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Oh my god.What just happened? Pie kiss me in the cheek,oh gosh.....
That totally startled me man.but it felt do I was like a tons of butterflies flying in my stomach. When her cheek touched me I felt jolts of electric inside me bursting. I did not even felt this when I like aya first.I seriously fell for her.
I went back to my room with a smile in my face telling how happy was I

The next morning
I dont know how to meet Kim today.I know that I will totally blush and turn to a red tomato.I seriously cant meet Kim like this.I was walking towards the class when I saw Kim walking and when she saw me she gave me a sweet smile that really melt my heart and soul.I gave her a smile and walk to the class with her.

After class
Thank god the class today got cancelled. I'm happy that I can spent time with her.I thought very deeply yesterday and decide to tell my feelings to her.I cant hold this anymore. I just cant treat her as my friend anymore.
I was about to talk to her when aya came again interrupted my talk:
"Pie I have something to tell you "I started my convo
"what's wrong Kim.why you look so nervous like something happened "she ask me
"urgh....I dont know how to start......I........."sorry ok.I was looking for a proper way to say it and.....
"Kim!!!!!there you are.I was looking for you this whole campus."aya shouted to me
"oh aya.what are you doing here?"I ask her.
"you forgot were supposed to meet me yesterday but you ignore did not even answer my call."she totally ignore pie who was standing between us.
"sorry aya.I was what you want now??"I apologize cause I know that its my fault and pie cant stop staring at me make me shiver in fear.
"so can we go now.Im really hungry.Pls....."she show me her puppy face.
And I finally gave in and nod.she was so excited that she drag me with her not giving me a chance to tell pie about my situation..

That idiot or aya or whatsoever her name is,came and talk to Kim.she totally ignore me like im invisible there. She talk happily to Kim while I cant stop glaring at Kim.Kim look at me.and then out of the blue she grab kim's hand and brought her with her.and the most stupid part is Kim agree and walk to her
WHAT THE HELL!!she drag Kim and Kim just follow her.Kim said she want to tell me something but...she
..just walk away with that idiot..
I was disappointed and walk away to my phone suddenly beep signalling that I have received a message. I took out my phone.I was to lazy to see the sender and just press the open button and it sounded..
"sorry pie. I dont have the chance to tell you that one thing.dont worry I will be back soon and I will tell you.gonna miss you."
I smirked. Did she just say she miss me? But my heart was at eased after receiving her message. My anger had subsidies a bit cause she took some time to send me an message. I need to appreciate her effort.
I walk back towards my dorm and fell into my slumber

Its getting very bored here.the only one enjoying here is only aya
I seriously dont know what she doing this but my inner thought is telling me that she is trying to get back to me.let me tell you something I belong to pie only.its was already past nine when I finally speak.
"lets go back aya.I have class tomorrow and I will be tired"
"you are always trying to get away from me Kim.its ok lets go back."
Aya drove the car and neither of us speak.
In the meantime I send sms to pie
Pie I will be there soon.Pls come and receive me down in the parking lot.I will talk to you there".I send her and barely a few minutes I got the reply."ok I will wait for you."
I smile to myself.
After a few minutes, we arrived to the parking lot.I saw pie and wave to her.she wave to me.I get out the car and was walking toward the car...when... Aya pull me and kiss me.... To my horror, she kiss me in the lips....Oh God.I push her away from me and stared at her.before I could speak,pie walk away from me in tears."I will talk to you later aya."
I ran to catch pie

Aya kiss Kim and Kim stood like a statue...that drove me to mad.I quickly walk away.and I dont want to hear any explanation from Kim.Kim grab my wrist.I wriggle her hand of me and I walk to the Rooftop of our dorm.
Kim came to me.

"Pie pls listen to was pure accident.I dont know why aya did that but I dont like her anymore.... "before I could finish she cut me off while yelling
"get away from me Kim.I dont like you anymore.let me alone Kim!!!!"she start crying.
I saw pain in her eyes.I seriously want to ease her pain.
I try to hold her hand but she push me away.before she could walk away,I grab her hard and pull her to me and I kiss her.I did....really... I kiss her.I thought im gonna die.I thought she is going to slap me and going to scold me with all the bad words in this my suprise.... She..... KISS ME BACK.......

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