Chapter 7

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Iris ran out of her room as they reached district 2 to let off Clove. Iris ran towards Clove and picked her up while hugging her. Clove squealed as Iris picked her up and twirled around with her. "Well someone's in a good mood." Clove said smiling. "Well yeah because I got to wake up and see you." Iris said returning the warm smile. "But you got to wake up to me every morning." Clove questioned Iris. Iris just gave her a lopsided smile before spinning around some more. "I'm gonna miss you so much." Clove said as she looked down at Iris laughing. "Not as much as I am going to miss you." Iris said putting Clove down. Cloves eyes flicked between Iris's eyes as she smiled from ear to ear. "What?" Iris questioned. "Nothing it's just I don't know how I'm going to go this long without you." Clove said leaning into Iris's chest. "It's just like you told me, it will only be a few weeks." "Well yeah but I don't know how long it actually will be this time." Clove mumbled into Iris's chest. "Well I do." Iris said looking down at Clove. Clove shot her head up looking at Iris with hopeful eyes. "Really?" "Yeah it's will only be a few weeks just don't count the days or else they will take forever, trust me I speak from experience." Clove giggled at Iris's statement as she leaned in to kiss her. Iris kisses her back but pulled away when someone cleared their throat. "Oh I'm sorry Atala." Iris said untangling herself from Clove. "Don't worry about it dear we just need to get going." Atala said with a smile. Iris looked back at Clove and gave her a another quick kiss on the lips before letting her go. Clove walked out the door but before it closed she had to do her signature wink and that's what she did. Clove winked at Iris right before the door closed, Iris rolled her eyes as she headed towards the back of the train. Iris walked past a door that was slightly cracked open but she didn't bother to look in there she just heard screams and yelling about a lily. Iris turned around and went back to the door but it was closed and locked so Iris just shoved the thought away and kept walking towards the back of the train. She went and sat down watching all the trees go by in and instant. Iris sprawled put on the couch and let the warm sun touch all over her body. She was so comfortable she could fall asleep but she didn't instead she sat up and thought about all the things her and Clove did together. Tons of memories flooded Iris's mind as it raced. Most of them were good memories but she had a few that were bad. She just pushed the bad thoughts away the best she could and focused on the good ones. Iris threw her head back and looked at the glass ceiling. She closed her eyes trying to relive the special moments she had with Clove but instead Iris ended up falling asleep.

Iris woke up in the middle of the trees, she tried to move but she couldn't all she could do was lay there and all she could see was whatever was within her eyesight. Soon she saw Clove walking towards her with toms of lilies in her hands. Iris smiled as she saw Clove walking towards her. But when she looked closer Clove didn't have a very happy look on her face in fact it was more of a sad look. Iris couldn't touch her or even talk to her to comfort her. All Iris could do is lay there and watch Clove in pain. A tear ran down Cloves face as she started putting the lilies around Iris. Iris couldn't stop her or let her know that she was alive. Once Clove was done putting lilies all around Iris she gently put her head on Iris's chest and started crying. Iris just looked down at her as a tear slipped down her own cheek. Iris closed her eyes not being able to see Clove in such a state, but when she opened her eyes again she was in a whole new place. Clove wasn't next to her and Iris wasn't laying in the grass. Iris was floating above the trees above everything around her. She felt almost at peace with everything as she just floated, nothing to worry about, nobody relying on her, she could just be at peace with no weight on her shoulders. Iris once again closed her eyes feeling the warm sun on her skin.

Iris smiled as she felt the warmth on her skin, then opened her eyes again but this time she was back on the train, she was back to reality. Iris smiled to herself before getting up and walking to the living area, where Porter and Tigress were. Iris walks in and the room goes quiet as they both turn around and look at her. Iris just looks at them strangely as she goes and sits on the couch next to Porter, still neither of them saying a word. "What's going on you guys?" Iris questioned them with a concerned smile on her face. Iris and Porter just glanced at each other, Iris shifted her eyes between Porter and Tigress. "What?" Iris said as her voice got lower and more concerned. "Um...... well....." Porter said as his voice trialed off. "Porter, what is going on?" Iris said in a more stern voice. "Well....... President Snow has called for a Quarter Quell." Porter said putting his head down. "What the heck does a Quarter Quell mean Porter." Iris said keeping her eyes on Porter as he fidgeted with his fingers. "Well it means that all the past victors names will be put into the bowl,  and they will choose one male and female tribute from the victors in that district to play in the games." Porter said as he clasped his hands together and started twiddling his thumbs. Iris didn't say anything back as her face completely lost any emotion. She stood up from the couch and just went in her room and locked the door behind her as all those memories she thought was behind her were coming back as if they never left. Iris held her head as she heard voices of people in the last game, their screams, their yelling. All of them yelling at Iris making her want to cry. She fell onto her bed and stuffed her face into a pillow as she screamed. Iris sat up and picked up the pillow that was beside her and threw it, hitting a glass cup as it fell and broke when it hit the floor. Iris got up and went over to the broken glass on the ground. She covered her moth as she cried. She knelt down and picked up the lily Max gave her so long ago. It was still alive and well. Iris instantly felt horrible for what she did and just started apologizing. She was apologizing to herself, to her mom, to little Max, and to everyone in the games. Iris let all the guilt come over her as her back hit a wall and she slowly slid down it and started silent crying. She held the lily next to her heart as she pulled her knees up to her chest and sat there crying with Max's lily in her hand.

    After calming down she got up and filled another cup but this one was not glass, and she put the lily in it.she went and set it on the table next to her bed so she could look at it every night and think about Max. Iris took a few deep breathes as she sat on the edge of her bed and soon she heard a knock on her door. "What do you need?" Iris said as it came off a little more rude than she intended. " I just came to tell you that we are back home." Tigress said in the nicest voice possible. Iris didn't respond as she heard footsteps walking away from her door. Iris just put her hands on her face and took a deep breath before going outside. She went into the living area where Porter was waiting there with his hands shoved into his pockets. Iris walked right past him without even speaking a word to him or even looking at him. As soon as she past him she heard his footsteps behind her. She let him follow her as she walked out of the train to be met with tons of people clapping for her. Porter stepped up beside her and just stuck his hand out. Iris looked at him for a second before taking his hand and putting on a fake smile for the people. Porter gave Iris's hand a good squeeze as they walked through all the people. Iris took a deep breath as she smiled at everyone. Once they were out of the crowd Iris's smile immediately dropped as they walked to her house.

   They got to the front steps of Iris's house and Iris didn't even realize she was still holding Porters hand. She gave it a squeeze before letting go and turning it look at him. "Thank you." Iris said as she hugged Porter. "Don't mention it kiddo." Porter said hugging Iris back. Just then Iris heard the front door of her house open as Max came rushing out. Max came and immediately gave Iris a hug telling her how much he has missed her. Iris mother came out in tears as she walked up to Iris and put her hands on her shoulders. Iris painfully smiled at her mother as she pulled her in for a hug. Iris hugged her back and smiled. Porter tapped Iris on the shoulder, Iris turned around, "Well I better get back to my house to freshen up for tomorrow." Porter said rubbing his neck. Iris smiled at him and gave him another hug and whispered thank you in his ear. He smiled before going back to his house and Iris and her family walked inside.

   Iris sat on the couch in silence as her mother stared at the ground. "Um... have you-" "Yes." Her mother said cutting her off. "And right now I don't want to talk about it, for once I want to be a happy family again." Her mother said taking a deep breath. "Mom, we will always be a family no matter what is going on in the world, no matter the people no matter the circumstances, we will always have each other." Iris said looking at her mother. Her mother teared up and looked away. "Don't cry mom....... Don't cry." Iris said getting up and hugging her. "Alright enough of that you go and get ready for tomorrow." Her mother said after hugging her. Iris smiled at her then headed up stairs to get freshened up.

    Iris stood on stage next to a bowl with one card in it. Azalea stepped up to the microphone still a little to happy for Iris. Iris looked out at the crowd as she found her mother and Max standing there. "......Ladies first." Azalea said as she walked over to the bowl next to Iris. A tear ran down Iris's cheek as Azalea read off the card. "Iris Stoll." Iris turned and walked towards Azalea. Azalea looked down not being able to look Iris in the face. "Now for the boys." Another tear went down Iris's face as Azalea went and picked up the one card from the other bowl. "Porter Aurelius" Azalea said loudly into the microphone making Iris's ear ring hearing Porters name over and over in her head. Porter walked over as Azalea stepped out of the way. Iris and Porter turned to each other, Porter stuck out his hand but Iris just looked at him and she hit his hand down and hugged him instead. The crowd erupted with clapping and cheers. "Don't die....... Please." Iris begged. "I'm sorry Iris but I cannot promise anything." Porter said replying to Iris. A peacekeeper grabbed Iris's hand and started dragging her towards the train. "NO STOP I HAVE TO SAY GOODBYE!" Iris yelled at the peacekeeper. "No time straight to the train." The peacekeeper said under his mask. Iris tried to struggle out of his grip but it was no use so she just yelled goodbye as she doors closed behind her.

(Wow already 80 reads on this story. I am so thankful for everyone reading this and taking this journey with me. I am so happy you are liking it as much as I am so far. Now stay safe out there and stay happy. :)

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