Chapter 9: The Spirit of Adventure (Part 1)

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Lumen told everyone that Monarchia should be nurtured and cared everyday until she disappeared. Prof.Technetium obtained reports of unknown guilds in a zoo called Jurassic World.
"Hey Lucy, would you please investigate with your friends this place called Jurassic World? In my reports, they are about to attempt a ambushed in your guild of Fairy Tail." Technetium questioned. "OMG, okay look we will go there immediately tomorrow okay?" Lucy replied shocked.

The next day, everyone was in a boat until they arrived to Jurassic World.
"Patty, don't be scared. The dinosaurs are caged in a electric fence." Fredrickson replied.
"If a dinosaur attempted to stomp on me, I WOULD RATHER BLAST A FURY OF ICE IN IT'S FUCKING FACE!" Gray shouted.
"Everyone, would you please SHUT UP OR ELSE I'LL JUST SLASH YOU WITH MY SWORD!" Erza screamed.
As they arrived to Jurassic World, everyone immediately saw a bunch of Jawas on top of dinosaurs carrying carcasses to a strange cave.
"I'll go follow these little hooded elves myself."
As Erza flew with Knight Armor, Natsu did a staring contest with a veloceraptor.
"You can't go on forever staring at this dinosaur."
"Gwaaaaaahhhh...!" Roared the dinosaur.
"Gahhhh! That just scared the shit out me." Blackstar screamed.
"Look what you done Blackstar. You made it run away from me. :(" Natsu replied.

When Erza entered the cave, the Jawas started shooting lasers but Erza killed them and rapidly accelerated herself deeper to the cave.
"Who are bwou?" Pumpkinpizza questioned.
"I heard that your guild is attempting to do a catastrophe on Fairy Tail." Erza shouted.
"Har har har! You wank to attempt to battle me? Well I may need to steeel yourk litle armorp."
Erza tried to establish Sword Magic on him but Pumpkinpizza countered the attack and stole her armor.
"You'll NEVERG catkh me suckuus! Bwahahahaha!" as PumpkinPizza escaped riding on top of a Spinosaurus.
As everyone entered the cave, they were shocked to see Erza powerless. Meanwhile, Makarov Dreyer heard an explosion outside the Fairy Tail bar.
"Everyquan in Bairy Talek, I will attempk to tace over the guilds turb it to Jawa's Lounge so ib yout don't leabe the area, youl get MY WRATH!" shouted Pumpkinpizza.
"Makarov, what should we do?" Mirajane replied.
"I must meet this non-hearted fiend, which he how doesn't even speak correctly face to face." as Macarov exited.
"Welk whad's this? A little olg man? Sucg guds to baddle me!" Pumpkinpizza replied with honor.
"He's not just any old man, he's one of the guild master and he can kill you with his powerful energy!" Mirajane shouted.
"Hmmm... such a cude liddle girl. Woulve youk lide to see myk trued powerz?
He gets shot somewhere behind.
"...Ouch! whod shotted me?" Pumpkinpizza questioned painfully.
"Drop your weapons NOW or faced the consequences." Robocop alerted.
"You get away from the guilds both of you fools!" Boris the animal shouted.
"Hell with this! This is going to be a rough fight!" Elfman replied.

To be continued........

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