Chapter 8

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Iris sat in the middle of her bed watching out the window as trees went by in a blur. He had no emotion she didn't feel anything at all she was just there. Images flashed through her mind of the last games , death all she saw was death no matter how hard she tried. Porter walked into her room but Iris didn't bother to look over at him, she kept her eyes outside on the trees. Porter didn't say anything he just came and sat on the edge of the bed. "You okay kid?" Porter said looking at Iris. "I'm just scared." Iris said still looking out the window. "Yeah I know me too." Porter said as he put his hand over Iris's. Iris finally looked over at Porter with tears in her eyes threatening to fall. "Porter I don't wanna die, and I don't think I could pull that off again." "I know kid and for as long as I am alive you will not die." Porter said squeezing Iris's hand. Iris gave him a pained smile then went back to looking out the window. "Well we are watching the reapings if you want to see who you are up against, maybe we will have a chance." Porter said getting up off the bed. Iris nodded at Porter as he left her room then she put her hands over her face and sat there for a second. She finally decided to get up and head to the living room, there she was met with Porter and Tigress staring at a holographic screen on the wall. Iris went and sat down next to Porter also watching the screen. "What district are we on?" Iris asked as she sat down. "We haven't started yet we figured we would wait on you." Porter said smiling at Iris. Just then the screen started to play and it showed two people on the screen. "Gloss and Cashmere, two darlings of the capital just because they are brother and sister." Then two more people appeared on the screen. "Brutus and Clove, you already know Clove but Brutus is very strong he won his games by strangling someone." Porter said raising his eyebrows. Iris let out a sigh of relief when she saw Clove come up on the screen because she didn't think she could do this without her. "Beetee and Wiress, very intelligent won their games by using their brains instead of combat." A young handsome male and an old female tribute appeared on the screen. "Finnick Odair." Iris said glaring at him through the screen. "Yes, darling of the capitol." "What about her?" Iris said pointing at the older lady. "Mags, she won her games at a young age, very very sweet lady." "Finnick has to know he can't keep her alive." "Well I just hope when she goes she goes fast." Porter said looking back at the screen.

More people went on and off the the screen as Porter told Iris who they were. Once they were done with that Iris at least felt a little more prepared now that she at least knew the names of the other tributes. "Now I will tell you this." Porter said sitting down, "last years games was child's play, this year everyone of those tributes has been through those games so they all know how it works. That means you have to be on your guard at all times no matter what." Iris nodded at what Porter had to say then just as before she heard tons of cheering and clapping outside. She got up from the couch and went over to the window to be met by tons of capitol people. Iris put on her best fake smile and waved at everyone which made them cheer even louder. Soon the doors opened and peacekeepers took Iris to the tributes center.

When Iris got into her room she cringed as tons of memories came back of her and Gabe, every time he would come and help her get through all her bad nightmares. She pushed the thought away before she could get sad about it. She went and fell onto her bed, "Yep just like I remember." Iris said closing her eyes letting herself sink into the bed. She closed her eyes for a second feeling the bed swallow her. She accidentally fell asleep when she was just trying to relax. But with her sleep came the nightmares.

Iris woke up in her bed breathing heavily. She rubbed her eyes to be able to see better in the dark room then decided to get up and head to the living room to see if anyone else was awake. Her door opened and she made her way to the living room to find Porter and tigress laying on each couch. "Oh I didn't expect y'all to be awake." Iris said Iris said walking down to the couch but Porter didn't respond. Iris looked over at Porter to find his eyes rolled in the back of his head. "Come on Porter stop joking around." Iris said pushing his leg, but she looked over at Tigress and she had the same look on her face. "Guys come on." Iris said with a little bit more worry in her voice. Iris went over and shoved Tigress but still nothing but when she turned around Porter was gone. She then felt a tap on her shoulder do she slowly turned around to be met with Clove standing there with a knife. Iris's whole room crumbled away and left her in the woods with Clove still in front of her. "Clove." Iris said sticking her hand out, "Put down the knife." Iris said slowly getting closer to Clove. Then within a blink of an eye Clove threw the knife and Iris tried to dodge it. She succeeded at dodging but then turned around and saw Rue standing there with a knife in her stomach. "No no no no no." Iris said as she went over and caught Rue before she fell on the ground. "Iris....." Rue said as her eyes searched Iris's face. "I'm right here, I'm right here." Iris said grabbing Rues hand "you have to win." Rue said before crumbling away just like the building did and she was back home. Her dad came through the door all slumped over like he usually was after a long day of work. "Dad?" Iris said getting up off the ground and walking over to the door. But her dad didn't hear her instead he kept doing whatever he was doing, "Dad I'm right here." Iris said as she got in his face, but he didn't make any movement or facial expression to know that she was there. "DAD!" Iris screamed at him, but still nothing. As her dad sat down on the couch some peacekeepers knocked on the door. Iris's dad got up to answer the door. "Dad don't!" Iris yelled at her dad but he still couldn't hear her. He walked over to tue door and opened it as he was tackled by peacekeepers. Iris was frozen in place by shock. "DON'T JUST STAKD THERE IRIS, HELP!" Her dad yelled at her now able to see her. Idk ran over to the peacekeepers and tried to push them off but it was no use because that had already killed here dad. The peacekeepers were gone before Iris could even stand up but when she did stand up she ran over to her dad. Iris took his hand, "Dad come on I know you in there........ come back........please." Iris said as she put her head on his chest while crying. "Iris..." her dad whispered. Iris's head shot up and looked at him. "Iris this......." He grabbed Iris's hand and put it over his chest where he was bleeding. "This is all your fault." "No no no no but dad I was just a kid at that time....... Dad please." He looked at Iris and had his final breath as her whole world fell apart again into darkness.

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