Chapter 5

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Iris woke up the next morning with her eyes all puffy from crying, but when she woke up she noticed that she was alone. No one else was there not even Clove. Iris sighed as she got up to go get ready. She went into the bathroom and got in the shower but this time she took a cold shower, she thought it would help her think about anything but those cruel dark thoughts. As she got in she practically went into shock from how cold it was but that's all she could think about, not a sad thought came to her head. She smiled a genuine smile, this was the clearest her mind has been in weeks.

She came out of her bathroom with a towel on and decided to go through her clothes to see what she wanted to wear. But as she was searching a thought crossed her mind, "wait we skipped my district." Iris said as she thought out loud. She furrowed her eyebrows while she tried to find something to wear and thought about why they skipped her own district. They went to district 2 so they are going to the victors districts but they skipped district 5. Iris found something to wear it was a silk green tank top with black pants. Iris went into the living room to only be wet with Porter and Tigress sitting on the couch. "Where is everyone?" Iris asked Porter. "They are all in Cloves room helping her with something." Porter said back looking at whatever he was doing with his hands. Iris didn't say anything back she just walked and sat down on the same couch as Tigress in front of Porter. "I have a question." Iris asked Porter who still was not looking at her. "Fire away." "Why did we skip district 5?" "Well we were going to go through all the districts and just end on yours because we knew that would be hard for you to talk about Gabe, then we will head to the capital and end our tour there." Porter said answering her question. Iris just hummed and nodded as she then got up to go eat breakfast. She got a plate and sat down then got some delicious scrambled eggs with the crispy bacon and a piece of perfectly cooked sausage. Iris looked at her plate and licked her lips she got a fork and started eating. This was the first time on this train that she had eaten without a bunch of screaming and laughing. Iris closed her eyes as she took a bite of that delicious crispy bacon. Crispy was her favorite, yeah the chewy was good but the crispy that just melted in your mouth was really good. Iris continued eating when she heard Cloves door open, "Welp there goes the peace and quiet." Iris said to herself as she took another bite of egg. And just as she said all the laughing and people trying to talk over each other came into the room. Iris rolled her eyes at the people as she picked up her plate and got some more food then went to her room, she caught Cloves eye just before she turned the corner to go to her room but Iris didn't turn around to go speak to her. She opened her door then went inside as it closed and locked behind her she went and sat on her bed and ate her food in peace and quiet. She was eating her crispy bacon as she heard a knock on her door. Iris rolled her eyes and set her plate down on the table beside her bed. She got up and opened the door, "What do you want?" Iris asked closing her eyes not even looking at the person who opened her door. "Well I would like for you to stop being moody and start being nice to people." Iris's eyes popped open she looked into those brown angry eyes. But this time they were genuinely angry, like she was not in one of those playfull angry moods. "I- well- I- you s-" Iris stuttered as she tried to explain to Clove but Clove didn't say anything as she pushed past Iris. Iris just squeezed her eyes closed for a second before turning around to see what Clove was doing. "What do you need?" Iris asked turning to see Clove sitting on the edge of her bed. "What I need is you to be okay." Clove asked not getting up from the bed. Iris walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed next to her. "And how do I do that?" Iris asked looking at Clove. "That's something you are going to have to figure out but I will be here if you need any help at all." Clove said cupping Iris's cheeks with her hands. Iris closed her eyes and she felt Clove touch on her face. She had gone at least a day without having Clove anywhere near her, and it was awful. Not being able to feel her or touch her. Iris thought those few weeks without her was terrible but for some reason being without her for those few hours tore Iris apart. "I didn't come say anything because- well because I didn't want to bother you with........ my problems." Burden me?!" Clove shouted, "you wouldn't burden me even if you told everything you were doing every second!" Iris just shushed her and wrapped her arms around Clove and hugged her. Clove started tearing up and crying silently as Iris held her. "It's okay, I'm here." Iris told her as she held her. "You know I was supposed to be the one to tell you that." Clove mumbled into her sheet while still sniffling. "Yeah, I figured." Iris said as she smiled and held Clove tighter. Just then one of the people who came with Clove came in, "Oh Clove there you are we have been looking for you." Clove just raised her head and looked at Iris, then pecked her on the lips before getting up. Iris watched her walk out the door and as soon as the door closed Iris put her head down and stared at the ground wanting to feel Cloves skin against hers again. She sighed and laid down on her bed staring up at the ceiling, letting those dark thoughts overcome her.

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