coffee boy! ✩ yechan

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You pushed back your sleeves before scrubbing aggresively on the tables with a grumble, ❝ I feel like I've been stuck in here forever... ❞ moving your bangs from your face to look at the clock before continuing your task with a grunt.

5 minutes left before my break time, finally.

And what felt like hours of scrubbing and cleaning whatever needed later, your phone goes off, meaning your lovely break time of 30 minutes.

Sure that's a short amount of time that the job insisted on, but it's better than nothing.

You let out a sigh of relief, skipping over to behind the counter and throwing the towel in the sink. though you were too distracted to notice that it smacked your coworker in the face who sighed deeply before putting it in the sink.

You grabbed your lunch you stored from yesterday all warmed and ready to be devoured. you were ready to just sit back and relax for how ever long. maybe make your coworker do the rest of the customers as you napped or something.

❝ Hey Junmin can you- ❞

❝ No. ❞

❝ But- ❞

❝ No, you haven't sat down yet. ❞

You speed walked over to the chairs and sat down, ❝ And you haven't set the timer for break time. ❞

You sighed with a mutter, tapping on your phone to automatically adjust like you always did before.

*ding dong!*

You let out a small gasp as your eyes avert to the other who held a mischievous smile before disappearing into the bathroom, hearing a click follow behind.

❝ Oh you've gotta be kidding me... ❞ you muttered before walking your way towards the counter.

The blasting of music caught you by surprised as you remembered Junmin always blast music when he's at front. you hand over his phone, turning down the volume a bit before looking up as the sound didn't stop there.

The windows were stacked up with people who held cameras and phone, brightly snapping away at the figure who walked in and stood in front of you by the counter. you glared at them hardly before your eyes went back to the figure, making you recognize them in a second.

oh great, him again.

❝ Same old, same old again Yechan? ❞ you asked the other who glanced up at his phone. you glance up at the menu, specifically eyeing the order he'd always get. and even if his face was covered completely, you could tell he was amused. he lifted down his mask with a smirk before speaking, ❝ You know me so well. ❞

You made your way to the station and began his order, ❝ Of course, you're a frequent come and go customer with the most basic coffee order that a person can get. ❞

A shuffle was heard from behind as you assumed he was grabbing something, possibly his wallet getting ready to pay any minute. ❝ But you must know me.. I don't know.... somewhere else? ❞

You finished his order and passed it over before walking to the register, seeing him lean over, glancing at you as you spoke, ❝ Depends on what you mean. ❞

The boy grabs his drink, before taking a sip, ❝ You always make the best coffee. ❞ he says while passing the money.

❝ You always order the most basic thing... ❞ you responded quietly as the boy lifted up his sunglasses in a confused manner, ❝ I guess I am pretty basic but.. you really don't know who I am? ❞

❝ Well.. ❞ you paused before continuing, ❝ Yeah, you're the asshole that comes in 2 minutes to close. ❞ you say with a monotone voice and a glare as the boy's face forms a smile.

❝ You're silly darling. ❞.

You felt a spark hit your chest.

❝ Y-you're silly for coming in late all the time. ❞ gosh why we're you stuttering like that?

❝ But I'm here early aren't I? ❞

Butterflies formed in your stomach as you started to face felt warm in minutes. we're you getting sick?

❝ N-nevermind that, just get out to the crowd already. ❞ you responded before gesturing to the group of people with cameras, now staring deadly at you like daggers.

❝ Oh they're just my fans, don't worry about it. ❞ he reassures, glancing next to you the phone out on display. a small smile forms on his face as he looks back at you.

❝ Fans? ❞ you glance back at the window of people who now indeed looked like fans, still snapping pictures with glares at you, ❝ Those crazy people are your fans?!? ❞

❝ Eh, yeah! well, most of them. ❞ the boy said with a shrug as you stared at him in disbelief.

❝ Can I have my reciept? ❞ he then asked, making you snap back out of confusion, and you proceeded to printing out the reciept.

He takes one of the pens on display and signs his name before passing back to you with a cheeky smile. ❝ I'll see you around, early this time. ❞ he says before walking out, getting bombarded by fans, and running the other direction as fans follow behind in a cluster.

You blinked slowly, processing the interaction before looking down at the receipt he gave back.

The thing you were expecting was a tip, for whatever reason, and he wrote 5$ tip with many many hearts surrounding it along with his neat handwriting. your eyes wandered down as you saw in small note,

"hey, I've always wanted to talk to you more, but I never had the chance to, so... call me? ;) 010-330-2023"


prompt used!

I had to search up if our silly lil bday boy was any of the mbtis and thankfully enough he is an ENTP which is EXACTLY what I needed 😭😭

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I had to search up if our silly lil bday boy was any of the mbtis and thankfully enough he is an ENTP which is EXACTLY what I needed 😭😭

and I finally wrote a normal fic again for once!! cuz I've been doing alot of magic related ones lately..

anyways happy bday to our silly guy, I hope he had a wonderful bday cuz the time this publishes it's probably late... BUT LIKE I WAS REALLY BUSY THIS WEEK AND I HAD NO TIME TO DO ANYTHING REALLY SOOOOO- ( what makes it worse is that he's one of my biases too... sorry king 💀💀 )

anyways anyways, good night y'all! 🫶🫶 (。-ω-)zzz

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