Chapter 13

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   Iris woke up in the middle of the night screaming. Gabe rushed into her room, "I'm okay it was just a nightmare." Iris said but the words didn't really feel like her own words. It was like she was watching a movie but from a first person view. "It's okay I get them too." Gabe said bringing Iris out of her thoughts. Gabe left the room and Iris's room almost disintegrated. She ended up on the grass with a person next to her but when she turned him over it was Thresh dead with a knife in his back. Iris jumped back as her vision went black and then she was running and saw Katniss dead on the ground along with Foxface. Iris tried to run away but it's like something was holding her back. Her vision went black again and then she was at the cornucopia as Iris threw a knife at someone. Iris already knew who it was but she couldn't stop herself from walking over there just like she did in the past. There was Gabe lying on the ground and once again Clove turned around and threw a knife but Iris didn't dodge it this time it went directly into her chest making her fall over. But as soon as she hit the ground it was like her whole word turned upside down and she was running again, towards the forest. She saw Peeta leaning against the tree dead. Iris wanted to do anything but look at him, she wanted to close her eyes or turn away but her body wouldn't let her. Then someone grabbed her waist and as she turned around she was on top of the cornucopia being held by Cato. Clove threw the knife and it hit Cato as Iris shoved him off into the group of mutts watching him be devoured by them.

   Iris woke up breathing heavily as she looked out her window to see a orange and purple sky along with the rising sun. She got up and walked over to her window looking at the beautiful sky. She took a deep breath as she squeezed her eyes shut and placed her hands over her face. "Why do I keep doing this to myself?" Iris asked herself opening her eyes and looking out at the sky. "I just want a night where I don't think about anything and I can sleep peacefully." Iris said turning away from the window. She decided to take a shower since she probably won't be taking one for a few weeks. She went into her bathroom and turned on the hot water and got in. She felt the hot water burn her back as the dream kept replaying in her mind over and over. She felt a sudden guilt that came over her thinking about it. Everyone who died were just kids wanting to go home. "Why did I get to survive?" Iris asked herself furrowing her eyebrows.

   Iris got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her going into her room and finding a pair of clothes to change into. Once she was into her clothes she looked out the window once again to see the sun above the buildings and the sky orange. She felt a little at peace when she looked at the sunrise or sunset it was like seeing it took all of her problems away and she could just focus on all the different colors in the sky or the shapes of the clouds. Someone knocked on her door, "Come in." Iris said still looking out the window. Iris felt hands wrap around her waist. Iris quickly jumped and whipped her head around to see who it was. Clove was standing there with a smile on her face. "Clove...... what are you doing here?" Iris said giving her a hug. "I had to see you one last time before we left." Clove said hugging her back. "Your gonna get caught by Porter." Iris said pulling away and looking at her door. "He already knows I'm here." Clove said as Iris looked at her shocked. "Wait so your telling me he knows you in here and he is allowing it." Iris said shocked. "Yes, now stop worrying about it and bring your little head of yours back with me." Clove said grabbing Iris's chin making her look at her. Iris grabbed on her waist pulling her closer at she looked into her eyes savoring this moment. The way the orange yellowish sky hit her face making her breathtakingly beautiful, and the way here eyes shined as the sun hit them giving them a little glimmer even though you could tell she just woke up. Her smile which shined so bright it always made Iris's heart stop, her hair which was somehow perfect even after she just woke up, how Clove was so gentle with Iris no matter what the situation was, the way Clove wanted Iris to be safe at all times and even checking on her when it was dangerous. All those things made Iris want to be around her all the time. "What?" Clove said shyly. "I love you so much." Iris said pressing her lips against Cloves. Iris felt as Clove smiled into the kiss making her heart skip a beat. Clove wrapped her arms around Iris's neck pulling her closer. Clove pulled away resting her forehead on Iris's. "I hope you know I fall in love with you a little bit more every time I think I've lost my way, even on the days when I'm not so sure. I can't explain it and I don't know what to call it, all I know is that I keep falling for you more and more everyday." Iris practically whispered as she closed her eyes leaning into Cloves forehead. Clove opened her mouth to say something but then there was a knock on the door. Iris quickly looked up as Porter entered the room. "Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt I just wanted to tell you that we need to leave in 10 minutes." Porter said as he nodded his head towards Clove and closed the door. Iris looked back into Cloves eyes then kissed her on her forehead. "I will see you later okay." "Okay" Clove said walking away holding Iris's hand for as long as she could until she got to far away.

  The door closed behind Clove leaving Iris alone once again. Iris smiled as she thought about what just happened. She went out into the living room as Porter stood up looking at Iris then walking towards the elevator. He had bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept all night. Iris's eyes followed him for a second before she too started walking towards the elevator. The both got in and headed down.

  Iris saw a hovercraft waiting for all the tributes to board. Iris and Porter walked there in silence, the whole way there Porter didn't say a word. Iris looked over at him as he stared at the ground in front of him. Iris almost felt sorry for him because he already looked dead and the games hadn't even started yet. They both walked onto the hovercraft and was met with several other different tributes who had already taken their seats. Iris saw two seats open next to Clove. Iris grabbed Porters hand and drug him over to the seats and made him sit down. She sat down next to Clove as Clove looked at her. Iris turned and looked into the brown eyes but this time they looked almost terrified. Iris mouthed "It's going to be okay." Clove nodded her head as a few other tributes came in.

  Once all the tributes were in there seats a woman came around with a syringe. She came up to Iris and asked for her arm and Iris hesitantly gave it to her. The woman injected her tracker into her as it stung slightly. Iris winced as the woman let go of her arm and Iris quickly pulled it back. The woman stepped over to Porter and asked for his arm but he didn't give it to her instead he just looked up at her terrified. Iris grabbed his arm and gave it to the woman and looked at Porter who was also terrified. Porter jerked his arm away once the woman was done. "See it's okay." Iris said trying to calm Porter. Porter looked at Iris and let out a sigh as he looked the other direction. Iris gave him a confused look then looked in front of her to find Finnick looking at her. He gave her a small smile as the hovercraft started taking off. She gave him a small smile back and looked a little bit down the row to meet eyes with Johanna who was also smiling at her. Iris also gave her a small smile back then looked down at the floor in front of her ready for this ride to be over.

   The peace keepers led Iris into a room with a tube with her outfit on a hanger. Iris decided to go ahead and put the outfit on. Shortly after Tigress came in with a sad look on her face. Iris quickly walked over to her and hugged her. "What's wrong?" Iris questioned as Tigress hugged her back. "Um-I-" Tigress tried to find the right sentence but the right words didn't come out. "Tigress....... What's wrong." Tigress looked at Iris with tears in her eyes. "The- They-" "Wait Tigress who is "they"?" Iris asked cutting her off. "The- the capital they-" Tigress couldn't get the words out of her mouth no matter how many times she tried. "They what Tigress." Iris said putting her hand on Tigress's shoulder. "They- they killed your brother." Tigress finally got out as tears fell down her face. Iris's hand fell from Tigress's shoulders as tears welled up in her eyes. Iris stumbled backwards almost falling. "20 seconds." A voice came over the intercom starting Iris. "Iris I'm so sorry and I didn't want to tell you but President Snow said he would kill me if I didn't tell you." Tigress said now fully crying. Iris didn't even respond as she stumbled towards the tube. Iris felt tears fall down her cheeks, "15 seconds." The voice came again. Iris forced herself to step into the tube as it closed behind her. More tears kept falling out of Iris's eyes as the tube started going up. Iris was blinded by the bright sun as she came up to the surface. They were in a tropical area with water around them. Iris looked around at the other tributes looking for Clove, Finnick, Johanna, or even Porter, but she saw none of them. The timer stared counting down as all the tributes got ready.

Keep those thoughts out of your head Iris
Push down your feelings Iris right now they don't matter
Stop crying you look weak idiot
It doesn't matter you are going to die anyway
Stop thinking about it
All those people are going to die for nothing
You can't die not now not after everything you have been through
Just give up
Avenge Max

  The siren went off as all the tributes jumped into the water making their way for the cornucopia trying to survive.

   (A little bit of a shorter chapter and I am going to be honest I had a rough time writing about the whole Max thing. He was Iris's light and now that light is gone. But I hope you guys stay safe out there, you guys are the best. :)

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