Please.". She start grabbing hands and crying.
"Kim are you dumb or are you deaf!!!we have to broke could you ask me to go somewhere with sorry Kim and goodbye".I wriggle my hands from her and storm off from there.
Tears was forming on my eyes and the last thing I saw was Kim slump to the floor of the bathroom.
I ran to my car and lock the car and broke sorry Kim...

What did just happened!??. Did pie just broke up with me..but I love her and she love me.pie!!!!
And the last thing I know, I blackout.
I opened my eyes,found myself on a hospital bed,fill with white walls.I turn and my eyes found yam.
"yam,what happen to me.why am I here ".I asked her
"kim you fainted at our uni's bathroom. We call the ambulance and took you here."
"what happen to me yam?"
"you just fainted because of low blood pressure".I nod.
"urm...Kim,I wanna say sorry.I eavesdrop your conversation with so sorry for u"
And the next thing I know, I pull her and hug her,sobbing
She rub my back,soothing me
"it's alright will get better ".
But only I know it am I gonna spend my life without meeting her.

After two days
I was discharged from the hospital and here am I back on my bed,empty bed.a part of me were hoping that pie will visit me but its totally in vain.she never ever called me.
"urgh...".I sigh.and then I heard my door knock. Call me stupid but I was still hope that it will be pie
"come in"."hei Kim,why are you keep being trapped inside this sinister room.lets go out somewhere"
"no yam,I not in the mood. I just wanna lay down and sleep"
"Kim...I dont take no for an answer. You were in that stupid hospital bed for two days. So come on, I wanna bring you meet my girlfriend.come on...".I sigh in defeat and just nod
"Kim there's my girlfriend. Lets go there".yam squel happily while jumping enthusiastically. I just let a small laugh and follow her
"Kim meet my gf,zee.zee this is Kim,my friend "
"hei Kim whats up".zee fist bump me
"im hungry,lets go there to eat."
And yam link her hands with zee and I cant stop being jealous of both them. How nice it will be if pie is like this?.
As I was walking with them.I stop my track and saw that figure that I miss the most.pie!!.but my joy were short lived when I saw her with p'van.she was sitting and eating with him.and in that one moment, he lean to her and kiss her cheek. And she did not even stop him!!
I cant help it and I ran out of the shop to my dorm.I heard yam yelling my name but I dont care.
I ran to the ontop of the building. My tears blurred my vision.
"I cant do this anymore. My life is meaningless without sure that she is not mine anymore. And I cant live without sorry".I jumped and I feel myself flying

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