cursed! ✩ junmin

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You were sure your shift ending a few hours ago until you looked at the clock and saw that only a few minutes past by.

You groaned, slamming your head onto the counter, ❝  UGHHHHHHH when will this misery end... ❞ you mumbled to yourself before your eyes landed on your co worker, Junmin.

He held a cutesy look on his face that made you roll your eyes. he was the type to make fun of you and your constant whining, and today especially, he was in on it.

❝ That's on you for putting yourself in this situation~ ❞

❝ It's really not, I'm forced to be here. ❞ you say while you lay on the counter.

❝ I didn't see you here when I walked in so you're lying~ ❞

❝ Did not. ❞

❝ Did too. ❞

❝ Did not. ❞

❝ Did too. ❞

Your eye twitched a bit, feeling the counter shake a bit as you tapped your fingers on it but you held in before replying, ❝ You're making this shift harder to deal with. ❞

❝ I didn't do anything though- ❞

*ding dong!*

And before you could speak and the other mutters,
❝ Your turn! ❞ before walking backwards, away from the cashier section.

this son of a-

❝ Hey? or maybe a welcome to Starbucks would be nice? ❞

You turn around and see your best friend come by with a pout, ❝ Sumin! ❞ you pause and realized his presence, ❝ WAIT SUMIN PLEASE GET ME OUTTA HERE TAKE ME HOME!! ❞ you beg with his hands now holding yours.

He looks at your hands then at you with a chuckle as he comes closer to you with a smile, you were sure your faces were mere inches away...

❝ No. ❞

Your lips were pursed as you slumped, ❝ I helped you out last time though!!! what kind of friend are you- ❞

❝ Wahhh, I didn't know you had a boyfriend! how cute! ❞ you hear Junmin say out loud, making your turn around quickly. his smug face made you wildly pissed off for some reason.

calm your emotions, he's just being goofy, he's just being goofy, you don't need to- NOPE NOPE NOPE!

Your hands twitched and suddenly a frappuccino appeared out of thin air. you shove in Sumin's face which almost exploded before you took off your apron which randomly swung in Junmin's direction.

❝ I'm taking a break. ❞

❝ But your break time isn't even for another hour! ❞ Junmin called out but you were already outside, trying to calm yourself down.

Your hands still twitched from the magic use, but thankfully it didn't go completely haywire.

Though your emotions were still high, which was almost as annoying as you were still pretty pissed at your co worker.

You knew he was just teasing, but your emotions being connecting to your magic meant that even an increase in your mood made your magic increase as well.

Which wasn't good on some cases, like this one, as your sudden emotions cause you to... accidentally curse him.

he wants to be funny? two can play that game.

"curse me live, curse me not,
I wish is a deal that will not be fought,
curse them to destroy the thing they love most, end them to fall and their life close, becoming ghost."

You deeply sighed, before turning back and seeing Sumin sitting on the ground, sipping the drink you gave him earlier.

❝ I didn't curse anybody! ❞ you suddenly blurt out as he looks at you in confusion.

❝ And I didn't say anything but now I know you definitely did. jeez, I thought I was worse at controlling my emotions but I guess not. ❞ he says with a shrug.

❝ I'm trying! but it's so hard to... honestly I was better a few weeks ago... ❞

❝ Right, as if you didn't burned that woman's hair at the library last week... ❞ he says sarcastically before shaking the cup, refilling it on its own.

You let out a scoff, ❝ She was being rude to you, she got what she deserved. ❞ she glances at him who had an eyebrow raise quite judgingly, ❝ Besides, I didn't do anything crazy with it, I just- ❞

❝ You did, and now you're starting another mess. ❞ he says while continuing to sip on the refilling drink.

❝ No I'm not, and it's fine, don't worry!! ❞

He stared at you before sighing, ❝ If you say so... call me if anything happens! ❞ you reassured him and waved goodbye before he poofed away. you went back into the cafe an saw Junmin who sat at the back, playing on his phone.

He glanced up at you and his eyes lit up,  ❝ Hey, ok I'm really sorry though I still don't know what I did but I- ❞ he pauses, ❝ Are... are you okay? ❞ he asked, with a quite worried tone.

❝ Yeah? why..? ❞ you say as you feel yourself sitting on the ground. for some reason your legs felt weak.

He comes over and before his hands touch you, he pauses again, ❝ Is it okay if I...? this sounds werid, but like- ❞ you nod confusingly as he holds your face, ❝ You look rather pale, are you sick? ❞

what? that doesn't seem right.

you rarely get sick.


prompt used!

as of now, it is literally midnight, and I shoulf alseep

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as of now, it is literally midnight, and I shoulf alseep. anyways, this was fun.

I know this was "working at McDonald's." but like for some reason I thought of it as in a cafe or like Starbucks?? so now you're working at Starbucks. congrats.

also that "months pass and nothing has changed." I kinda forgot of that 😭😭 whoops. but I think I also kinda slayed at the curse, I find myself pretty good at writing poems 🤩🤩

anyways, I'm a sleep now, good night, evening or morning. (。-ω-)zzz

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