cursed! ✩ junmin ( extra pt. 2 (?)

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curse me live, curse me not...
I'm the stupidest person alive
and I'm surprised my brain didn't yet rot

❝ Are you okay? you've been sitting on the floor for the past like... hour... ❞ the other says while you sit quietly on the floor, ❝ It's like talking to a wall. ❞

❝ I'm fine... I'm just... tired. ❞

The boy's eyebrows scrunched, ❝ And you've responded with that for the past hour too, are you sure you're not sick? ❞

You glanced at the boy who held a worried look, ❝ I'm fine, don't worry about it, really- ❞

*ding dong!*

He turned around and sighed, ❝ Give me a second. ❞ he said before walking out to the counter.

You responded with a nod, watching him leave your sight before tapping the floor, causing a flower to pop up. you pulled it harshly before hearing a grunt, and suddenly appeared your now messy haired friend facing you with a frown.

❝ You really need to change the way you call me over, this is stupid, and painful. ❞ Sumin muttered while rubbing his head, displaying the dangling flower from before on top.

❝ Never! it's fun, but like besides that... ❞ you clapped your hands together with an awkward expression, ❝ I think I might of accidentally made a mistake. ❞

The boy continued rubbing his head before responding, ❝ Classic, what is it this time? ❞

❝ I think I- hey! ❞ you called out with a pout,
❝ Well, you know... I just... possibly... and accidentally... cursed myself. ❞

The boy stared at you with a rather blank expression. it was hard to tell what he was thinking the more you looked at him and the more he stared back.

❝ That's so you. ❞


You were stumped, ❝ You're supposed to be shocked, what the heck is wrong with you.. ❞

❝ I am! but like I've known you long enough to know you'd do things like this. ❞ he says with a shrug before patting your head, ❝ My little dumbass. ❞

you swatted away his hand while squinted roughly at him, ❝ I'm not gonna be the only cursed one if you keep this up. ❞

❝ My bad! my bad, but let's see... ❞ his eyes wander around, before looking at you, ❝ Let me just... ❞ his hand become closer to your face as he then boops your nose with a "boop!" and suddenly a rather huge book poofs and falls in his hands that almost hit you both if he didn't catch it in time.

You brushed off the dust that fell with it, ❝ W-wha.. since when did you put that into place? ❞

The boy shrugged, ❝ Dunno, I did other random ones that I also don't remember too... so don't worry about it! ❞ he says calmly before focusing back to the giant book in his hands.

He flips back and forth through the pages as his eyes scan the words, ❝ I'm sure there's something about this... and there is, hah. ❞ he points at a section labeled "Curses" in bold.

❝ Now this is gonna be fun. ❞ he mutters to himself as you nervously glance at the page realizing what you just got yourself into.


since a lovely reader wanted a pt 2, here ya go! I think I'm gonna make a pt 3, to like ya know kind of conclude it a but but idkkkk

AND I'm VERY sorry again for being a bit unactive 😭😭 it's just school.. has not been schooling like I'm gonna explode in how much stress it's been giving me omfggg but I'll figure smth out. hopefully.

anyways, pray for me at school y'all 😭😭 ( and some with studies, good luck my friends!! )

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