xkrtropes :) ✩ seeun

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( happy ending ) romantic trope? ➵
love/hate relationship ( 50/50 )

❝ Hey shortie. ❞

You turn around and see your tall friend stand infront of with you, leaning close with a bright grin. ❝ Hey beanstalk, what are you so giddy about? ❞

The boy clasped his hands together as his grin grew even wider, ❝ Did you do the homework assigned? ❞

❝ Yeah... but it not like I'm not gonna let you- HEY! ❞ and he immediately snatched your folder from your bag and ran out to the hallway.

Thankfully the class didn't start yet so you followed after him as his loud laughter echoed in the hallway.

❝ YA PARK SEEUN YOU BASTARD!! ❞ but as soon as you exited from the classroom, he was nowhere to be seen.

❝ Ooh you said bad word~ ❞ a voice was heard from behind and you swung your elbow backwards hearing an "oof!" as the folder from before fell on your head. ❝ You're one to talk. ❞

❝ But I need that~ ❞ he whined making you roll your eyes, ❝ Well you should've known better in getting something from me. besides you had like.. the whole weekend to do it. ❞

He sat down in his seat near you, because of course he was, and shrugged, ❝ I forgot. ❞

❝ With your peanut sized brain, I'm not surprised.. ❞ and you could feel the boy frown at your comment.

He put his legs on the desk as he leaned back, ❝ Rude.. besides why do you think I always ask you? you're my savior in this class. ❞

❝ Ha.. more like school in general. ❞ you response, cleaning out your bag before a thought came across you, ❝ Maybe that's why people say opposites attract. ❞

A loud slam was heard from Seeun, ❝ WHAT? ❞

❝...What? ❞

❝ Did you say something? ❞

You turned your head to the window as you suddnely felt embarrassed, ❝ No..? ❞

fuck did I say that outloud?

In your head, you thought that was an insane theory, but at the same time, it was a slight possibility.

And to Seeun, it was indeed... something. he stared at you as heard you mutter something you hoped he didn't hear. but he did.

He cupped his face as he felt it heat up but he ignored it as he scooted his chair to you.

❝ Do you really think that's a possibility? ❞

❝ That what's a possibility? ❞

❝ That opposites attract. ❞

❝ I mean it can happen but I think people would like it if you find someone who you click with well and have similar tastes in. ❞

❝ Do you like when that happens? ❞

You raise an eyebrow as his question, though thought about it for a second before nodding, ❝ I guess.. it'd be nice to have someone like that. ❞

The boy hummed in response before you felt a hand on yours, ❝ So we could be possibility then. ❞


You slowly face the other who's face was mere inches from yours, ❝ P-pardon..? ❞

❝ I know you heard me. ❞

❝ Uhhh I.. uhm.. well uh.. You.. uhm... ❞ wow A+ on speaking skills..

❝ Even with a brain like yours, you still can't process what I said. ❞ he says with a chuckle, as you snapped back from confusion.

❝ I was really getting in the mood you set and yet you ruined it. ❞ you sighed.

❝ I'm glad you liked it. ❞ he teased as your mood dropped even more.

You glared at him as you let out a scoff, ❝ Didn't know you were player and a bastard.. ❞

❝ The two in one combo is a crazy accusation! ❞ Seeun pouted, ❝ But I wasn't playing with you on that though.. ❞

❝ Then what the heck was that whole ordeal then? ❞

He shrugged, ❝ I thought I was pretty good at given hints that I like you dumbass, but I guess that makes the both of us. ❞


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