Chapter 16

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     Iris looked around in fear at all the monkeys circling them. Some in the trees and others in the water slowly getting closer.  She saw Finnick jab at another monkey who got a little to close for comfort. But at any second all of the monkeys will attack at once and not all of their group was going to make it out alive or unharmed. Iris felt Cloves hand brush against hers so she grabbed it and squeezed it really quick letting her know that everything was going to be okay. Clove squeezed back before letting go. The monkeys kept getting closer inch by inch. Everyone kept their eye on them watching the monkeys every move to see if one of them attacked. There was a monkey directly in front of Iris getting a little to close. Iris kept a close eye on it until it jumped at her. Iris ducked dodging the monkey. The monkey missed Iris but went and hit Clove in the back sinking it's teeth into her shoulder. Finnick turned around jabbing the monkey off of her as another jumped on his back. Clove fell on her knees in the water grabbing her bleeding shoulder. While Finnick dealt with the monkeys Iris ran over to Clove. "Your gonna be okay, just stay with me okay." Iris said trying to calm Clove down. Clove didn't respond as she kept holding her shoulder while trying to breath. "Finnick we got to get outta here!" Iris yelled looking up at him as another monkey jumped at him pushing him into the water. Iris jumped up and splashed through the water trying to get to Finnick. Once she got there she pulled the monkey off as Finnick came up gasping for air. Iris threw the monkey over her shoulder into the water and held him down by his throat. It struggled under Iris's grip splashing water in her eyes making her unable to see but Iris didn't let up on her grip. Suddenly the monkey stopped splashing so Iris let go of him and when he didn't move again she turned around to see Finnick fighting off a monkey that tried to attack Mags. Clove tried to get up as another monkey jumped at her biting her in the leg. "Finnick, spear." Iris said going towards Clove. Finnick tossed her the spear after he killed the monkey near Mags. Iris went over and stabbed the monkey who bit Clove, but a monkey jumped at Iris making her fall onto her back in the water. She took the spear and put it in front of the monkey as it held her under water. It's teeth just inches away from Iris's face as it took almost all of Iris's strength to keep the monkey where it was. The monkey got lifted off of Iris, as she came up for air she saw Finnick throw the monkey over his shoulder. Iris instantly jumped up still trying to catch her breath. She ran over to Mags and picked her up, "WE GOTTA GO GUYS THEY ARE NOT GOING TO STOP COMING!" Iris yelled at Finnick and Clove. Clove turned towards her and instantly started running towards the way Iris was pointing. Finnick finished the monkey he was fighting and turned to look at Iris as another monkey jumped on his back making him fall into the water and drop his spear. Iris put Mags down and went and picked up Finnicks spear stabbing the monkey in the back making it fall off of him. She grabbed Finnicks arm and helped him get out of the water as she saw blood coming from his arm. She instantly pushed him towards the tree line and looked back at Mags. Iris's eyes widened when she saw a monkey ontop of Mags and go to bite her in the head. Suddenly someone came out of the trees and got in the way of the monkeys mouth so it didn't hurt Mags. The monkey quickly bit into the other person instead and tore him up. Iris ran over to Mags and checked her over really quickly then picked her up. Iris ran over to the man in the water as a cannon went off and all the monkeys ran off. Iris couldn't see who it was even though their face was out of the water it was to eaten up to be even to tell what the face looked like. Iris nodded her head towards him then said thank you under her breath then looked over at Finnick who was looking at her with shock. Iris shrugged as she pointed towards the tree line then ran towards it with Finnick right behind her.

Iris had to set Mags down because she was out of breath and sweating to bad so Finnick picked her up and handed Iris the spear. Iris tried to catch her breath as she walked a little bit behind Finnick. They eventually saw the tree line and started walking a little faster. Finnick pulled back some vines from the trees, "CLOVE!" He yelled as he slowly stepped out onto the sand. Iris heard Cloves name then quickly ran to the tree line to see a man hand a knife around Cloves neck telling Finnick if he got any closer he would kill her. Iris saw that the man was too focused on Finnick and didn't see Iris. Iris readjusted the spear in her hands as she got ready to step out and fight but then she saw how the man was holding Clove. He had Clove to the side of him as he bowed his chest out with a smiles on his face. All Iris had to do was throw tue spear perfectly and hit him in the chest. Iris slowly moved to a better position as quiet as she could. Once she was in a good spot she gripped the spear with one hand and held it barely above her shoulder. She got a little closer to the tree line as she got ready to throw. Once she knew for she that she was had a clear shot and she couldn't hit Clove at all she threw it. The spear soared there the air headed right for the guys chest. Iris stepped out onto the sand as the spear went directly into the guys chest making him drop Clove and fall over into the sand as he bled and a canon went off. Clove ran over to Iris and hugged her. "I heard the cannon and I was going to go back but-" "shhh don't your okay everyone's okay." Iris said putting her hand on the back of her head bringing Clove closer to her chest. Finnick set Mags down and went over to the dead man in the sand and rolled him over on his back and pulled out the spear. Finnick went and dipped it into the water to wash all the blood off.  Iris pulled away from Clove and examined her bleeding shoulder. "You will be okay." Iris said getting onto her knees and looking at her leg. There was a huge gash in it but it was not bleeding at all. "You are able to run right?" Iris asked Clove as she gingerly touched the mark. "Y-yes." Clove said as her voice was shaky. "Good" Iris said standing back up and kissing Cloves forehead. Clove gave her a small smile then walked off to go sit on a rock.

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