xkrtropes :) ✩ jinsik

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( happy ending ) romantic trope? ➵
obvious crushes

You stared at the board with utter confusion as  the teacher talked and and talked about... who knows what to be honest. it was best to say that you couldn't keep up.

Your mind was on hold and you were tired as ever. these days have been cold and windy, and rather dry and gloomy, so your mood was well on the downer side.

You layed your head on your desk near the window as your eyes wandered to the other side of the classroom, accidently making eye contact with a boy.

He stared at you with dreamy eyes before he realized you noticed him. he let out a small gasp as his eyes shifted back and before looking away, with the intent that you didn't see him.

though you obviously did.

You were use to the staring as he would always have a chance to glance at you and look away as soon you turned his way. it wasn't creepy or anything... well it kind of was.

But his other actions of anonymous gift giving and small talk with you whenever you guys ran into eachother was... maybe a bit cute.

and besides... you couldn't help but have a slight crush on him too.

was it obvious though? I mean he was a bit obvious but it was hard to tell. was he just being nice? do nice people do that? or maybe he was just fooling you, playing with your feelings and heart? he didn't seem like the person to do that but it was a possiblity.

or maybe that was a sign to stop watching and reading too many kdramas/webtoons...

❝ And would you like to tell what you learned so far in this lesson Y/N? ❞

You let out a muttered "hm?" as everyone's eyes shifted to you as well as the teacher who stared with an eyebrow raise. ❝ Uhm.. ❞ you felt a slight panic in your body, as your eyes fell on the boy again who had his notebook lifted up, pointing with his pen at his notes.

Your eyes squinted hard at his notes, noticing his name in almost perfect handwriting.

Ham Jinsik

❝ The Mitochondra is the powerhouse of the cell? ❞ and a slapped was heard from the other side of the room from the boy who sighed quietly in disappointment.

❝ Yes excellent! that is true.. ❞ the teacher said with a deep sigh, ❝ But maybe next time, pay attention so you don't have to call your boyfriend for help? ❞ the teacher said with a smirk before changing the slide on the board.

The class erupted in giggles as the boy covered his face with his notebook as a slight blush appeared on his cheeks.

↻ time skip : 10 minutes later ↺

The bell rang for lunch, making you quickly pack up your things. you spot the boy pack up and almost at the door, and you had a thought to talk to him.

Though before you could go up, someone beat you to it, ❝ Hey Jinsik, my buddy, my man~ ❞

Jinsik looked up and slightly bowed, "Hi Sumin!" he says quietly at the other who put an arm around him, ❝ Would you be a buddy ol pal and help me with something? it's really quick. ❞

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