ain't a villian, just bored! pt. 1 ✩ yechan, yujun & jinsik

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You watched your brothers as one tried to come up with a decent planout for today, pacing back and forth the room. the other 2 sat near you, gobbling on snacks and zoning out a bit.

❝ Ok so I think this area would be great place for scouting that bit- I mean villian! yeah, villian. ❞

But it wasn't the expected plan that you would think it to be.

Yujun tilted his head in response, ❝ I don't know Jinsik... from what remember, they're pretty good at knowing our whereabouts and placements. ❞

Yechan nodded his head, ❝ Yeah, it's like they've known us for years or something! it's kinda scary. ❞

❝ Back to the drawing board? ❞ he asked as the others nodded.

Jinsik tapped the stick in his hand on the planboard in annoyance, ❝ We can't just keep sitting around without something planned! ❞

❝ Have you guys tried to be somewhere before they were? ❞ you perked up. ❝ You could catch them immediately if you did that. ❞

❝ We could, but we don't even know where they'll strike next. ❞

❝ Well you guys have been dealing with them for awhile right? I think you could figure out their next moves based on that. ❞ you added on.

❝ That's true.. and our little villian has been striking alot of food related places lately, maybe we could start there? ❞ Yechan brought up and the others nodded in agreement.

They all glanced at you before at each other. ❝ I knew we raised you well. ❞

❝ Aigoo~ you're so smart my flower!¹ ❞ Yujun exclaims before putting his arms around you and suddenly you felt like a rag doll being thrown around.

❝ Stop shaking them around Yujun, they're not a baby. ❞ Jinsik says while facing the drawing board, trying to figure out a doable plan after your response.

❝ Not anymore sure, but in the law of sibilings, they are in our hearts they are. ❞ he says while patting his chest, in the place of his heart.

❝ I think that's just you.. ❞ you mumbled while trying to get out of his grasp.

❝ Please stop him from saying nonsense. ❞ Jinsik said as Yechan immediately grabs duct tape and starts waddling closer to Yujun.

what strange brothers you had.

You pulled on Yujun's clothes and said you were going to the bathroom. and as you made you way to the bathroom, you glanced around for a bit before locking the door.

and what fun you loved to cause for them.


flower¹ : Yujun little nickname for ya since you remind him of a little flower, how cute!

ooh triple peeps this one! how fun.

and late again again ( I was gonna edit the last fic about this ) but XIKERS COMEBACK SAUR GOOD LIKE BANGER ALBUM ( I want the album so baddddddd ) like if you haven't listen, you definitely should. 🤩🤩

my favorites have to be skater, homeboy, and possibly run. but all of them are good.

little tmi ( I guess?? ) I stayed up a little late cuz I was bored and wanting to do one of those pause games but for xikers.. probably put it on youtube when I'm done cuz there isn't any there 😭😭

anyways, I'm a sleep now (。-ω-)zzz

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