monster, monster, go away! ✩ yujun, hunter, hyunwoo

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Pushing through the dust and floorboards, you followed the boy up to the room as he asked
❝ Are you sure you wanna do this? ❞

❝ Of course! sure I'm not getting paid, but I need to see what the deal is. also cause I have nothing to do today, so why not try something new? ❞

Hyunwoo lifted the floorboard above and shined light to the bedroom, ❝ So you decide to spend the rest of your time here? ❞

❝ Yeah! ❞

The boy looked back at you with an eyebrow raise,
❝ And I thought I was insane for choosing this job.. ❞ he murmered before grabbing your wrist, dragging you up.

❝ You are, but at least I'm here! so I guess we're insane together. ❞

You finally crawled up to the top and out displayed the bedroom of the devilous twins. it was a rather typical kid bedroom and surprisingly under the bud wasn't dusty and disgusting as you'd think.

❝ For mastermind kids, they're rather clean.. ❞ you whisper to the other who's face fell to a frown.
❝ That's what they want you to think, just you wait, you'll be- ❞

❝ I'll be what? ❞

You both paused from under the bed, seeing a pair of eyes stare back at you with a pout. possibly one of the twin that crouched down at your level, eyes wandering from you to Hyunwoo before a small smile appeared on his face.

❝ Is this your lover you've been always talking to Mr. Fox sir? they're very pretty. ❞ he said sweetly.

Hyunwoo shook his head quickly as his face started turning a light pink, ❝ H-hey they're not- ❞

You slid out from the spot, making the boy back out a bit for you to sit, ❝ Awww hello darling! you must be Yujun right? ❞

❝ I am! has you boyfriend talked about us? he must have said good things. ❞

❝ I heard over the phone, yes. ❞ you responsed as the boy dragged you to the other room leaving Hyunwoo muttering things while being stuck under the bed.

You turn around seeing the boy with a frown,  ❝ Little help here? ❞ you let out a chuckle lifting your hand, letting a spark sprinkle on the boy, that made the boy shoot out from the bed and tumbled to your feet. ❝ Thanks. ❞ he mumbled out before standing on his feet to catch up.

❝ And there's susposedly two of you? ❞

❝ Yeah! only a few minutes apart so he must be here any minute. ❞ the boy says while glancing around. you felt two hands around you, making you look down to see a boy with the cutest smile. ❝ And you must be Hunter I'm guessing? ❞

❝ Is this Mr. Fox's lover? ❞ and the other nods quickly as you heard Hyunwoo grunt from behind. ❝ You're very pretty. ❞ you heard the other boy murmur quietly as he hid behind Yujun who looked puzzled.

❝ Thank you, I appreciate it love. ❞ and suddenly from the hour on, the boys were huddled to you for hours.

The usual of stuck watching tv, or simple baking that ended up causing the fire alarm to go off. also in the midst of the painted nails, many paintings scattered on the floor and cookie crumbs on napkins, and such, before the boys chattered on about their contraptions susposedly used on the past employees of yours.

You hummed in response to their sayings before leaning towards Hyunwoo, ❝ I can see why some of them resigned now. ❞ you whispered. ❝ No shit sherlock, they're crazy! I don't know how they're so chill with you. ❞

You shrugged, ❝ I guess I'm just good with kids then.. ❞

The boy nodded with an eyebrow raise before turning to picking up things, ❝ You should stay with me then. ❞



You couldn't tell if you misheard or misunderstood what he said ( as the boys were distracting you ) so you just let out a confused, ❝ Pardon? ❞

❝ I- WAIT NONONO! didn't mean it like that I meant like stay to help me and such- ❞

❝ Oh dude he's flirting. ❞ Hunter muttered as Yujun held in a laugh.

Hyunwoo sighed deeply before looking uo at the ceiling, ❝ This is utterly riduculous.. ❞

You let out a chuckle before getting up, ❝ I think it's your bedtime loves, off you go. ❞

❝ Whatttt?!? it's too early for napping!! we want to stay up more! ❞

❝ Your parents said 9:30pm is the cut for sleep so I'd get to it. ❞ Hyunwoo said while picking up items from the floor.

The boys grunted before nodding their heads. you noticed how their faces fell to a doubtful manner, as they began to hold hand in a shaky matter, ❝ O-ok... but are you sure you're not saying that to be alone with them? ❞ Yujun asked while pointing to you, who was zoning out while cleaning the table.

❝ N-no! this is just what your parents said, not me. ❞

❝ But you said it too! ❞

❝ Guys this is your parents orders, don't argue with him. ❞ you shouted from the kitchen as the boys skipped away, glancing at Hyunwoo, muttered something that made him roll his eyes.

kids these days, and their ideas. aboslute bonkers.


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