Chapter 1

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Trauma........ was all Iris felt, every time she turned around she saw someone she had killed or seen be killed. The person that showed up the most was Gabe. He was in her nightmares, her daydreams, or even when she was just walking around minding her own business. She thought the nightmares were bad before the games, now it's every night and she never gets a break, every time she closes her eyes she sees someone or something from the games.

Iris woke up the next morning, well she didn't really wake up she had been up all night not able to sleep. But Iris got up and went downstairs to find her mom cooking breakfast. "Oh your down early hunny." Her mom said as she looked over at Iris. Iris didn't say anything back she just hummed in agreement and went outside. She walked and walked until she found the edge of her district only divided by a fence. She just sat down in the tall grass and felt the wind blow in her face. The sun was just barely peaking over the hill. Iris watched the sunset feeling a little at peace but all the bad feelings kept rushing back at once fighting Iris. Iris gave up and just laid down in the tall grass. She looked up at the orangeish pinkish sky above her. There were clouds in the sky so Iris tried to take her mind off things by trying to make shapes or an animal out of the cloud. She looked at a few and found a duck, then she found a triangle, and then she found a turtle.

Iris heard fort steps behind her and she sat up really quickly taking in her surroundings. She then saw little Max trying to hide behind a tree. Iris smiled to herself, this was becoming a game to Max, he would try and sneak up on Iris and scare her but it almost never worked because Iris always caught him. "I know your hiding behind that tree Max." Iris said chuckling. "Danget I thought I had you that time." Max said jumping out from behind the tree. "I told you I can hear you from a mile away." Iris said teasing Max. "Here I picked these for you." Max said as he walked over to Iris and gave her some lilies. "Thank you Max they are my favorite." Iris said as he hugged Max. Iris pulled away and just patted the grass next to her gesturing for Max to sit down. He did but Iris knew it wasn't going to last long because Max doesn't like to sit in one place for to long.

Iris looked over a Max who was tapping his foot waiting impatiently. "Alright fine I guess you can go." Iris said as she nudged Max. Max giggled with joy and got up to go play. "Wait before you go." Iris said grabbing Max and hugging him before he ran off. After that was done Max ran off towards his friends to go play in the mud. Iris smiled as she watched him run off, then she turned to look back at the sun which was already done rising but the sky still had that slightly pink tent to it. She closed her eyes and saw Cloves face and those brown eyes staring back at her. She smiled as she thought of Clove. She said they would get to meet in a few weeks but it feels like it has been months since they have seen each other. Iris laid back down in the grass with thoughts of Clove and she ended up falling asleep.

Iris's sleep didn't last long because she woke up  from a nightmare and looked around quickly, then realized where she was and stood up. She almost fell over because she stood up to fast but she stayed up and started walking back home. When she got back into town it was oddly quiet. No one was outside, no one was talking, it was just dead silence. She walked back to her house to find Porter talking with her family.

"Porter, what are you doing here?" Iris said as she went and hugged him. "I need to talk to you." Porter said as he hugged her back. "Okay what's wrong." "Nothings wrong I just came to tell here in a few hours you and Clove will be put back on that train." Iris's heart stopped at his statement. "What do you mean." "I mean every year the capital will drag you guys out and broadcast your little love story." Iris let a little breath of relief out , "So when do we leave?" "Like I said here in a few hours." "Wait a second in a few hours." Iris said surprised. "We're you not listening earlier?" "I was but it didn't really sink in until now." "Well if I were you I would go pack up some stuff you think you will need, but don't bring to much or else the capital won't allow it." Iris nodded at him as she walked away from him and to her room.

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