Chapter 10

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Iris woke up the next morning and got ready to go down to training but Porter was no where to be found. Iris didn't think anything about it as she just ate her breakfast in silence by herself. Once she was done she headed down to the training center and saw Finnick by the spear section. Iris decided to walk over to him but on her way there she spotted Clove staring at her. Iris hung her head as she changed direction and headed towards Clove. Once she got there she looked at Clove and tried to grab her hand but Clove pulled away. Iris sighed, "I know what I did wrong and I didn't mean it like that at all." "Oh really then why did you do it." Clove said never breaking eye contact with Iris. "What did you want me to do just tell her no, she may of just killed me right then and there." Clove rolled her eyes as she went to walk away but Iris stopped her by putting her arm out in front of Clove. "Why did you not come to the roof last night?" Iris questioned Clove. "Because I didn't feel like having an argument with you last night." Clove said as she tried to walk off again but Iris didn't let her. "No... I don't even want to be arguing right now, and I especially don't want you mad at me. So could we please discuss whatever is going on tonight, please." Iris asked looking at Clove. Cloves eyes flicked between Iris's as she searched for something in her eyes. Finally Clove sighed, "Fine, tonight." Iris put on a small smile at Clove as she put her arm down letting Clove go. Clove kept looking at her before walking off the go to another station. Iris walked over to Finnick as he threw a spear, "So how did it go?" He asked Iris picking up another spear. "Well not good and not bad, but she said she will talk to me tonight on the roof." "Did she say that in a nice way or a "your in trouble" kinda way." Finnick said turning and looking at Iris with a smile. "It was more of a "your in trouble" kinda tone." Iris sad putting her head down. "Hmmmm just as I thought." Finnick said putting his hand on his chin to make it look like he was really thinking. "Stop being a dork and tell me what's going on in that head of yours." Iris said worried. "Well all I know is that I will be on the roof top early to hear that conversation." Finnick said laughing. "You are seriously no help..... like at all." Iris said rolling her eyes and walking away. She spotted Johanna smiling at her, Iris gave her a simple smile back but never talked to her, instead she walked right past her without saying anything. Iris went to the survival area and decided to start focusing on training but she couldn't get Clove out of her head. Iris looked over at Clove who was at the knife station. Clove threw another knife hitting it directly in the chest. "Jeez." Iris said letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

After training Iris got in the elevator by herself but of course someone had to come in just before it closed. Finnick stepped through the door smiling as he saw Iris. "Who exited for tonight?" Finnick said as he poked fun at Iris. "Not me." Iris said as the doors closed. "Why shouldn't it be fun." Finnick said looking at her curiously with a small smile on his face. Iris rolled her eyes at him as the doors opened to her floor. "See you tonight!" Finnick shouted before the doors closed. Iris turned around and gave him a smile but then heard a voice behind her. "Oh your going up there to see him again." Porter said exaggerating the again. "No Porter." Iris said trying to be as calm as possible. "Oh so now you are just lying to my face." Porter said stepping closer to Iris. "No." Iris said standing her ground and giving him no further explanation. "Fine, go to your room and you can't come out until I tell you you can." Iris gave him a sarcastic laugh, "your joking right?" "No" Porter said scrunching up his face. "And why would you-" "No let me tell you something Porter, you try and control me all the time like you are my father, well news flash you arnt." Iris put her hand on her forehead rubbing it. "You know I thought you were going to be a good mentor, actually no I thought you were going to be a good friend, but I guess you are not what I made you up to be in my head." Iris said as she walked towards the elevator. She got in and left Porter with tears in his eyes.

The doors closed as Iris sighed and hung her head. She tried to clear her head but all she could think about was her dad, his smile, his laugh, even when he was angry, Iris just wanted to see him again. The doors opened to the roof and Iris stepped out seeing no one there. She walked over to the edge and looked over. It was a pretty far drop, it was one big enough to kill Iris. Iris let her foot hover over the edge wanting to shift her weight into that foot and just fall. She closed her eyes ready to fall over the edge but someone grabbed her shoulder. "Are you out of your mind!" Clove asked turning Iris around and looking at her with those worried brown eyes. Iris didn't respond as a tear rolled down her cheek. "You could've died." Clove said putting her arms around Iris's neck and hugging her. Iris leaned into Clove body and slinked her arms around Cloves waist pulling her in. "I'm so sorry." Iris said into Cloves shoulder. Clove pulled away from the hug, "Don't ever apologize to me again." Clove said with a stern look in her eye. Iris avoided eye contact as she looked down at her own trembling hands. Iris felt Cloves hand pull her chin up, "Just tell me what's going on?" Clove said as her look softened. "I-I I can't Clove." "Why not?" Clove said still looking at Iris with those concerned brown eyes. "I don't want-" "If you say you don't want to burden me I will kick you off this building myself, you are never going to be a burden to me, and if you don't know that then well I will tell you every second of every day that you are enough, you are good enough for anything or anyone in this world." Iris's eyes flicked between Cloves brown worried ones. Iris closed her eyes as she felt another tear run down her face and then Cloves touch was gone. Iris's eyes came open immediately as she saw Clove going to sit on the edge of the roof so Iris followed. "Why are you following me?" Iris smiled as she thought back to their first time talking on the roof. "What do you want me to do go on the other side?" Iris asked looking over at Clove who was also smiling but looking out into the lit up city. "I mean at this point yeah." "I'm pretty sure that would still be awkward just from a further distance." Iris said chuckling at her own sarcasm. Clove looked at Iris and cupped her cheek. "You know you can tell me anything right?" Iris grabbed Cloves wrist ever so gently and pulled it off her cheek. "Yeah I know and right about now..... I better start." Iris said playing with Cloves hand in her lap. Clove stayed silent waiting for Iris to start her explanation. Iris opened her mouth to speak but no words came out then suddenly they heard a big crash come from behind the elevator. Iris and Clove looked at each other. Iris slowly stood up and put her hand out telling Clove to stay. Iris slowly walked over the the elevator and looked behind it to see a lopsided smile. "Finnick what are you doing here?" Iris asked in a whisper. "Who is it!" Clove shouted from behind Iris. Iris gave Finnick a look and grabbed his arm pulling him out from behind the elevator. Clove looked almost startled, "Why is he here?" Clove asked eyeing Finnick up and down suspiciously. "Don't worry he is a friend." Iris said pulling Finnick closer to Clove. "Sit." Iris said pointing at a spot beside Clove. "Iris I-" "I said sit." Iris said demandingly as Finnick sat down. "Finnick this is Clove, Clove this is Finnick." Iris said sitting down on the other side of Clove. "Nice to meet you." Finnick said sticking his hand out awkwardly. Clove eyes him as Iris nudged her making Clove take his hand. Everyone just awkwardly looked back out into the nighttime city. "So how did you two meet." Clove asked breaking the silence. "Well- we- uh-" Finnick fumbled over his words as Iris just stared at him. "We met up here last night." Iris said chucking at Finnick. Finnick just gave her a goofy smile saying thank you before looking up at the stars. "Ok Finnick if you really are not enjoying this at all you can leave." Iris said rolling her eyes and smiling at him. Finnick let out a sigh of relief as he got up from the side of the roof. "Bye guys see you tomorrow." Finnick said as he sped walked off towards the elevator. "Byeee Finnick." Iris shouted teasingly. Iris looked back to see Clove staring at her. "I didn't know you had made so many new friends." "I'm sorry I was going to tell you about Finnick but it just didn't seem like the right time at all." Iris said rambling. Clove raised her eyebrows at Iris. Iris took a deep breath, "Listen I can explain about Johanna." Iris thought to herself before speaking, no I can't I can't explain anything to you because I don't even know what is happening myself. "Um I have no intentions with her and I never did I just simply helped because I thought maybe she could be a good ally." Iris said as she came up with that on the spot. Clive didn't say anything, she just hummed as she put her head on Iris's shoulder. Iris smiles again because she liked feeling the weight of Cloves head on her shoulder. Iris reached for Clove hand and grabbed it putting it in her lap. Iris slightly looked down at their hands in her lap. She started playing with her fingers and running her fingers over Cloves palm. Soon she heard soft light breathes coming from Clove. Iris scrunched up her face trying to think of a way to get out of this. Nothing came to Iris's mind as she just put her head on Cloves waiting for her to wake up.

   Iris woke up feeling the weight of Cloves head still on her shoulder. She must've fallen asleep while waiting on Clove to wake up. Iris lifted her head but a pain shot through her neck causing her to bring her hand up to it quickly. Clove made a noise and started repositioning her head on Iris's shoulder. "Come on Clove we have to get up and go to bed." Iris told Clove while ever so slightly touching her arm. Clove made another cute noise before shooting her head up and grabbing her neck from the pain. "Yeah I had the same thing." Iris said rubbing her neck. "Well yeah but we have more important matters." Iris tilted her head to the side as she looked at Clove. "What time is it and how are we going to sneak back into our rooms." "Sneaking back in is the easy part but I just don't know what time it is." Iris said getting up from the roof. Iris stuck her hand out for Clove to take. Clove took it and stood up still rubbing her neck. "Here." Iris said pushing Clove to the elevator. Once the doors closed Iris turned Clove around and started rubbing her shoulders. "Better." Iris asked still rubbing Cloves shoulders and neck. "Hmmm much better." Clove whispered. Iris smiled to herself but then the doors opened to her floor. She stuck her foot out of the door so it wouldn't close and grabbed Cloves waist bringing her closer. "I know I have a lot to tell you and I will tell you when the time is right I promise." Iris said kissing Clove. Clove smiled into the kiss giving Iris butterflies. Iris pulled away, "man how did I go so long without that." Clove smiled at her as she pushed her back out of the elevator. "See you at training." Iris said and just before the doors closed, Clove winked making Iris smile.

   Iris turned around and saw Porter passed out on the couch. He must've been waiting for her to get back so he could yell at her. Iris just walked past him into her room and closed her door. She jumped around in her room for a second because she was so excited. She went and jumped on her bed as Clove came into mind, her lips, her touch, even her soft comforting voice was all Iris could hear as she fell asleep.

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