crime city savior! pt. 1 ✩ junghoon

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The boy at the cashier was rather a bother to you daily.

You always walk in with the most blank stare, just ready to your essentails and leave but with him behind the counter, that could never happen.

❝ My favorite customer. ❞ you heard him mutter as you made your way to the snacks aisle. you gathered up a couple and placed in your basket.

As you made your way across the other side, you felt a presence near you. but you ignored it, as you were too busy thinking about other things.

You found the thing you needed and was about to place your hand on it when you realized it was higher than expected. a few minutes of tip toeing and you decided to jump to grab it.

Though when you did, another hand behind did the same thing. your weight of jumping somehow dragged both you and the stranger down, making you fall flat on your butt as they hit their chin on your head.

You rubbed your head as you looked up at them, yet the bright light of the store made it harder to see then, ❝ I'm so so sorry! I was just trying to- ❞ your eyes set on a boy who stared back blankly, though it hard to tell since his hood was on.

❝ It's fine shortie. ❞ he snorted out, taking the box and left, leaving you on the ground still.

wow, rude.

You got up, picking up your basket and brushed yourself off. you didn't see where the boy was so you decided to just beeline straight to the register without hopefully having to deal with him again.

Though with him out of the way, ( for now you hope.. ) you had to deal with another.

The cashier looks up from his phone and places his legs that layed on the table down immediately, ❝ Hey baby, how's my beautiful flower doing today? ❞ he says while taking your basket.

You looked at him strangely with an eyebrow raise, ❝ Yechan... I hope you know that every word that comes out of your mouth makes me gag horribly. ❞

❝ I know darling, but I can't help myself. ❞ he smiles cheekily at you while you roll your eyes, as you let out a chuckle.

He scans the last thing and sees you pull out your wallet, ❝ How about you pay with that little heart of yours? or maybe a kiss would be better~ ❞ he says while leaning in.

❝ Yechan I swear- ❞

❝ Will you cut it out and stop flirting already? Stop bothering and get on with it. ❞ a voice behind you spoke up.

You were startled a bit as the voice boomed, and sounded suspiciously familiar, so you turned around to see who you expected. the boy from earlier, with hood down.

His eyes glared at Yechan who had pursed lips, looking back at him.

The hooded boy's aura was more intimating than last time and to be honest, he gave off the vibe of the city you lived in. dangerous and quite mildy terrifying. though you brushed the thought aside, as you learned not to judge a book by its cover.

❝ O-oh he wasn't bothering me! he's actually my- ❞ he cut you off as he stared at you strongly though it was a different stare.

His eyes lit up as he saw you, a glimmer that shined like a star in the sky, but he blinked and it disappeared. he took his card out and swiped it in the card machine before running out with a singular item that you couldn't make out.

❝ H-hey! you forgot your reciept! ❞ Yechan calls out while glancing down, ❝ Oh wait it's yours. ❞ he says, passing it to you.

❝ He payed for my stuff. ❞ you mumble while looking down. ❝ Yeah he did... what a nice fellow! I like him. ❞ the other says while patting your back.

❝ But he... nevermind. ❞ you had a lot in mind to say but you let it go as Yechan hands you your bags, ❝ He probably had a bad day, don't mind him besides... ❞ he takes your hands softly, ❝ You have me right? ❞


❝ I know... ❞

❝ So don't worry about it! and I think you should go now.. I'll meet you up at your place in a bit. ❞ he says while signaling the outside.

You hum in response and began walking away with your stuff. ❝ Oh wait I forgot! ❞ you hear him say and before you could turn around, he once again grabs you by the arm for you to face him, the otber arm held to your chin.

You meet eyes with him and a soft smile forms on his lips before he leans closer and kisses you on the nose and lips. you feel yourself burn red as he chuckles at the sight of you. ❝ I love you very much mwah! I can believe I almost forgot to do that.. ❞ he says before hugging you tightly and letting go.

❝ Now shoo! go home before you get sick it's gonna rain any time soon! ❞ you feel youself get dizzy from his quite lovely nature but somehow you get yourself to walk out the store, not forgetting to say goodbye.

Yechan admiringly watches you walk off like a clutz but his smile fades as he sees him walk back in.



I just got a lil crazy with Yechan and uh yes.

I'm not gonna say the prompt yet for dramatic effevt but let's just say, I think this is my favorite fic I've written yet. probably cuz my bias is Yechan and I did have a fangirl session over the kissing part like sjsbshdhdbdbcncj

but no literally I really like the way I wrote this, I ALREADY WANT TO WRITE A FULLY FLESHED STORY WITH LIKE A PLOT AND STUFFFFF and ooooh part 1! anyways goodnight I'm tired. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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