Chapter 11

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   The next day of training went by in a flash, Iris got a few cuts in with long and short ranges axes and she was able to use the survival area to learn more about nature, like what water to drink or what berries are poisonous. As she sat in the elevator with Clove by her side she thought about what could of happened last night if Finnick wasn't there. Iris was kinda glad he was there because talking about.....well....... Her own problems was a little difficult. She never really wanted the conversation to be about her she just wanted to make the other person feel good about themselves. Emotions weren't really her thing, she had tried talking to her mom about it but every time she went to speak her words came out all jumbled up or no words came out at all. Iris felt Clove gently grab her hand, "Your overthinking again." Clove said looking ahead. Iris looked at Clove shocked. "How- wait how did- how did you-" Iris fumbled over her own words trying to find a sentence. "I just know, trust me I always know." Clove said smiling as she looked over at Iris.

   The doors opened for Clove to get off but she turned around just before getting off, "Remember tonight, okay." "Okay" Iris said as the doors closed. Iris put her hands on her face, "What am I going to do? I can't tell her everything, can I? Wait what am I doing, why am I talking to myself." Iris closed her mouth almost embarrassed even though she was by herself. The doors opened and she stepped out to see Porter passed out on the couch and a cup with alcohol in it. Iris rolled her eyes as she went to her room but she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw that her room was destroyed. Her pillows were everywhere, her blankets were on the ground, paintings knocked off. As Iris was walking she felt something stab her foot, she looked down to see glass in the floor and next to the broken glass was Max's dead lily. Iris covered her mouth with one hand as she picked up the lily with the other. It practically crumbled away in her hands as she picked it up.

   All she saw was anger as she stomped out of her room and down to where Porter was. She grabbed the alcohol off the table and splashed it one him. He woke up screaming as he looked at Iris dumbfounded. "What are you doing!" Porter yelled at Iris. "What am I doing? Why did you destroy my whole room?" "What I didn't even go in your room." Porter said looking down and rubbing his head. "Porter, we are the only two on this floor and you are going to tell me that you didn't touch my room when you are the only other person in here!" Iris talking slowly turned into yelling. "I didn't touch it Iris!" Porter yelled back at Iris. "I know you did! And I hope you got what you wanted because you killed my lily." "First of all no I didn't and second of all why does it matter it's just a flower." Porter said looking up at Iris. "Porter I don't think you understand." Iris said as she brought her tone back down to talking normally. "Then please help me understand." Porter said with a smirk on his face. "That lily was the last thing my brother gave me before I went off to the games, that is the last thing I have of him right now, or had of him." "Iris I'm going to be completely honest I never wanted you to win the hunger games I was rooting for Gabe I was always rooting for Gabe, it was never you." Iris was shocked with his statement as she stepped back a bit. "You know sometimes I wish Gabe had won and not me, sometimes I wish I was dead just so I didn't have to deal with you or anyone else." Iris said as she walked towards her room. She opened her door and closed it behind her but then Iris felt her heart start constricting to a point to where it hurt. Iris grabbed her chest and she wasn't able to breath, she put her back against the door and started sliding down it until she was sitting down. She started panicking because she wasn't able to breath and the darkness was coming back. She fought off the darkness over and over but it kept coming back stronger and stronger until Iris wasn't able to fight it off anymore she let the darkness consume her as her head hit the floor.

   Iris woke up unaware of her surroundings. She slowly sat up but grabbed her head when it started pounding. She tried to calm down and remember what happened before she passed out. But when she was finally aware of her surroundings all she saw was her destroyed room and Max's flower on the ground, dead. Tears started to stream from Iris eyes as she started to remember every little detail of what happened. She sat there for a second trying to recollect herself. Once she was it took all of her strength to stand up. As she was getting up she saw red in her hands. When she fully stood she put her hands out in front of her. There was blood all over them, so she put her hand up to the side of her head and brought it back down to see more blood on it. She headed for the bathroom and when she got there she immediately turned on the faucet, running cold water. She first stuck her hands under it then she fully stuck her head under it to get all the blood off. She rubbed her head under the water and then grabbed a towel that was beside her. She rubbed the towel on her hair to dry it off. Once she was done she looked in the mirror and saw a huge gash on her head and it was still bleeding but not as bad. She gently touched it but winced away because of the pain. She searched around the bathroom for something to put on the gash but found nothing. She eventually settled on putting a cold wet rag on the side of her head. She walked out of the bathroom with the rag on her head and slowly started picking up her room. She picked up the pillows and blankets on her floor and made her bed all nice and neat, but it was hard because she only had one hand. Once she was done making her bed she put everything back on the shelves where it was supposed to go. She went and carefully picked up all the pieces of glass making sure not to cut herself. She looked the pieces of glass in her hand and she saw that one had blood on it. It must've been the one she hit her head on. She went and threw them away and carefully picked up the dead lily on the ground. She looked at it for a second before putting it to in the trash. She turned around and looked at her room which was clean. She weakly smiled and went to her door. She brought the rag down from her forehead and saw a little bit of blood on it but not very much. She brought her finger up to the side of her head then looked at it seeing no blood so she decided to leave the rag in her room. She then went and grabbed the cold handle to her door and opened it to be met with Porter walking into his room and slamming the door. Iris just stared at the door for a second before quietly walking to the elevator. She got in and clicked the button to go to the roof.

She stepped out into the fresh air and breathed in. She went and sat down on the edge of the building and had so many thoughts racing through her head. Some of them were bad others were good. She felt a hand gently touch her back. Iris jumped and turned around to be met with those calm brown eyes staring back at her. "Oh hey." Iris said as she turned back towards the city and patted the spot next to her. "Hey." Clove said sitting down next to her. They sat there in silence for a little bit before Iris felt Clove grab her hand. "Are you okay?" Clove asked looking over at Iris seeing her cut on her forehead. "Yeah I'm doing great." Iris said looking back at Clove and giving her a fake weak smile. "Really because you don't look to great." Clove said gesturing to her gash on her forehead. "Hey what's that supposed to mean." Iris said trying to lighten the mood. "I didn't mean it in a bad way." Clove said smiling. Iris let out a small laugh before looking down over the edge. Clove squeezed Iris's hand and Iris squeezed back. "Everything's going to be okay you know that right?" Iris said looking over at Clove. "Yeah I know but I'm still scared, I don't want to lose you." Clove said never looking over at Iris. "I don't think you will have to worry about that." Iris said smiling. "Oh and why's that?" "Because I will have you to protect me." Clove laughed out loud when Iris said that. Iris just watched her in awe, "I love you." Iris blurted out without a thought. Clove stopped laughing and looked at Iris. "Sorry I-" Iris tried to speak but Clove cut her off by cupping Iris's cheek with her hand. Iris smiled and leaned into her hand. Iris closed her eyes then she felt lips press against her forehead this always gave her a warm fuzzy feeling. Iris smiled as she kept her eyes closed and those lips made their way down to her lips. Iris smiled as Clove started stroking her thumb over her cheek. Clove pulled away and put her head on Iris's. Iris pressed her forehead against Cloves and they just stayed there for a little bit in silence.

   They both jumped up when they heard the elevator door ding. Iris's warm fuzzy feeling quickly disappeared when she saw Porter walking out of the elevator. Iris jumped up and walked over to Porter, "what are you doing here?" Iris asked putting her hand on his arm stopping him from walking any further. "What I'm just here to have a little chat with your friend." Porter said as he slurred his words. "Porter go back to our floor you are drunk." Iris said trying to push him back to the elevator. Porter shoved Iris off of him making her fall over, "I'm not drunk I said I'm here to talk to your little friend." Porter yelled. Clove jumped up and went to make sure Iris was okay. "Yeah yeah I'm fine." Iris said standing up with the help of Clove. Clove started walking towards Porter but Iris grabbed her arm. "No your going to get hurt." "Iris I think I am going to be fine against this puny guy." Clove said trying to shake off Iris's grip. "No Clove you don't under stand if anything we need to leave." Iris said grabbing Clove and bringing her into the elevator. Iris pushed the button to go back down to floor 2 but Porter started walking their way. Iris knew he would get to the elevator before the doors would close so she stepped out and shoved Porter away as Clove screamed no behind her. The elevator doors closed and it took Clove down to floor 2.

"Why can't I talk to your little friend?" Porter said getting closer to Iris. "Porter back up your drunk." "I'm not drunk I just want a few words." "Fine go ahead and say whatever you need to say Porter." Porter stepped closer to Iris, "you don't need to be in my space for me to hear you talk Porter." Iris said pushing him away from her. "You- you can't do that to me." Porter said as he jumped at Iris making them both fall to the ground. "No Porter I am not going to fight you." Iris said trying to push Porter off of her. Porter grabbed both of her wrist and brought them above her head so he was able to hold them with one hand. Porter took his other hand and started punching Iris until she had bruises all over her. Iris screamed and screamed for him to stop but he wouldn't and every time she would try to get out he would punch her even harder or tighten his grip around her wrists. Porter hit her hard making the gash on her forehead start bleeding again. Iris had blood on her forehead while Porters hand was covered in it. Porter looked at it for a second and this gave Iris the chance to push him off of her and get up. Porter tried to get up and follow her but Iris kicked him in the chest making him fall over and Iris rushed over to the elevator and hit the floor 5 button watching the doors close just as Porter got up.

(Thank you so much for 180 reads it means so much to me. Thank you for all of your support to help me to have motivation to write these stories. But anyway anyone else not like Porter or is it just me. Alright anyway stay safe out there you guys are the best :)

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