Chapter 6: Meeting the Unusual and Rare?

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Kaiton and the others were in a nearby lake but then, non-living things appeared with ion guns to stop them from attempting to trespass the lake.
"You sir, are not allowed to be in this lake OR ELSE!" Stickyeye shouted.
"Or else what? You look like Erika's frog, who is such a scaredy cat, and not all of us are male SIR," Blair shouted back.
"Well, do you know where is the bathroom?" As Atomicdrop questioned.
"Okay, why in the fuck would there be a restroom in the FUCKING FOREST!" Soul asked with anger. "Because it's in YOUR FACE!" Atomicdrop answered back.
Soul started trying to punch Atomicdrop but then, Carla, Happy, and Wendy came alerted out of nowhere.
"Everyone get out! Hurry, a blast will be launched out from the lake!"Carly screamed.
"What blast? Do you think there's a underwater artillery that shoots a huge beam? PATHETIC! This is a hoax! I don't even want to believe you and your little friends including the kid with the white hair that looks like an old man." Stickyeye replied.
"Son of a bitch, how dare you make fun of me!" Soul yelled.
"Okay look, if plasma even tried to fused with water, it would have just-" But a huge explosion sets off, not letting Stickyeye finish.
"........AWWWWWWW! That's not possible! IMPOSSIBLE!" Stickyeye screamed with horror.
"You know what, I'm going to dive in."  Soul dived.

Peckster started flashing as microchips appeared and clustered through his feathers which transformed him into Logicarrow.
" Kaiton! Let's ride!' Logicarrow shouted.
Kaiton hopped on top of Logicarrow and Lucy and the others went to Mr. Fredrickson's balloon house to get on the factory next to the lake. Logicarrow and Kaiton dived into the seafloor with Soul until they manage to find a locked entrance to the sea base. Soul's arm turned into a scythe and slashed the door open which sounded the alarm. Antcounterers ran immediantly to the area that has been breached.
"You see Ichigo and Ralph, we kidnapped you for bringing you to our Emperor, who has a request for you. Well your ship is waiting for you." General Grievious commanded.
"Do you know what the hell am I here for?" Ichigo asked.
"I have no clue whatsoever, but if he sends me to some deathtrap, I want to WRECK HIM!" Ralph answered.
Soul slash and stabbed the Antcounterers and Logicarrow blocked the exit as the underwater base is starting to flood.
"Quick you sluggish droids! We must evacuate the base immediately......wait hold on.........Fool! Stop blocking the escape hatch!" Grievious command.
"No! You were the asshole who sent those droids when me and Kaiton were at the Planet Zoltar. ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" as Logicarrow charged on Grievous, Soul and Kaiton snucked through the droids and infiltrated the factory.
"Uggggggh! This factory smells like horse shit...wait Kaiton, how come you can't smell this shitty odor? Soul questioned.
"The powers from a zircon that exploded gave me the powers of science that helps me not distinguish the smell of horrible odor like this one, for example." Kaiton answered.

On the way, they met Erza and the others, trying to turn of the machine that releases the nasty odor. "Erza hurry up. I can't smell this odor anymore." Wendy replied.
"Wendy, I'm almost done...." She hit the machine. "......Got it!" Erza screamed.
The Antcounterers started dying because the odor that circulates their breathing health was turned off.
"Well, at least we didn't even have to fight them which well I got to say: THAT WAS EASY AS THE EASY BUTTON FROM STAPLES :-)." Carla said and smirked.

Griveous got sucked up on the current when the ocean base collapsed while Logicarrow anchored itself in a huge ocean whelk.
Ichigo and Ralph were launched automatically in a rocket that sent them to the Death Star.
"Hey what's that? It looks like an egg. Can we keep it please Lucy?" Happy begged.
"Should we keep the egg, Erza?" Lucy passed the questioned.
"I believe these creature were about to experiment this egg, but I'm not going to take care of it." Erza requested.
"I'll keep it. It should be Me and Soul's little child yay!" Blair speaked up.
"But Erza, Kid, why can't you keep it?" Soul replied.
"Well, uhhhhh, I have to take care of these two sisters Patty and Liz. But Liz isn't with us because she's in vacation." Kid answered.
"And I have to take care of these little kittens Happy and uh........Carly ;)" Erza answered.
"It's Carla. CARLA." Carla said.
"Ugh fine we will take care of it :(" Soul said sadly.

To be continued............

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