my wish to you. ✩ minjae

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❝ Are you ready to go? ❞ you asked softly to the boy infront of you. he adjusted his hat, in which he placed backwards on head, before looking at you with a smile.

❝ Yuppers! ❞ he answered cheerfully while you were already out the door when he answered.

❝ We won't be gone for long! Junmin, you're in charge, got it? ❞ you called out to him as he shook his head immediately as the others surrounded him with devilish looks.

❝ Are you sure that's a good idea? ❞

❝ Yeah of course! you're not gonna do any craziness to him, right boys? ❞ you asked the others who Junmin suddenly saw their faces switch to sweet angelic looks.

He let out a sigh, ❝ I'll figure something out.. now go to your date already, your lil petite princess is waiting~ ❞ he says while pointing at the boy crouching on the ground.

You roll your eyes before closing the door, and locking it. you look back at the other who was playing with the small flowers growing near your front porch.

❝ The flowers around here are beautiful! what are they?  ❞

You turn to your bag and pull out a small book, ❝ I think it's an Ipomoea alba. ❞

❝ Pardon? ❞

❝ Tropical white morning-glory, or for short, moon flowers. ❞

He stares at you for a bit before grinning, ❝ Why are you pulling out its government names? ❞ he says with a chuckle.

You shrug, feeling a smile form on your face as you hold on the book tightly, ❝ I thought everyone knew about these. ❞

❝ Maybe, I haven't though. but on that, I don't really go out much so.... ❞ he trails off as he stares at the ground with a pout.

still the same homeboy I use to know

❝ Let's fix that then. ❞ you say while grabbing his arm and walking to the destination they were suppose to be at 5 minutes ago.

You two were busy admiring the woods, one who's seen it plently of times, while the other was in awe of how it felt, sounded and viewed with such beauty.

❝ I can't imagine how wonderful it'd be to live here. ❞ you heard the other murmer, which made you have a hard time keeping a straight face.

It's been awhile since you've walked with someone in the woods, or anywhere really. and you forgetting how much you missed it alot.

❝ It's nice, really nice. but it does get lonely sometimes, even with all the critters and animal friends. ❞

Minjae looks at you with an eyebrow raise,
❝ Do the towns people not come over? ❞

❝ The towns people say this place is apparently "dangerous." ❞

❝ I beg to differ, this place is gorgeous. I lived here forever if I could. ❞

❝ I'd think twice about that but you can comeover anytime. ❞

❝ really? AH YEAHH!!!! ❞ he exclaimes before glancing at you who stared at him cutely. he immediately put on a straight face, ❝ I mean, that's spectacular, I appreciate the offer m'lady. ❞

You laugh faintly at the boy who quickly got embarrassed, ❝ You don't have to put that act on me silly. ❞

Your eyes wandered down as you saw that your arms weren't linked, rather your hands were. and you noticed that the boy's face grew red as he was swinging around your hands the whole time as you guys were walking.

And to you, it was rather a cute sight to see.

❝ Ah, I think this is the path to the park. ❞ you mentioned as you made your way to the 3 parted sidewalk before turning left, with the other following your footsteps.

❝ Watch your head shortie. ❞ you lifted your hand above his head, and the tree branches moved upwards with a bright glow before moving back down as you walked.

❝ Do you have this whole forest layout memorized? I'd get lost here for days. ❞

❝ You kinda get use to it. and I had help from the critters too. ❞

The boy hummed in response before asking,
❝ Do you have anyone else stop by here? ❞

❝ Besides the annoying towns people, and any sometimes random tourists and such, no. ❞ your eyes drift to the side, ❝ Well, there was someone... but I haven't see them in years. ❞

❝ Were you guys close? ❞

❝ Childhood friends, but something came up and we drifted apart. ❞ you answered as the other nods while mumbling an "Oh."

❝ I'm sorry about that... ❞ he muttered.

❝ It's fine, it's not your- ❞ you pause before speaking, ❝ It's just.. I miss him alot. I had so many things I wanted to tell him, so many dreams and things I wanted to do with him before we drifted. I wish.. nevermind. ❞

❝ What was it? ❞

You brushed it off, ❝ It's nothing, it's just something stupid. ❞

❝ Gurl, anything you say is either really nerdy, really cute or both. ❞

You let out a chuckle before continuing, ❝ I just wished.. ❞ your eyes wandered to Minjae as you spoke...

❝ I told him how much I loved him. ❞


no prompt this time because this is a little demo draft spoiler for a fic I'm writing! though I changed it a bit for this one as an imagine to just test smth out.

but how's is it? I tried to 50/50 my way of inserting the ( unfinished ) plot somehow, I didn't want to just drop their backstory here or this would've been longer 😭😭

and as for the fic, I don't really have a plot ( as said before ) for this, yet, though I have something I'm going off of. ( have like 3 chapters written so far... )

But I'll tell you this, it's kind of gonna be based of the... get this, salem witch trials... aka that crazy witch hunt chaos in like around the 1600's ish? I know I sound insane rn 💀💀

but yeah. I'm a try my best with sprinkling in historical stuff ( literally have 3 tabs pulled up about them ) but idk when I'm gonna publish it... so stay tuned for that ig ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ

anyways... have a wonderful day friends!

 have a wonderful day friends!

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